AppThemes Coupons

AppThemes Coupons are an easy way to start offering coupons to your customers. This is one of our most popular plugins!

With AppThemes Coupons, you can offer coupons with:

  • Flat rate discounts
  • Percentage based discounts (% of total order)
  • Time based limit
  • Per user or product limit


Also works with Vantage 4.0!

10 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

AppThemes Coupons will work with any theme that supports AppThemes Payments. This includes ClassiPress, Vantage, JobRoller, Clipper, and HireBee.

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, you can add/update/delete Coupons via the Payments Menu, under the Coupons page.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.2.5

  • Fixed issue with incorrect Start/End dates format.

Version 1.2.4

  • Added Spanish translation

Version 1.2.3

  • Fixed textdomain for string “Coupon Code”
  • Updated jQuery UI styles
  • Installed Grunt tasks

Version 1.2.2

  • Fixed compatibility error with JobRoller

Version 1.2.1

  • Setting a user level coupon limit gives fatal error

Version 1.2

  • Corrected loading plugin textdomain
  • Fixed issue with missing coupon code in checkout.

Version 1.1

  • Added discount, usage, expires and status columns to admin page
  • Fixed issue where user was able to add coupon multiple times to order
  • Fixed issue where plugin deactivates itself when using multisite and different theme

Version 1.0.4

  • Fixed problem where Coupons would give 3-decimal amounts to payment gateways

Version 1.0.3

  • Will no longer create three-decimal prices
  • Fixed rounding issue with flat discounts

Version 1.0.2

  • Added support for JobRoller and other AppThemes Products

Version 1.0.1

  • Textdomain files are now properly loaded
  • Plugin will now deactivate if the current theme does not support AppThemes Payments

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 Comments (151)

  • [CLIPPER] We sell through deal sites so need something a little different…?

    […] isn't tied into the theme itself somehow. ClassiPress has a coupon functionality and there is a coupon plugin available in the AppThemes marketplace for Vantage, however these again are specific to the […]

  • tbase

    Hi Yumiko,

    >>>The plugin allows you to offer coupons to your customers so that they can post listings on your site at a discounted price.

    Just to be clear, this coupon does not allow business owners who have a business listing in my directory to have the ability to offer products at a discounted price via this coupon plugin, correct?

  • staff

    @tbase, Correct, the coupons are related to the price paid to post the actual listing. It does not relate to promotions the business may be running themselves. Thanks.

  • sean

    Does it work with Vantage v1.1.4 and will it be compatible with v1.2 as soon as it is released?

    Also how does it work if you give coupon for the entire cost of the listing? So if one of the listing plans cost $10 and the coupon is for $10 will it still take them to Paypal for $0 or just active the listing as if it were free.

    I like the idea of being able to invite someone to claim a listing for free if I contacted them. Then they have the choice to use the coupon to get a fee listing or as a discount off a higher level listing.

    tbase likes this.
  • staff

    @sean, yes the plugin is compatible with the latest release of Vantage, and will be tested with Vantage v1.2 beta to ensure compatibility with the final release.

    If you create a coupon for the entire cost of the listing, it will bypass the payment gateway process and treat it as if it were a free listing. Thanks.

  • luxor

    Is this plugin multisite friendly?

  • staff

    @luxor, yes it is. Thanks.

  • Sid

    As jobroller 1.7 beta released. Is this compatible?

  • staff

    @Sid, it will be with the stable release of v1.7 and the “Requires” field of this marketplace page will be updated accordingly. Thanks.

  • andreuerj

    Please, could you provide a complete installation details for classipress via ftp? Because I couldn’t find any plugin named “AppThemes Coupons” when I tried to install via “Plugins/add new” at wp-admin.

    • dspurlock

      You have to download it, then upload it from your computer. On the add new plug in page, click upload at the top of the page.

  • staff

    @andreuerj, you can download the AppThemes coupons plugin from your AppThemes customer dashboard – at which point you can upload it to your theme installation. You can seek further help specifically for the plugin here. Thanks.

  • pulla

    I am a jobrooler user and use another payment gateway (my own country one)
    Is it matter with payment gateway for this plugin?

    If I don’t use paypal, then it is not possible use this plugin..?

  • pulla

    by the way, i use 1.7 jobroller

  • staff

    @pulla, the AppThemes coupons plugin is tied in with the AppThemes payments functionality, but there are no specific settings which relate to linking it to the payment gateway itself. Thanks.

  • Greg

    Is there an option for printable coupon?

  • staff

    @Greg, the plugin is specifically for creating a coupon code to be used rather than one to be printed. The Clipper theme itself though, allows printable coupons. Thanks.

    • Greg

      @Yumiko We would like to use the plugin with Classipress but with the ability to buy and print coupons. Is it possible?

  • staff

    @Greg, the plugin won’t add this functionality (in terms of a printable coupon), so whilst it could potentially be possible through customization of the theme on your part, it would not work that way “out of the box”. Thanks.

  • jonaustin

    As i activate the plugin it deactivates and tells me that it is unable to use the current theme or version. I am currently using jobroller version 1.6.5 i am also using a child theme of flux 1.0.1 by tiny giant studios. Could you tell me which one I need to update or is it an issue with the child theme?

  • pulla

    I just bought it and I think this is a great one!

    and if it’s possible to add for next update, please add to let us choose “job plans” or “resume plans” (or both). cuz we do not want to give any coupon for resume plans. but there is no choice for it.
    if it’s possible, please add this.

    Thanks again!

    2 people like this.
  • pulla

    I have a question about limit. how do I know how many times used?
    We limited 100 Use Limit a coupon. then how can I find out how many time it has been used or left?

    any php code for count? or database table to see counts?

  • eewai

    sounds good.. any demo available for vantage?

  • mularue101

    Hi, Just wanted to know if this plugin can be used with classipress when the pricing model is set to “price per category”?

    Thank you

  • greatpeace


    I installed this plugin for vantage, but the coupon is not been taken out of the list price. It is showing original price in paypal also. I have checked everything to see what may be the problem but no idea. What is the problem?

    Thank you.

    • staff

      @greatpeace I see that you have now posted a thread for this in the support forums which is where we provide all support for our themes and marketplace products. One of our support staff will respond in the thread soon, so please do continue discussion there. Thanks.

  • luxor

    1. I am using the latest dev version of Vantage, however this plugin is not appearing during the plan or checkout phase. Is there another release?

    2. Is this plugin multipress friendly?

    • staff

      @luxor, I’m not aware of there being reports of this issue, however if you could please post in the relevant section of the forums here, our support team will be able to assist further.

      The plugin is designed for AppThemes products. The “Support” sidebar box at the top of this marketplace page indicates the compatible themes. Thanks.

  • mpurse

    I’d like to use the coupon to offer “6 ads for the price of 7” when ads are placed within one week.

    Will I be able to configure it to do that? Or customise it fairly simply to do so?


    • staff

      @mpurse, the default coupon functionality allows a flat discount rate or percentage discount, so there is no specific option as you describe in the current settings. Whether or not it’s simple to customize it to work as you describe is ultimately relative to your level of coding knowledge. Thanks.

    • kravshop

      I would really like this too or even if we could have a min. spend before the coupon is valid

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