Careerjet Publisher

A highly customizable aggregator that pulls job listings directly from the Careerjet database (using their partner API) and loads them into your JobRoller website.

This allows you to dynamically display jobs and monetize your listings whenever a payable job listing link has been clicked thru. Think about the potential! Works standalone or a way to supplement your existing job listing (or any type) of website.


  • Earn comissions from your site clicks on payable links
  • Select from over 64 countries
  • Flexible job queries to display the most relevant jobs to each unique website
  • Set any number of jobs to pull from Careerjet
  • Sort results by relevance, date or salary
  • Search Careerjet jobs, on demand or when no local results are found
  • Display Careerjet results on the frontpage, when searching or browsing jobs by type and categories
  • Cache front page results for better performance
  • Uses standard WordPress gettext libraries for easy translation
  • Clean and well commented code


4 people like this.

Manual installation via FTP:

  1. Upload the `careerjet-publisher` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in your WordPress admin area

To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP:

  1. Upload the downloaded zip file on the ‘Add New’ plugins screen (see the ‘Upload’ tab) in your WordPress admin area and activate.
Please visit the dedicated support forum.



  • Fixed issue with duplicated jobs on the front page.
  • Better parsing jobs query parameters.



  • Use ‘wp_remote_get()’ instead of ‘file_get_contents()’. Fixes issue when `allow_url_fopen` directive disabled in the php configuration.



  • Added Spanish translation



  • Use ‘wp_remote_get()’ instead of ‘file_get_contents()’. Fixes issue when `allow_url_fopen` directive disabled in the php configuration.
  • Fixed issue when plugin options have no effect in front-end.


  • Added Kenya to the country list
  • Updated API to 3.6
  • Added Grunt tasks



  • CareerJet logo being replaced by logo from other installed job feed plugin
  • Language file not working correctly (‘.po’ files must be placed in /languages folder and named ‘careerjet-publisher-xx_XX’, where ‘xx_XX’ is your country locale)


  • Added Nigeria to available countries list
  • Added Malta to available countries list
  • Added AppThemes ID for compatibility with the AppThemes Updater plugin
  • Updated Google maps geocoding to v.3
  • Removed wp_reset_query() calls

One review of “Careerjet Publisher

4 stars
Worth the money
By -

It does the job – good plugin to have.

Anonymous likes this.
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 Comments (87)

  • rajdip

    Is there any quick service available for this plug in setup, cause plugin cost cut from my account quickly. So i need a quick support also.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Carlos Velho

    Dear friends,

    I wonder if this plugin is currently working? Please ask me to inform you before affecting my purchase.

  • Artem Frolov

    Hello! Careerjet Publisher plugin has been updated to version 1.2.2 and fixed the issue when `allow_url_fopen` directive disabled in the PHP configuration.

  • Artem Frolov

    Hello! Careerjet Publisher plugin has been updated to version 1.2.3 and fixed the issue with duplicated jobs on the front page and overall better parsing jobs query parameters.

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