
Authorize.Net makes it easy for you to accept credit card payments and e-checks for products or services sold on your AppThemes website.

It works across almost all our themes right away (see supported themes in sidebar). Setup single transactions or recurring subscriptions with this plugin.

Users can securely store payment information (behind the scenes via the API and not your website) without having to worry about being PCI compliant. The next time they visit your website, they don’t need to re-enter their payment information.


  • Secure hosted payments. Your users are taken to Authorize.Net’s secure site, where they are protected through the payment process.
  • Accept payments from: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diner’s Club, JCB, and Signature Debit Cards.
  • Supports AppThemes recurring orders. Allow users to subscribe to your site and automatically bill them periodically.
  • International transactions processed in US dollars.


  • An Authorize.Net merchant account. Sign up here.
  • Your business must operate out of an office in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe or Australia. Read more on
  • AppThemes product with payments support.
  • PHP 5.3 with cURL, JSON, and SimpleXML PHP extensions (usually enabled by default)
  • An SSL certificate to encrypt all transactions
6 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

The Payment Gateway will work with any theme that supports AppThemes Payments.

I can’t find the recurring payment support.

At this moment only JobRoller and Vantage utilize the recurring payments support available in recurring payment gateways. Support is being rolled out across themes as we find situations that require it.

My Vantage installation isn’t working correctly.

You need to upgrade to Vantage 1.4 or newever in order to use Vantage along with Authorize Net.


To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, you can configure the settings via the Payments Settings for your site.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.0.1

  • Plugin will error and auto-disable itself when the current theme is not using AppThemes Payments
  • Language files are now loaded correctly
  • Fingerprint generation is  now aware of sandbox mode  and behaves properly when it is enabled

Version 1.0.2

  • Fixed bug loading the translation file.

Version 1.1

  • Enhanced configuration error messages for better admin troubleshooting
  • Remove AIM/DPM support in favor of CIM support
  • Added recurring payments support through CIM integration
  • Add multiple card management support through CIM integration
  • Updated internationalization support
  • Fixed bug where recurring orders caused fatal errors on site load

Version 1..1.

  • Updated SSL Certificate
  • Updated table styling
  • Add redirection for SSL
  • Removed internationalization for developer messages
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 Comments (83)

  • Andrew

    Do the marketplace items work for the jobroller themes?

  • jblackwell5338

    When using the Hosted Payment form the form does not show. It’s just a blank page with vantage background.

    Also when using Self hosted form the purchaser is only asked for CC, CVC, and Expiration.

    What Am I doing wrong?

    • staff

      @jblackwell5338, please post your support questions in our forum. Someone will be able to assist you there. 🙂

      • jblackwell5338

        I have posted it there and I have Posted it here. Nothing has changed and I haven’t spoken with anyone in the Vantage forums that can use this plugin.

        jblackwell5338 likes this.
        • staff
          Yumiko (AppThemes Support)

          @jblackwell5338 I understand that the issue is related to the version of the plugin being used, but that this was to be updated. You should have already heard from our support team since you posted this comment here, but I’m also replying here in case you haven’t logged into the forums and received any update via PM. Thanks.

          • jblackwell5338

            I have not heard from support team. I also it is still not working. I’m not aware of an updated version.

  • staff
    Yumiko (AppThemes Support)

    @jblackwell5338 Sorry to hear that you have not already received further information about this. The updated version of the plugin which should resolve the issue is to be made available very soon for download. I’m just clarifying the date for this and will advise asap. Thank you for your patience.

  • rickfulton

    Are any plugins available to process credit cards like on Classipress? Thanks.

    • staff

      @rickfulton, not in the marketplace at this time. ClassiPress will be undergoing changes to the payments functionality which will allow future compatibility with these gateway plugins (which currently only work with Vantage). This is earmarked for v3.3 of ClassiPress as indicated on the theme release status page. thanks.

  • ppsonline

    So is the plugin now compatible with jobroller

  • staff

    @ppsonline, not at this time. The changes in JobRoller required for compatibility are planned for version 1.7, with the estimated date indicated on the theme release status page. Thanks.

  • MaxiDesigns

    Does this one work in Australia?

    Can you change it to AU dollars?

  • staff

    @MaxiDesigns, only processes payments in U.S. dollars, so may not be the best option for your location if you want to process in AU dollars. You may like to try the payment gateway plugin which has confirmation on their website for support of AUD. Thanks

  • luxor

    Please respond to this thread… If the plugin creator is willing to make this work with an additional consultation fee, please let me know.

  • staff

    @luxor, I see the developer is already in communication with you in the thread, thanks.

    • sashaiyam

      I just purchased the plugin and it states that it is not compatible with the current classipress theme is their i way that I can get my product refunded cause i really dont think that is fair.

      • staff

        @sashaiyam, the plugin is compatible with the latest version of ClassiPress v3.3. We have emailed you to obtain more information of the problem you’re experiencing, please do respond via email and we will get this resolved. Thanks.

  • vegaskev

    When will this have the ability to support recurring payments? Vantage (and others here) pretty much require recurring billing in order to be effective…I need for this project but it has to have recurring billing, so without it, I can’t use Vantage. Any chance this will support recurring payments in the next week or so?

    • staff

      @vegaskev, Recurring payments is planned in future, but in the next week or so, unfortunately not. Thanks.

      • tbase

        Ok, so we are coming up on 3 months since the recurring payments question by vegaskev was asked, can we please get some (hope) word at the very least that it is currently being worked on or not?

        Thank you

        Anonymous likes this.
        • vegaskev

          Yes, it’s been several months since we’ve heard that this is in he works. Any chance on it happening soon? A directory site is no good without recurring billing.

  • jblackwell5338

    rocking 1.0.2 and getting stuck at payment selection screen.

  • Elijah

    Will this plugin work in Nigeria for Naira ?

    Also, how would i synchronise the plugin to my account? I mean how does the money paid on my website get to my account.

    Anonymous likes this.
    • staff

      @Elijah, as per the plugin details, international transactions are processed in US Dollars. When the customer is completing the transaction process, they are redirected to for payment, so funds would be paid directly to your account. Thanks.

      • ositech

        My primary concern at the moment is to have the theme display Nigerian Naira. I don’t need to accept credit cards as I can do bank account transfers.

        Will this child theme solve that for me?

  • yogamatt

    Any chance this will eventually support recurring payments?

    Using Jobroller.

    • staff

      @yogamatt, we’d like to see this occur for all of our themes eventually, however at this time we do not have a confirmed time frame to when this may be. Thanks.

  • goldforu

    Hi, how do I setup a specific redirection page if I choose the option below in the dashboard settings
    Authorize.Net Hosted
    Your customers will be redirected to a secure payment form hosted on Authorize.Net.

  • starahj


    I have a quick question. I see that there are fees on the website, and just wanted to know- If I purchase Authorize from Appthemes, will I have to pay their set up, and monthly gateway fee?

    • vegaskev

      Yes you would have to pay their fees. The plugin for is not a membership to It’s a plugin that will allow you to sync your account with your AppThemes site without doing any coding yourself. The Merchant Processors operate completely separate from AppThemes and AppThemes’ sites. Once you pick your Merchant Processor, you’ll come here and purchase the relevant plugin so that you can sync them and have people make purchases on your site.

      I hope that I’ve answered your question.

      Yumiko likes this.
  • staff
  • Vickyj

    I have websites that are set up for 7 different countries and I am finishing up my India website but have no way of receiving payments from Indian users. I am using Vantage.

    1) Will this payment gateway support payment made with Indian Rupee into my USA business bank account?

    2) Should I list US Dollars on my website or Indian Rupees?

    3) When reoccurring payments begin on Vantage (Dec 2013 or Jan 2014) will your plugin support this function also?

    • staff

      @vickyj thanks for the update re: your call to The plugin will possibly need to be updated to support reoccurring payments once it’s available in Vantage but this will be done/tested around the same time. Thanks.

  • Vickyj

    I called and they said that website users in India paying for an online service through an international card like Visa or Mastercard are accepted methods of payment which is then converted from their currency (Indian Rupees) to a USA account in US dollars but I have to show the price on the website in US dollars. A drawback I can live with.

    Yumiko likes this.
  • luxor

    Please keep us updated with the and recurring payments of Vantage 1.3.

  • scsadmin1

    I am using classipress 3.3.1 and bought the plugin. However, the site gets stuck on a page with the message “You are now being redirected to a secure page.” SSL has been installed and the plugin has been configured with the keys. Please advise…

  • tristan_0123

    I want to integrate this to my vantage site which the new update does support recurring payments. I want this plugin to skip the hassle of signing up for Paypal. Will the billing recur now because of the new vantage update or will it still not?

  • vickyj

    Can the author of this plugin please let us know if you are working on updating this plugin to accept recurring payments?

    And WHEN is the updated plugin likely to be available?

  • vickyj

    Is this plugin being updated to accept recurring payments for the Vantage theme yet?
    Anxiously waiting on an ETA along with others wanting this option for Vantage.
    Can you please update us?

  • vickyj

    I have multiple multisites using this payment gateway and cannot find any information about Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) so that my listings will expire successfully and Vantage will send the relevant emails to say the listing has expired to both the client and admin. Because I have many sites I need to make sure that the IPN (or whatever it is called for works on all sites and not just one URL to return notifications to action these functions. FYI: I currently have the same expiration issues with Paypal and it is being worked on. Can you please let me know the instructions for multisite set up so my listings expire correctly for all sites?

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