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259 results for " "

Price Comparer

Jump start your Price Comparision site with products from Amazon,…

Shortys for ClassiPress

Shortys for ClassiPress

A tool for creating customized listings using super flexible shortcodes,…



A professional review and rating system for WordPress.


iCodes Publisher

Jump start your Clipper site with affiliate deals from iCodes.


Home Control for Vantage

Widgetized Vantage home page including a grid view for easier control.


AdPoster Blocker

A simple but powerful plugin that blocks spammy new user regs and/or…


Vantage Search Auto Suggest

Enables a Google-like auto suggest search feature within Vantage.


Image Slider for ClassiPress

Replace the default ClassiPress ad listing gallery with an interactive…



Accept payments for high risk credit card transactions using CCBill.



Multiple color combinations. Clean responsive design. Compatible with…


Logic Widgets

Quickly and easily add conditional content to your AppThemes site including…


LinkShare Publisher

Jump start your Clipper site with affiliate deals from Rakuten Marketing.



A simple, minimal, flat design child theme for Clipper.


AppMaps Bing

Replace Google Maps with Bing Maps on your AppThemes website.


AppMaps MapQuest

Replace Google Maps with MapQuest on your AppThemes website.
