
Add users the ability to feature live ClassiPress ads.
By default only when users purchase an ad they can select if to make it featured. With this plugin users will be able to feature an ad at a later time.

The charge is done through the framework payment gateways.

5 people like this.
  1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
  2. Enable the plugin.
  3. Configure the plugin under ClassiPress->Feature Ad.
Please visit the dedicated support forum.


  • Fix going back from payment to preview item
  • Fix dashboard title


  • Add support for classipress 4


  • Add missing strings from template to pot file


  • Fix not to allow to feature an expired ad


  • Fix post content disappear on feature ad click


  • Fix icon not showing in child themes


  • Use Wordpress dashicons
  • Update style for CP 3.5


  • Add appthemes id to make the appthemes updater work


  • Add order description
  • Add preview step


  • Fix possible xss vuln


  • fix expiration update to be according to the original length of the ad
  • display summary page after payment


  • fix showing feature icon in some pages


  • fix showing link in ad listing


  • new option to show link in the ad listing


  • fix payment problem with CP 3.4


  • when featuring an ad extend the expiration date like a renew.
  • add CP 3.4 dashboard listing actions hook.


  • added action hook to allow users to add link in the user dashboard.
  • fix crash when CP theme is not loaded.


  • first

One review of “FeatureMe

2 stars
This plugin not working properly
By -

This plugin not working properly. This plugin does not work with your ‘Extend Ad’ plugin. The price is not added to ‘cp_sys_feat_price’. So if you feature free or paid ad and next you will try to extend it, the fee for extension will not include fee for featured – will be zero for free ads or procentable from basic fee. So now the plugin is worthless. Upgrade is necessary!

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (89)

  • author

    no. not tested with classipress4

  • hzmhzm

    Bump Ads
    Feature Me
    Extend Ad
    I am awaiting the upgraded version of at least those plugins that is compatable with 4+.

    alphakor likes this.
  • saltspring

    Would love to have this upgraded to work with Classipress 4x please. We were a customer for previous versions. Would like to buy again for Classipress 4x

  • Zingyixiu

    Cp add-on plugin has all those features.

    saltspring likes this.
  • author

    plugin updated to support classipress 4.

  • nigobvba

    Hi Roidayan,

    bump ads is working fine with CP4.

    Have a great day

  • martin

    classipress 4.24 another one of your plugins doesn’t work…. can feature adverts without paying… any assistance?

  • author

    hi martin, assistance is through the support forum only and not in comment. also you will need to describe the issue in the forum thread.

  • martin

    hi, there is a bug in the plugin , if you decide not to feature on the paypal screen and click on the return to “site” at the bottom , it creates an infinite redirect loop . it tries to return you then back to paypal. user can not do anything about it other than close page and reload to home page , major headache for a user 🙂

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