
With 2Checkout, you can accept payments in any of eight payment methods, fifteen languages, and twenty six currencies.

And now, you can start accepting payments via 2Checkout with your AppThemes website. Does not support recurring payments at this time.



4 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

The 2Checkout Payment Gateway will work with any theme that supports AppThemes Payments. Currently this includes Vantage, Clipper, ClassiPress, and JobRoller.

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, you can configure the settings via the Payments Settings for your site.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.1.0

  • Update to work with new 2Checkout API

Version 1.0.1

  • Plugin will automatically error and auto-disable itself if theme does not support AppThemes Payments
  • Fatal Error no longer caused because AppThemes Payments is not loaded
  • Plugin now correctly load translation files

2 reviews of “2Checkout

5 stars
Problem after payment
By -

I still did not relieve any reply please help, I already sent a message in the support page forum. My website is http://www.lebscout.com
The problem is when I make a payment, instead of redirecting to my website and saying something like “payment succeeded” it redirects me, again, to the 2checkout webpage and ask me to make the payment one more time. This is very confusing to buyers as they will not know that their payment was successful although it will be, and in my website it will still note “payment pending” which is totally incorrect, because the payments are being made correctly.
Thank you

5 stars
so far so good
By -

its working with classipress

Anonymous likes this.
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 Comments (65)

  • wzshop

    Is iDeal payment method included as well?

  • sreenubfa

    Hi, This plugin indian currency rupee supported ?

  • sreenubfa

    This is working for Indian Currency Rupee ? Without customization ?

    3 people like this.
  • aymans87

    please I need help using this plugin. I already posted in the dedicated support forum but still no reply.
    The problem is when I make a payment, instead of redirecting to my website and saying something like “payment succeeded” it redirects me, again, to the 2checkout webpage and ask me to make the payment one more time. This is very confusing to buyers as they will not know that their payment was successful although it will be, and in my website it will still note “payment pending” which is totally incorrect, because the payments are being made correctly.
    Thank you

  • aymans87

    I still did not relieve any reply please help, I already sent a message in the support page forum

  • Jhuman


    After signing up with 2Checkout, on the Dashboard they ask which integration method will be used. Which option is most suitable to choose for this plugin?

    Thanks in advance

  • sanedman

    Hi, I would like to ask what is the use of Secret Word on 2Checkout Payment Settings?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • sanedman

    Hi, I would like to ask why it is not appeared on the option on the payment if I set it to automatically pay. I asked this to 2checkout support but it is not there end have issue. It is on your part. According to them, 2checkout can do automatically pay as well and there support said that the issue is on the plugin provider which is apptheme. Please do solve this issue. Thanks

  • merwinjs

    hi we faced a conflict with another plugin. can you provide support email? I will forward the details

  • mllerena

    Hi there, is it compatible with Vantage 4x?

    • staff

      Yes, all our payment gateway plugins work with Vantage 4.0.

      • mllerena

        Hi David, just purchased it and it’s now working with my vantage 4.x. I keep getting a message saying that there is no payment gateway available. When I activate another payment plugin I purchase from here everything works fine. Are you sure is compatible with Vantage 4.x?

        • staff

          Yes, make sure you enable the 2Checkout gateway under “Payments” => “Settings” => “General” => “Installed Gateways”.

  • mllerena

    Hi David, is this one really available in Spanish language?


  • mllerena

    Are you serious? I forgot to activate 2Checkout?? That is very funny David.
    The Strip plugin works fine 2Checkout doesn’t. Is it compatible with Vantage 4.x or not?

    • staff


      Some customers forget that step which is why I asked. If you performed that step and it’s still not working, then maybe there’s a bug with Vantage 4.

      I’ll log a ticket with our dev team to check it out.

      BTW, thanks for posting your question in our support forum. That’s where someone can assist you better.

  • puremind

    hello can i use 2checkout plugins for my web site as you only support paypal witch in srilanka cannot receive Payment yet. ? did i have to purchase from only you and is there is any other menthod? to download 2check out. i saw one with wordpress free plugins too.

    need help and great solution. I have a two checkout account…..

  • puremind

    hello i purchased to 2check out today did any one knows about what is meaning secret word automacly included after plugin update to word press

  • puremind

    hello i purchased to 2check out today did any one knows about what is meaning secret word automatically included after plugin update to word press

  • puremind

    Thank you for great app, i got every things finally . after study few tings we can received payment …

  • Marco

    it’s not possible to create an 2checkout account … after 2 Weeks no result, a lot of mails from 2S very costumer unfriendly… 🙁 PayPal is much better…
    It’s possible to get my money back for this adon?

  • marioserrano

    es compatible para pagos en chile ??

  • sssdornier

    Does it work with the new 2checkout system updates?

  • puremind

    I have done Renewal for Ads Auto Re-Lister $6

    so what i have to do next is that pulgin are automatically update or i have to upload plugin again?

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