ClassiPress Verified User

Live Demo

Add verified icon to verified user’s profile and the user’s ads
Let guests know the user has been verified as a trusted user with real and verified ads
Administrator can mark/unmark users as verified from the wp admin dashboard
Verified users are skipped from ad moderation

5 people like this.

1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
2. Enable the plugin.
3. Mark users as verified in their profile in Wordpress Admin.


  • Fix some strings were not being translated


  • Fix always showing verified user icon in edit profile page


  •  Fix not skipping moderation for verified users on edit of ad

User will still see a message about moderation because the theme doesn’t
give a choice how to avoid it but the ad will be published.


  • Add support for classipress 4


  • Change priority for appriving ads after payment from default to 12


  • Fix auto activating orders for verified users after completing a payment


  • Avoid trying to handle invalid order id


  • Skip ad moderation for verified users
  • Add verified icon in the poster tab in single ad page


  • Fix clear of verified tag when user updates his profile


  • update icon display to align with other icons from plugins like feature and bump ad


  • fix not to send unverified user an email on profile update


  • first


You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (58)

  • liquidaexpress

    Hello! Congratulations for the plugin! The icon was in a position that I would like to change, can you help me, please?

  • author

    I replied in the forum.

  • jasongeek

    Pre sales question. Can they pay for verification and then the administrator gets a notification. Then then administrator marks them verified after verifying their details?

  • Martin

    Social media verification would be nice. Just a suggestion.

  • author


    the plugin doesn’t support payment. you can use another plugin like contact-form-7 to create a form to send verification papers and then create a payment request to them through paypal or other payment system you have.

    what do you mean about social media verification? admin display of the user details from social login?


    jasongeek likes this.
  • author

    I don’t think there is such API. have a link? I read it means user will connect with his social media credentials (As done with login plugin) and then admin can verify the user is real according to his social details and not a bot.

  • liquidaexpress

    I bought this plugin and adds nothing interesting on the site. He just puts an icon in the ad. Only this and nothing more. Ideally, when you click the icon to open popup with a report stating the qualities that led this seller be verified.

  • brianjester

    Hi roidayan,

    The demo looks ok, but it would be more official looking if you could add the relevant textual info next to the icon.

    Sellers Name: roidayan
    Member Since: 02/27/2016
    Verified Member: ✔

    Something like that would hit the spot, but the key is to make it look like it belongs where you put it instead of just adding the icon.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author

    Hi Brian

    Someone reported something similar in the forums. Note taken.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • gremminger

    It would be great if this plugin would enable the verified users to post ads without approval. All others can only post with approval.

    3 people like this.
  • author

    hi gremminger,

    this is a nice suggestion. noted.


    gremminger likes this.
  • Rosinha

    Hello. How can I change for my language Portuguese? Thank you

  • gremminger

    Any idea if this is going to be implemented? I would be paying for that!

  • author

    hi gremminger,

    yes I liked the idea and I will check about implementing it. I still need to check it’s possible without modification in classipress core. also not sure if at first there will be an option page because this is the only option but it will be easy to activate by editing the file and changing a line from ‘false’ to ‘true’.

  • FreddySpageddy

    Can this work with more themes, other than just ClassiPress?

  • author

    to work with other themes will require modification.

  • andy

    how exactly do they get verified? by credit card? by replying to an email link? i mean, some are more “verifiable” than others.. i cant tell you how many sites i used a flimsy email on just to get access, clicked to verify and then i was in.
    so again, How do they get verified?

  • author

    hi andy,
    there is no automatic process. an admin needs to mark the user as verified.

  • pandeli

    Hi roidayan,
    If enable the verified users to post ads without approval please let me know.

  • letilove

    hello, you can charge users for example $ 5 for verification?
    The process would be:
    1) Click on button on the user’s profile -> “becomes verified member” to get more bla bla bla …
    2) I land on a page where there is
    – Optional text; for example that after payment you will receive an email to be answered and send the following documents (a scan or photo of your identity card or passport + Proof of address eg. a scan of an electric bill, gas or telephone)
    – Button —> pay now with PayPal
    3) user click on -> payment button and the same time part of the email that reaches the USER.

    4) admin receive notification that user asked for verification (in admin pannel become pending approval)

    5) when admin receives documents checked on APPROVES and VERIFICATION USER so now ICON appears on DISPLAY

  • gremminger

    Automatic approval of ads by verified users would be a HUGE improvement, that would make life so much easier! 😉

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author

    not planned currently. you can use contact form 7 plugin or other to create a forum to submit approvals and ask for a transaction.

    this is already like this since v1.1.0.

    2 people like this.
  • gremminger

    Woah, I did not notice! Thanks!

  • gremminger

    The plugin works very nice!
    And I really like that verified users can post ads without interaction by an admin.

    One comment though: maybe this plugin interferes with CP Premium Add-ons by Themebound.
    It seems that now those ads are activated before the ads are paid.

    And how about paid featured ads? Are those also automatically activated before payment?

  • author

    please use the support forums.

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