ClassiPress Custom Emails

Customize your ClassiPress emails easily from the WordPress admin dashboard without the need to edit any source code.

Support changing the following emails:

  • New ad
  • New ad admin
  • Ad approved
  • Ad expired
  • Membership activated
  • Membership expire reminder
  • Buyer receipt
  • Admin receipt
  • Failed transaction
  • Contact ad author
  • Report notification
  • Password reset (requires CP 3.5)
  • Password change (requires WP 4.3.0)
3 people like this.
  1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
  2. Enable the plugin.
  3. Configure the plugin under ClassiPress->Custom Emails.


  • Replace create_function with anonymous function to be compatible with PHP 7.2


  • Fix compatibility with other plugins that register to cp email filters


  • Fix translatable strings in contact template
  • Add image variable to contact template


  • Fix set email content-type to html


  • New template: password reset
  • New template: password change


  • Fix new ad template


  • New user var for membership emails. use it instead of author
  • Fix new_ad_url var not available in membership emails
  • Fix post_message var not working in contact emails


  • Bug fix for using %subject% in the subject template
  • New template: contact ad author email
  • New template: report notification
  • Separate variables with section title
  • Fix not loading text domain for translations
  • Internal changes


  • Fix membership email
  • Fix buyer receipt author name


  • Add appthemes id


  • first

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 Comments (74)

  • Harry

    Thanks for the response Roidayan,

    We are after the below plugins

    – Bump Ad
    – Infinity Scroll
    – Related Ads
    – ClassiPress custom emails
    – Classi Online

    There is no direct email link to contact you, therefore we are asking the following question from this session.

    Can you please let us know the best price for all these above Plugins as a package ?


  • author

    sorry, not sure if this is possible. you need to contact appthemes to ask about this.

  • razmikg

    Dose ClassiPress Custom Emails and WP Email Styler work separately. I mean I can have both in my classipress without any problem.

    By the way I used “Storepress” as my child theme? Am I going to have any problem?

  • author

    Hi razmikg,

    Yes the plugins are separate. You can ha e them both working in classipress.
    There should be a y problem with child themes as well as long as they don’t change something significant related to email handling.

  • Vahe

    Hi Roidayan,

    Does this plugin support html?

  • author

    yes. the format is done using html.

  • ismaelmenezes

    With the plugin ClassiPress Custom Emails I can change the email plugin Lost Order ?

  • author

    hi ismaelmenezes,
    not currently but I will add it.

  • sreenubfa

    What is different

    ClassiPress Custom Emails & WP Email Styler

    I am looking for “Emails style” purchase. Bu i am confusing these two plugins.

    My Website :

  • author

    hi sreenubfa,

    custom emails plugin allows changing the email subject and body.
    wp emails styler is for changing the style of the emails but not the emails content.
    see the screenshots.

  • Kris

    Does this plugin send a custom new user notification email?

  • author

    Hi Kris,

    customizing new user notification is not available. i’ll add it.


  • author

    Hi Kris,

    I see classipress theme already has support for changing the new user email template.
    It’s in wp-admin->classipress->emails->new iser.

    So maybe there is no reason to add this to the plugin.


  • thao

    hi Roi, the apptheme do not support funtion and email who is approve your ads and funtions and email who is reject my ads.

  • author

    hi thao,

    ad approved email is already in the plugin.

    • thao

      approved email: yes it’s ready but in the info ads not show who’s approved your ads
      Ex: User Name A post ads; Admin Name B approved ads of User A. On listing detail user A don’t show customfiles Approve by : Admin B

      The same reject ads
      If User A post ads but the admin reject this ads with reason: don’t have images. In the wp-admin don’t any option send reason reject ads of user A

  • author

    hi thao,

    this is not related to this plugin. the plugin only allows you to use available variables and won’t add new ones. classipress theme doesn’t store who approved/rejected an ad. this can be requested from appthemes or me (or someone else) can make a plugin for this.

  • thao

    hi roi, you can made this plugins. i need it’s a best plugins. you can mạde it and sales on market appthemes

  • thao

    hi roi, you can made plugin who is approved ads show custom fiefd listing ads “approved by: userapprove”
    and plugin reason rejected your ads

  • author

    ok. i’ll think about it.

  • wzshop

    When an ad is pending no email is send. Is that normal ?
    Your plugin suggests that an email should be send when someone posts a new ad, correct?

    Any idea?

  • Anders

    Is there a way to send an “test-email” to your self to see how it looks like?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author

    Hi Anders,

    You can use free “Check Email” plugin available from repo.

  • Anders

    Hi there,

    I bought this plugin and are testing it now. I have one general question (not a support question)

    When someone on my site uses the contact from in the Ads, think that is under “contact emails” tab

    My question:

    Is it possible to send a copy (cc) to admin? Should be good to be ware of when people are sending (of mabye spam) your users.


  • author

    the plugin doesn’t modify the recipients. not sure it should be part of this plugin.
    could be a nice idea for small plugin to check if admin is not a recipient then to send him a copy. notice this can spam your admin mailbox on heavy websites. also sometimes an email is being sent to the user and then to the admin, not by cc. so in this case the admin will get double email.

    if you bought the plugin please use the forum also for general questions. it’s easier to track there.

    • Anders

      Ok, thanks, I will use the forum next time, for plugins I have paid for.

      If you can do something in this plugin or in a new one, to control the Contact emails I will be interested. Today customers can get spammed – and not easy to control or know that.

      Ok let me know if you do anything about this.


  • thao

    hi author
    a long time you have talked update new templates this plugin. I have suggested templates rejected or don’t approved ads. and who is approved ads
    please tell me more thank you

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