Confirm Email

Protect your WordPress site from spam registration. Confirm Email requires new users to confirm their email addresses.

Having so many spam registrations? Tired of getting fake users with fake emails? Good news! Confirm Email will solve your problems. Confirm Email will send a confirmation email and the only time it will actually “create” the account for the user if the email address is confirmed.

Confirm Email integrates seamlessly with AppThemes registration system and uses all native registration hooks which allows all your current customization and plugins to the registration work.


  • Sends confirmation email upon registration.
  • Requires from users to confirm email address before they can login on site.
  • Disallows users with not confirmed email from resetting password.
  • Adds an option to resend confirmation email.
  • Admins can see not confirmed users in ‘wp-admin’ on separate list.


  • AppThemes Product with Custom Login Pages Support (see FAQ)
6 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

The Confirm Email plugin will work with any theme that supports AppThemes custom login pages.

  • ClassiPress 3.2+
  • Clipper 1.3+
  • Ideas 1.3+
  • HireBee 1.0+
  • JobRoller 1.6+
  • Quality Control 0.8+
  • Taskerr 1.0+
  • Vantage 1.1+

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, register new user account on your site to see plugin in action.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum

Version 1.2.2

  • Fixed issue when pending users were able to login using email as username

Version 1.2.1

  • Added Spanish translation

Version 1.2

  • Fixed issue with activation url no being hiperlinked in the email

Version 1.1

  • Fixed issue with not creating ‘pending’ user role for sites other than main when Network activating plugin
  • Fixed issue with not creating ‘pending’ user role for new sites when plugin is Network activated
  • Fixed issue where user was able to login without activating account (Multisite + Network activated plugin)
  • Fixed email notifications with login credentials being sent before the confirmation email (ClassiPress, JobRoller)
  • Fixed email notifications with login credentials being sent before the confirmation email (Newer versions of HireBee, Taskerr, Vantage)

Version 1.0

  • Initial release

9 reviews of “Confirm Email

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(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (76)

  • liquidaexpress

    This plugin simply does not work. Support does not work. I gave up a long time use.

    • staff

      We’re working on fixes. @liquidaexpress, can you explain the problem you’re having?

      What theme and WordPress version are you using?

      If you’ve already started a forum thread, please include that link.

  • meloniq

    New version 1.1 of the plugin has been released fixing issues with sending emails with credentials before the activation email, and with creating ‘Pending’ user role on Multisite when plugin was Network activated.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • fyutk707

    Hello , it Seems everything is working fine but how to remove second email with the content name and the user password, that is sent two identical letters. Thank you!

    2 people like this.
    • meloniq

      Issue with sending second email has been fixed in recent release, please download a fresh copy from your user dashboard ( ), and update plugin on your site.

      If it still sending second registration email, please open a thread on forum and provide details about you site setup: what theme and in which version, what plugins and child theme do you use.

  • malkie

    I purchased this plugin and have been using it. I am getting warnings from security software to update to version 1.1.

    When I use auto update it stays at the same version 1.0, I downloaded from my account at Appthemes and this version is also version 1.0.

    How do I get 1.1 ?

    • meloniq

      Hi @malkie,
      What security software you are using that warns you about potential risk by downloading this plugin?
      To download a fresh copy visit your user dashboard: Current plugin version is 1.2, I have did a test, download of new version works from the dashboard.

  • Albert

    I also am asking… How do you get version 1.1?
    the developer version is only 1.0

  • malkie

    Thank you for your reply meloniq.

    WordFence warns me to update.

    Plugin update from within WordPress downloads version 1.0.

    I tried to download from my AppThemes account that was also version 1.0 (tried a few times). I can now download version 1.2 from AppThemes, but not 1.2.1

  • malkie

    Download is 1.2 and also updates from within WordPress are now 1.2.

    Thank you.

  • roc1

    Works like it is supposed to.

    Thanks for this plugin.

  • amroomi

    Where can I find the unconfirmed user list?

    • Roc1

      Look in your dashboard under USERS – you will find a new category has been put in place named Pending User – click on that and you will see all Pending Users.

      Regards, Roc1

  • xlakshithax

    will this plugin work in classipress? and how to install ?

    • xlakshithax

      my claasipress new user registration email going to spam folder..even im getting mail to spam folder..will that work fine after i install this plugin?

      Anonymous likes this.
  • tamimi89

    Hello. Is there are way to enhance the emails sent by this plugin, for example, add logo and change font style? Currently it sends only a thank you sentence followed by complete activation link, which i prefer to style that and add logo.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • manishkhullar

    Hi … does this plugin work with latest version of classipress ?

  • topsell

    That plugin not send email. I have that plugin on page. how to fix it ?

    I use classipress 3.6.1 and classipost last version.

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  • themeforestpro

    100% working for me thanks

  • Jorge

    I installed confirm email plugin but it does not send email to user. Is there something I have to setup?

  • danmont

    Just purchased the plugin, Thanks.

    It sends the verification link. I click on it and verify my account. This part works.

    BUT, it does NOT send the email with password! Even after I verify my account I still do not receive the password. How are users suppose-to log into their account later without receiving their login info and password??

    Please Help!

    • danmont

      It came through!

      The email was in the “promotions” folder in the gmail. Sometimes gmail sends mail there for whatever reason.

      Everything seems to work good,


  • Adrian

    Interesting and very informative post!
    Nice plugin. It is very useful.
    Thanks for sharing this information with us.

    mbruiz1967 likes this.
  • tykoon

    How to get this plugin to work with Vantage 4x? I get this message when try to activate the plugin

    “AppThemes Confirm Email does not support the current theme. Your theme not using the AppThemes themed login pages”

  • puremind

    Hello App theme ,
    I this plugin work with classipress Version: 3.6.1, also i can see confirmation and other message was edited with jobseekers what about classipress ads submitters . were the we can edit the message in side of your plugging. most danger is yeaterday i have 130 sapm registration even we have activate Captcha v3, in our site, i thinks clssipress team must be smart to provide more assisting to us in this case but there is not any one for even live chat Advice . worrying about my purchasing classipress . theme too. thank you

  • puremind

    hello any one online or live in app theme market place…
    since Aug 16, 2019 at 10:44 pm i am waiting for quality Answer

    Hello App theme ,
    I this plugin work with classipress Version: 3.6.1, also i can see confirmation and other message was edited with jobseekers what about classipress ads submitters . were the we can edit the message in side of your plugging. most danger is yeaterday i have 130 sapm registration even we have activate Captcha v3, in our site, i thinks clssipress team must be smart to provide more assisting to us in this case but there is not any one for even live chat Advice . worrying about my purchasing classipress . theme too. thank you

  • puremind

    hello i wait so long but no Answer from any one but i purchased it and uploaded and test it simply its working without any hazel lets see what happen to spam user a bot now. i will come with more experience about this plugging in future. hope its will be Stablemy spam user registration so far . so far i do not want to edit any things as

    1. i receive confirmation link and :To complete the activation of your account please click the following link:

    2. After click link i received confirmation with password:

    (with simple message : likes : Thanks for registering at The world’s local ads bank! ads! etc:

    Thank you 5 star for the plugging so far….

  • dtsilva84

    I need help please!
    I made the purchase of the plugin and installed it everything works correctly, I changed the language and the emails were sent all ok, but my website has a configuration problem where the client logs in does not appear that he is logged in only when he presses the button to enter with me see my menu or control panel. Can anyone help me solve this problem?

    • ghalebalghoutani

      Purchased and installed, but cant find the configurations for this plugin. I though it is self pilot, but after reading your comment it seems there is a configuration of the email language. my WP does not show anything related to this plugin except listing under the installed list of plugins and marked as active. Nothing else.

  • manishkhullar

    Hi can you please check the support forum. 3 out of 10 users are automatically logged in without the need of activation email. I need a function to redirect them to another page after registration where I can tell them what to do next. Thanks.

  • frame34

    I really want to buy this, but it looks like the support is not exiting (at least here noone answers)

    Does it work with Classipress 4.2.2? I assume, I can change the text message and the new user can set his/her own password.


  • Artem Frolov


    The “Confirm Email” plugin has been updated to version 1.2.2. Fixed issue when pending users were able to login using email as username.


    Anonymous likes this.

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