iCodes Publisher

Jump start your Clipper coupon site with coupon and promotional data from iCodes, the number one affiliate marketer in the world. Thousands of advertisers post coupons and promotions on many affiliate networks, the iCodes review them and merge into one big database, and now you can have this data imported to your Clipper site. No more complicated CSV imports! The iCodes Publisher Plugin does all the work for you.


  • Import coupons from 14+ affiliate networks
  • Automatically create stores or define store relations
  • Automatically create categories or define category relations
  • Import coupons on demand or schedule hourly, twice daily or daily updates
  • Define number of coupons to import


  • You must have a iCodes account. Sign up for a free account at icodes-us.com or icodes.co.uk.
  • The iCodes Publisher Plugin requires Clipper 1.4 or newer.
7 people like this.

Full install instructions can be found in the iCodes plugin tutorial.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.2

  • Fixed issues with saving stores relations
  • Fixed issues with importing store logos

Version 1.1

  • Added pagination to stores relations tab

Version 1.0

  • Initial release
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 Comments (37)

  • volusia

    ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL ADD-ON!!!! We just need to get it working with SkimLinks to be TRULY useful (In my opinion)… I posted a possible solution in the forum. Well worth the money, especially if you are willing to setup affiliate info manually in ICodes.

    3 people like this.
  • ecommark

    I think support forum is meant to help people facing bugs with the product. So would you mind replying to the thread which is still open, without any comments?

  • ecommark

    @dimitris, @appthemes
    Yeapsolutely, Would like to add Store Name Just After the Original Title, For Ex: save up to 74 from Paints Direct [Store Name]…….

    Hope to receive the response, ASAP.

  • jimskin

    The icodes plugin logo import feature doesn’t work on this plugin. I opened a support forum ticket 3 weeks ago and still no support so far. Looks like all of your efforts are put into generating sales.

  • Yumiko

    @jimskin, we are sorry to see you are still awaiting a resolution to your original thread. I have asked our team to follow up on this and provide an update asap. Thanks.

    • jimskin

      Ok, thanks. It would be good to fix that issue as the plugin is unuseable as it is. Apart from that the plugin is working as it should. Thanks, James

      Anonymous likes this.
  • Mike

    I installed icodes but I may have to delete it. Will it also delete all stores and coupons added via icodes on my site? I would like to have them auto-deleted too if it’s possible.

  • dolsboutique

    The icodes service is just too expensive for anyone starting up. Maybe icodes should consider running a 6 month free trial to allow users to see if they can make money to pay for such service. What I mean is most likely the majority of coupon sites will not make enough money to afford to pay for this expensive service, 6 months would allow user to promote the site and hopefully start to make some money that could help pay for this expensive service.

    3 people like this.
    • icodes

      I don’t believe we are expensive at $50 per month, we provide a very similar service to Formetocoupons.com and they charge $1500 per month. If you were to pay someone a wage to gather and edit the coupons for you it would be more like $50 per day. We have a 50/50 Clickshare subscription which is free to use, and as soon as you start earning more than $100 per month then it would be worthwhile to upgrade to paid, and if you don’t earn anything then it hasn’t cost you anything.

      4 people like this.
  • Mike


    I agree. It is too expensive. I am just using their Amazon fee and opted for the 50/50 affiliate link rotation. I hope Appthemes comes out with their own Amazon and Share-a-Sale feed plugin so I can drop iCodes.

    I am using all three – LinkShare, CJ and iCodes.

    Anonymous likes this.
    • icodes

      You don’t pay iCodes to provide the feeds, you pay iCodes to standardize and tidy the feeds and remove the tons of junk. Just using an unedited network feed will cost you far more in lost visitors and commissions than the iCodes subscription costs. However if your site doesn’t make anything then you may aswell drop iCodes and fill it full of the junk the networks provide you.

      2 people like this.
  • Dubya


    Does this extract all coupons available in the market from those 14+ affiliate networks or does it only extract coupons for stores for which you have been accepted as affiliate?

    Also, does the logo import feature work now?

    • jimskin

      Q: Also, does the logo import feature work now?

      A: No, the import logo feature still doesn’t work. I have to manually upload them.

      2 people like this.
  • dolsboutique

    Been there & done it, as a highly technical person who my advice is, don’t waste your money or money on this kind of sites, find a job which pays a regular wage. I still have a series of web sites running, which are automatically updated every 15 minutes, first problem is getting duplicate affiliated links with very little content into Google, second problem without Google traffic how long will your money last without an income? The price of this plugin is a ripoff, if you don’t believe me now, in a few months times, you certainly will. Good luck!

  • zingonetwork

    Is icodes can work with other affiliate network after api integration I m still confused guide me

  • shubinaak

    Any plans to upgrade? Since icodes added few more countries feed system……

  • meloniq

    @shubinaak iCodes India coupons plugin can be found here: https://marketplace.appthemes.com/plugins/icodes-india/

    It is also important to note that iCodes India service is FREE until May 2016 🙂

    Anonymous likes this.
  • chilly

    Does this plugin still work? Does it import store thumbnails and details? Does it work with with SKMLinks?

    • meloniq

      @chilly so far I remember it does not work SkimLinks (JS script to replace normal links with affiliate one, correct?), and about importing store thumbnails, it has that option, and it should work – based on comments above, this plugin has some issues with it, I’ll look at this problem and suggest a fix to owner of this plugin in next few days.

  • chilly

    @ meloniq ow about the US and UK version? Are they also FREE till May 2016?

    • meloniq

      @chilly no, iCodes made special offer only about the service for India market – it is because they launched this service recently… and the UK & US services from iCodes was launched many years ago, maybe at that time they also had some special offers to early bird accounts.

  • adamsc1

    Is there any plan to update this addon? Most plugins that support iCodes allow for multiple accounts (so that users can not only support UK/US but have one account for promotional merchants and another for coupon merchants) as well as iCodes India. I notice that the marketplace now sells 3 other iCodes plugins but hasn’t updated this one?

  • orlanm

    Does this work with Skimlinks already?

    • meloniq

      @orlanm no, sorry, it does not work SkimLinks (JavaScripts to replace normal links with affiliate one). Deals imported by the plugin already includes affiliate URLs.

  • icodes

    It should work with skimlinks without any alterations to the plugin..

    In icodes… Configure Feed > My Relationships > Set to Skimlnims.

    This will make all your affiliate links ‘non affiliate links’, then the Skimlinks JavaScript you insert into your site should convert these non affiliate links to Skimlinks affiliate links.

  • antonmh

    VC Logos not displaying correctly


    I am using the App Themes icodes plugin V 1.2. with VC Logos, but they are not all correctly importing.

    I have many coupon entries with blank or error pages as logos, see here:-


    I purchased the icodes uk plugin from you a few weeks ago.

    Please can you provide me with an updated plugin that is working correctly?

    Thanks in advance for your help

    augie214 likes this.
  • augie214

    Im having the same exact issues where it is showing the screenshots vs vclogos. I have been adding logos myself because vclogos has not responded to email. It has been 7 days now. I am using Clipper and child theme clippy with icodes plugin.

    Has anyone found a fix around this ???

  • Stuart

    When was this plugin last updated?

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