AppThemes Coupons

AppThemes Coupons are an easy way to start offering coupons to your customers. This is one of our most popular plugins!

With AppThemes Coupons, you can offer coupons with:

  • Flat rate discounts
  • Percentage based discounts (% of total order)
  • Time based limit
  • Per user or product limit


Also works with Vantage 4.0!

10 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

AppThemes Coupons will work with any theme that supports AppThemes Payments. This includes ClassiPress, Vantage, JobRoller, Clipper, and HireBee.

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, you can add/update/delete Coupons via the Payments Menu, under the Coupons page.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.2.5

  • Fixed issue with incorrect Start/End dates format.

Version 1.2.4

  • Added Spanish translation

Version 1.2.3

  • Fixed textdomain for string “Coupon Code”
  • Updated jQuery UI styles
  • Installed Grunt tasks

Version 1.2.2

  • Fixed compatibility error with JobRoller

Version 1.2.1

  • Setting a user level coupon limit gives fatal error

Version 1.2

  • Corrected loading plugin textdomain
  • Fixed issue with missing coupon code in checkout.

Version 1.1

  • Added discount, usage, expires and status columns to admin page
  • Fixed issue where user was able to add coupon multiple times to order
  • Fixed issue where plugin deactivates itself when using multisite and different theme

Version 1.0.4

  • Fixed problem where Coupons would give 3-decimal amounts to payment gateways

Version 1.0.3

  • Will no longer create three-decimal prices
  • Fixed rounding issue with flat discounts

Version 1.0.2

  • Added support for JobRoller and other AppThemes Products

Version 1.0.1

  • Textdomain files are now properly loaded
  • Plugin will now deactivate if the current theme does not support AppThemes Payments

7 reviews of “AppThemes Coupons

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 Comments (151)

  • casvar

    Hello! Do it work for Taskerr Theme?? Any issues?

    • staff

      @casvar, yes it should be fine.

      Anonymous likes this.
      • casvar

        Hello, I just updated Taskerr 1.1 and has the AppThemeCoupon and still not appearing in the price tabs (plan seleccion).

        Im using it in spanish. Do I have to make any other changes?

        Other Apptheme plug ins are working fine. I looked in the forum and coundnt find something about this issue.

        thank you!

        Anonymous likes this.
        • Yumiko

          @casvar, just following up on your earlier post. Please note that we provide all support for our products within the forums, so if you have not already done so, please do post here if you are still experiencing issues. Thanks.

  • Michael

    Does the user have to type the coupon code everytime they want to use it? For example, i have a coupon with a duration of one month. If the user uses the coupon on their first ad listing, do they have to type the coupon code again on their second ad listing; or is it automated?

  • annoncedon

    Would really be interesting to get coupons per category.

    2 people like this.
  • blue61em

    I have a JobRoller site. I wondered if your plugin would work for offering a 100% discount on a one-time basis to new job listers. If it does, what happens on check-out (using Paypal)? Would they still need to enter a credit card number for a $0 balance? I am considering this rather than setting up a special job pack for the purposes of tracking.

    2 people like this.
  • blue61em

    Will this plugin work with any payment gateway sold by AppThemes? I am using JobRoller with the standard Paypal gateway. I am considering moving to the Stripe gateway.

  • neto

    I have the same question blue61em asked 6 weeks ago – and no reply. Is this plugin still active?

    • neto

      Since the poster I referenced had more than 1 post – I was referring to the question asked if the plugin will allow 100%?
      “I have a JobRoller site. I wondered if your plugin would work for offering a 100% discount on a one-time basis to new job listers. If it does, what happens on check-out (using Paypal)? Would they still need to enter a credit card number for a $0 balance? I am considering this rather than setting up a special job pack for the purposes of tracking.”

      2 people like this.
  • vdavoody

    Dear Neto, I tried it with %100 Discounted Coupon. the system doesn’t go to Paypal. Ads show completely free and users don’t need to enter credit card number.

    • neto

      Thanks you Vdavoody – that helps.. my intent was to use the free – 100% coupon to get users to like my site on facebook. I am concerned that the developer did not reply and it does not look like they have been here since 10/14..

  • guiadelamujer

    Hi, could this work with vantage but im using a child theme (BFINDER), is there a problem or not?

    best regards.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Sylvia Henderson

    Can we set a coupon to make the balance $0 so basically free with promo code?

  • blue61em

    I have successfully done this by setting the discount amount to 100 and discount type to “percentage discount”. It works and users are not subject to the payment process with Paypal.

    • Sylvia Henderson

      So how does the user then finalize checkout with a balance of 0?

      • neto

        The zero balance does not require the app to interact with paypal and the checkout shows a zero charge. You can create this for testing by adding a job pack to a user account – the user posts the ad, clicks finish and jobroller shows a $ 0.00 (Zero) balance.

  • blue61em

    They don’t go through the rest of the check-out process and are not ported to Paypal. The job is when they click “continue” or “pay” on the next page. I don’t remember which.

  • sreenubfa

    Hi, I am trying to post some top coupon classifieds ads that time i have trouble. this plugin works?

    My requirement is: i want to post some classifieds ads with using coupon codes (start date, end date, coupon code,) in classipress. this plugin works in my requirement.

  • sreenubfa

    i am not providing to users. i want to post fronted “offers & coupons” ads for specific category based.

  • L Lecours

    I am going to be using “Invoices”. Will the coupon discount get deducted from the invoice?

    We are going to be using HireBee. Thank you.

  • baken1925

    Can I use this to have a code to receive 50% off or discounted memberships for my site?
    I don’t charge to post, I just have two membership options. From time to time I’d like to have people sign up with a discount for their membership price.

  • websitemr

    Hello is there any reporting options?

    I would need to know how many times each coupon is being used.


  • guiadelamujer

    This plugin is not working, i set it to 100% and the date, doesnt allow to select todays date, also at the check out shows a payment option for the customers

  • enrique_traun


    something working wrong with that plugin — especially with latest vantage (dev) – when choosing start date 09-17-2016 and end date 12-31-2016 – an error comes up – but it accept e.g. 18-11-2016 as end date !!!

    2 people like this.
  • Jorge

    Plug in is not working correctly. Will not acept end date. I have tried many dates and no luck.

  • tonioc75

    Same problem here.
    Does not record the beginning date (red color saying something is wrong but no error message).
    Then create a coupon in the coupon list with no info at all (no name, no discount, usage o/unlimited, never expiring).

    Tried many many dates

  • dutchman

    Same problem here. Not able to ad new coupons or update existing ones. Active coupons with valid dates not working either, price of listing will be shown without discount.

    Is this plugin still supported?

  • margothuijbregts

    I just updated my Coupons plugin, but get an error when I try to make a new coupon.
    The date picker turns red and I can’t activate the coupon.
    I am also using the ACF plugin, bet when I turn this off, the error stays.
    Can you help me out?

  • nnyorker

    Hi there – Is it for the site owner to offer coupons for listings or the listing owners to offer coupons to their customers?

  • nunoestevao

    Did this plugun work with Dealpress Theme ?

  • diariodovale

    I buy your COUPONS plugin for CLASSIPRESS. However, it is making an error in choosing an initial and final validity data.

    Start Date ( MM/DD/YYYY ) Result: 23 \23\e dezembro \23\e 2016
    End Date ( MM/DD/YYYY ) Result: 9 \29\e dezembro \29\e 2016

    Do you contact me?

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