Home Control for Clipper

Live Demo

This plugin is only for the Clipper Theme version 2+ and clipper child themes home page.

The idea behind the plugin is to give a new look to your website’s home page easily through a widget without any developer help. Display more coupons in listing & grid view with tabs to display more than one categories.

The plugin makes Clipper theme home page widget ready and easy to manage. Via the plugin you should create/set new page template and it will make your home page widget ready by settings the page as home page from wp-admin > reading settings section. Both home page content section and sidebar via widget section can be easily managed (see plugin setup details).

The plugin adds additional widgets for coupon listing & grid view. For coupon stores, plugin added separate widget with display either popular stores or featured stored option.
Even you can also use other suitable widgets like text widget, coupons category list widget, stores list widget to show your content or as per your idea.
We making your home page easy to controlled via widget.

Additional Features

  • Clipper widget ready home page, easy to manage.
  • 3 possibility of home page, choose either home page as full width, left sidebar or right sidebar.
  • Manage home page content section and sidebar easy via widget.
  • Widget with Most popular stores & Featured store display options.
  • Featured coupon slide widget.
  • Additional widget for coupons list & grid view.
  • Attractive tabs view to show more than more category coupons.
  • Display more category wise coupons via tabs easy.
  • Use other suitable widgets like text widget, popular stores, coupon categories …
  • Attractive tabs style options and coupon code style options.
  • Making your home page easy to controlled via widget.
  • WordPress multi site completed.
  • Completed with FLATTER child theme.


New Features added after version : 2.0.0

  • Display banner slider by using “Banner Slider For Clipper“.
  • Image gallery by using “Banner Slider For Clipper“.
  • Simple & attractive look.
  • Home page display options either full screen, full width(960px), with right and/or left sidebar.
  • Right sidebar home page and left sidebar home page with separate sidebar for home.
  • Different coupons display style.
  • Display more coupons in less space.
  • Speedup home page load by using good cache wp plugin.
  • Featured coupons with different slide options.
  • Recent coupons with different slide options.
  • Popular coupons with different slide options.
  • Random coupons with different slide options.
  • Expiring coupons with different slide options.
  • Popular coupons by total views with different slide options.
  • Popular coupons by today’s total views with different slide options.
  • Different category wise coupons with different slide options.
  • Slider per coupons settings to adjust ads as per size.
  • View more coupons link and set url as per settings automatically.
  • Show/hide more coupons link, option to coupons more link url manually, change more link text and open in new tab options.
  • Pagination and next-previous slide options.
  • Infinite loop slider.
  • Free slide mode to slide fast and flexible.
  • Auto play slide and auto play time settings.
  • Hide for mobile device.
  • All settings facility in one widget only.
  • Use all most Clipper theme widgets for home page.
  • Automatically adjust slider height as per data height.
  • Responsive layout and most modern mobile touch.
  • Swipe easily on touch screen/mobile device.
  • Works good for major screen size devices(check demo for more experience).
  • Works in all major browsers.
  • New Category widget with attractive icons settings
    • Simple and attractive category colorful icons.
    • It will display only parent categories.
    • Add category IDs to display specific categories only.
    • Display category icons & text in different styles.
    • Manage category icons & color from plugin settings page.
  • New Coupon stores widget
    • It will display stores with image, coupon count and store title.
    • Add store IDs to display specific stores only.
    • Store slider format different strings.


Swiper Slider Features

  • Responsive and most modern mobile touch.
  • Swipe easily on touch screen/mobile device.
  • Simple & attractive look.
  • Auto play slide.
  • Pagination and next-previous slide.
  • Infinite loop slider.
  • Automatically adjust slider height.
4 people like this.

1)    Unzip the home_control_clipppr.zip folder

2)    Copy the plugin folder “home_control_clipper” and paste in “wp-content/plugins/”

=======    OR =======

Get the help link how to install plugin from wp dashboard or via FTP :: http://wpwebs.com/blog/install-a-plugin-using-the-wordpress-admin-plugin-upload/

3)    Go to wp-admin -> Plugins -> Plugins-> Home Control for Clipper -> Active Plugin

4)    The plugin is mainly based on widgets. The main function for this plugin is to make home page widget ready so you can manage home page via widget area.

5)    Plugin will generate new template file as per plugin code automatically while you activate the plugin.
To make sure the plugin file created or not, check below informations ::
—    Go to wp-admin >> Coupons (left menu) >> Home Control Clipper >> General (tab)  –> see “Plugin Important Settings” at bottom of the page.
—     Where we have mention what to do if template file is not created.

6)    If the plugin cannot able to create above files,
—    please add/copy ‘page-clipper-newhome.php’ file to you current active theme root from wp-content/plugins/home_control_clipper/templates/page-clipper-newhome.php

7)    To Create new page for home page ::
— Go to wp-admin > Pages > Create new page > example “New Home page”
— Go to wp-admin > Pages > page add/edit > select the page template – Page Attributes >> “Home Control Plugin Template”

8)    Set New page as site Home PAGE
—    Go to wp-admin > Settings > Reading Settings > set the option “Front page displays” >>  A static page (select below) >> Select new created page – example “New Home page”

9)    Set Home page style from options ::
—    wp-admin >> Coupons(left menu) >> Home Control Clipper >> General >> “Select Home Page Template”
—    There are many design options to set your page differently.

10)    Get plugin added widgets
—    Go to wp-admin > Appearance > Widgets section
—    you can see additional widgets title starting with “WPW:” && “WPWHC”.

11)    Plugin added widget area for home page
—    Go to wp-admin > Appearance > Widgets section – you can see an additional widget areas(at right side) added by plugin
— There are 3 options for page templates ::
>> “Home Below Header Area”  –> display widget area below header with full screen
>> “Home Content Area”  –> display widget area as per design variation selected, for full width, left sidebar or right sidebar settings.
>> “Home Above Footer Area”  –> display widget area above footer with full screen

12)    Drag & drop widget
—    Go to wp-admin > Widgets section
—    you should drag & drop the above widgets in above widget area to get it working like demo.

13)    Your home page will be widget ready so you can use other widgets also.

14)    Manage category icons
—    Go to :: wp-admin >> Coupons(left menu) >> Home Control Clipper >> “Category Icons”
—    Set category Icons (from url : http://fontawesome.io/icons/)
—    Set category color hex code (from url : http://htmlcolorcodes.com/)
—    Display category with icons by category widget.

15)    Display banner slider
—    Add banners by plugin “Banner Slider For Clipper“ :: from url :: https://marketplace.appthemes.com/plugins/banner-slider-clipper/?aid=20318
—    Display Image gallery by using “Banner Slider For Clipper“ :: from url :: https://marketplace.appthemes.com/plugins/banner-slider-clipper/?aid=20318

16)    See the screen image attached with the plugin folder to have visual help.

You can contact us directly via email (info(@)wpwebs.com) or support under forum in the AppThemes forum.

Make sure 4 files are copied to theme root folder which are below

  • clipper-newhome-style.css
  • page-clipper-newhome-full.php
  • page-clipper-newhome-left.php
  • page-clipper-newhome-right.php

— If not copied, you should manually copy and place from plugins/home_control_clipper/templates/ folder to your current active theme root folder.
— Now you can see the page template added from page settings > Attributes > template select box
— Follow installation steps.

Please note that Add the css code in your “wp-content/themes/flatter/style.css” at after very last line if you using “FLATTER” child theme. Get related code from readme.txt OR from “flatter_theme_css_changes.txt”.

See Complete Setup Details

Version : 2.1.1 (25th July 2021)
— Front page not affected as it only apply the front-page.php file – FIXED.
— We make change the code and change front-page.php file code to solve the problem.
— Given additional button in plugin settings to make changes automatically.
Version : 2.1.0 (28th Jan 2019)
— Updated plugin wist new design settings and changes as per theme version 2+
— Added so many home page design settings like
—    full width home page with variable size content area.
—    Left sidebar home page with variable size content & sidebar area.
—    Right sidebar home page with variable size content & sidebar area.
— Change design for coupons tab widget list & grid display.
— Change design for popular store widgets
— Added featured slider as per theme design & settings at top for home page template.
— Plugin template new file generated and no change in theme home page template.
— Now you can use theme home template and/or plugin page template both.
— Plugin settings will work only for plugin template page but again widgets will work ok for theme home template without any problem.


Version : 2.0.3 (19th Oct 2018)
— SSL enabled but not work for some server, problem solved.
— Solved error for widget : wpwhc_store_widget


Version : 2.0.2 (24th March 2017)
— WARNING :: Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7 >> SOLVED >> Update widgets constructor Class.
— Some localization problem solved.

Version : 2.0.1 (16th Nov 2016)
— wp-admin > Plugin settings > category icons > display all empty and sub categries.
— Category slider widget >> add category ids is replace with category selection option.
— Store slider widget >> add store ids is replaced with store selection option.
— site with SSL certificate, mean for https:// site js & css may not working – problem solved.

Version : 2.0.0
— Added extra widget areas so now there are total of 4 widget area to display for home page.
>> “Home Below Header Area” –> display widget area below header with full screen
>> “Home Upper Area” –> display widget area in content section with full width (960px)
>> “Home Content Area” –> display widget area in either left or right sidebar
>> “Home Above Footer Area” –> display widget area above footer with full screen
— There are 4 options for page templates ::
>> Default Home page
>> Full Screen Home page
>> Full Width Home page
>> Home Page with Left Sidebar
>> Home Page with Right Sidebar
— Category swiper slider widget with attractive colorful category icons.
— Stores swiper slider widget.
— Coupons grid style swiper slider widget with attractive display style.
— Coupons grid widget manage slider options and auto slide options and many more from readme.txt….

Version :
— Clipper version : 1.6 – Related Updated
Error type : footer moved in sidebar and desing broken – Solved.
**** Update code in “home_control_clipper.php” file near line 245 & 259 as per below code.
on line :: 245 — Updated code :: //add_filter( ‘dynamic_sidebar_params’, ‘home_fontpage_for_flatter_dynamic_sidebar_params’,100 );
on line :: 259 — Updated code :: //add_action(‘wpw_home_control_clipper_end’,’wpw_home_control_clipper_end_div_fun’);

If you using older plugin and desing broken then you should uncomment it so it should work.
on line :: 245 — Updated code :: add_filter( ‘dynamic_sidebar_params’, ‘home_fontpage_for_flatter_dynamic_sidebar_params’,100 );
on line :: 259 — Updated code :: add_action(‘wpw_home_control_clipper_end’,’wpw_home_control_clipper_end_div_fun’);

Version :
— Display expired image – Message on home page listing – SOLVED
— don’t need clipper-newhome-style.css to added in your current active theme root folder after this version( As per latest update, now it will directly included form plugin folder.
So you don’t need to transfer/replace the css file every time while plugin update

Version :
— Home grid category listing not display as per couting number – SOLVED
— Flatter child theme listing any other css problem – SOLVED

Version :
— Small size screen/mobile device – scroll comes mean screen not adjust in the screen – SOLVED.
NOTE : Please replace home_control_clipper/templates/clipper-newhome-style.css at your current active theme root folder for latest css updates

Version :
— Grid mix each other some times – SOLVED
— Display Coupon above or below title in grid – New Feature Added
— New Coupon display Style like Flatter theme – ADDED

NOTE : Please replace home_control_clipper/templates/clipper-newhome-style.css at your current active theme root folder for latest css updates

Version :
— Flatter child theme – footer full width problem – SOLVED.

Version :
— Flatter child theme new version updates.

Version :
— Flatter Version: 1.2.4 compatable settings added…

Version :
— Flatter child theme compatable related css added in readme.txt file, you should add those css code in your current flatter child theme style.css at very last line.

Version :
— CSS changes/corrections
— Added new widget area for home page upper content section

Version : 1.0.0
New Release

3 reviews of “Home Control for Clipper

2 stars
Do not fall for the "Live Demo" Buyer Beware
By -

I followed the instructions for the plugin setup only to discover you don’t get what the demo shows for CLIPPER THEME.

The demo looks professional with the scrolling banners – that is a separate purchase, which I knew because of how much time I spent on the live demo.

Here’s where the differences are. I followed the step by step setup instructions.

1st. No Sidebar. None, zip, zilch, not even an option.

2nd. On the “Categories” slider, the only symbol you get is a CIRCLE WITH A FILE FOLDER or a variation of sorts. Scroll the categories slider until you see “SPORTS/FITNESS” – That is what you get wit this plugin.

3rd. Lost Pagination – Page #’s – at the bottom of the coupon grid in the demo model you will see page numbers. When I contacted “support” I was told to use the “View All” option that comes with the plugin. It’s a button that does not look good that is placed in an odd location on the page.

By Vipul - February 19, 2017

Hi rsstoner,
It was older documentation that create you confusion. You may follow the readme.txt file inside plugin folder that give your right guide. Very sorry for not updated the plugin document on demo site.
The pagination and all is ok ,if you see demo site it is just added widgets in top widget area no need to add/change home page template. After latest update we have change theme home page file only so don’t worry about page template and all.

2 stars
Do not fall for the "Live Demo" Buyer Beware
By -

I played with the live demo feature. I went through the features, pages layouts etc., I then decided to make the purchase.

I started following the plugin setup and discovered it is not the same.

1. No page sidebar. The option to set up the sidebar is not there when you “add” a new page. In fact when you go to “add new page” per the detailed instructions for installation, it looks nothing like the step by step instructions. There is no Sidebar option.

2. Forget about the nice looking category slide bar. YOU DON’T GET WHAT IS SHOWN IN THE LIVE DEMO The only options you get are circles with a picture of a file folder.

3. Lost Pagination – Page #’s – In the Live Demo at the bottom of the coupon “list” Page 1 of 41 2 3 4 ›› Not available in the actual plugin. I was told to use the “View More” button that comes with the plugin.

I know I wasn’t going to get the nice looking store coupons and store logos. But, if anyone knows how I can get those, let me know.

5 stars
Stay away if you're using Flatter theme
By -

This plugin is a mess if you are using Flatter theme for your site. Support guys are ok to a certain level and then they just give up.
**No refunds**

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (119)

  • rsstoner

    Product completely misrepresented in the “Demo” Using Clipper Theme

    You don’t get the nice looking “Categories” scroll. The only thing you get for pictures are a circle with a picture of a file inside – or a variation of such and the category name underneath

    Sidebar Page not supported. I’ve waited for a response/fix! DONE WAITING!

    No pagination – page numbers disappear under the grid coupon screen.

    Stores, coupons, etc., do not appear as large as in the demo. Live version makes them smaller.

    “View More” button is nothing what it looks like in the Demo model, or even in the placement of it. It is a blue box that appears all the way on the right hand side with no adjustments to move it anywhere.

    I knew I wasn’t going to get the logos or banners. If anyone knows where I can get the store logos as listed on the demo I would appreciate it. As far as the Banners that are shown with the nice advertisements, you would pay extra for, which I knew before I purchased this.

  • author

    It is document misunderstanding, please refer readme.txt file inside plugin folder.

    Or you may email your wp-admin access so we can help you for home page setup.


  • joloshop

    Hi there with compatibility test php 7 I getting these Warnings:

    64 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
    706 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
    826 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
    Its within this file plugins/home_control_clipper/clipper_homepage_widgets.php

  • author

    Hi joloshop,
    We have updated the plugin so now no such error in future.

  • joloshop

    could you send me the changed code, i am running an older version and can not update to PHP 7

  • author

    Hi joloshop, Updated files are…
    Two files ;; homepage_widgets.php & homepage_widgets_new_update.php


  • joloshop

    unfortunately cant update anymore however the old plugin is not usable with php 7. Do have to pay for this update or can you send me just the updated files?

  • author

    Hi joloshop,
    You may try latest plugin because in latest plugin we have added new widgets and feature other every things is same as previous version.
    You can get latest plugin download from marketplace >> dashboard and get replace above files. OR email me your current version of plugin zip folder OR plugin folder/includes folder. — I give you updated so your problem will solved.

  • joloshop

    I have Version

  • bonusexpress777

    Your plugin don’t work. Please return my money!

  • author

    Hi bonusexpress777,

    How can you say the plugin is not working. You don’t send us any complain or any query for that.

    Send your problem to info@wpwebs.com

    Our team will check your problem and if the give you best solution. If then also you feel not satisfy with our plugin you can directly send email to :: marketplace@appthemes.com

    in case of refund. They will ask for reasonable way to refund.


  • Kasir

    This plugin is not working any more

  • author

    Hi Kasir,

    I can help you to set the plugin as per our demo site.

    If you want then you should send your temporary login of administration and site url.

    My email: info@wpwebs.com

    Mention your problem in the email for better understanding of your problems.


  • joloshop

    I just updated to php 8.0 and now I am getting this Error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function WP_Widget::__construct(), 0 passed in /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/class-wp-widget-factory.php on line 62 and at least 2 expected in /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php:163 Stack trace: #0 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/class-wp-widget-factory.php(62): WP_Widget->__construct() #1 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/widgets.php(115): WP_Widget_Factory->register(‘wpw_clipper_hom…’) #2 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-content/plugins/home_control_clipper/clipper_homepage_widgets.php(51): register_widget(‘wpw_clipper_hom…’) #3 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): wpw_clipper_home_init(”) #4 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #5 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #6 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/widgets.php(1858): do_action(‘widgets_init’) #7 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): wp_widgets_init(”) #8 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #9 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #10 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-settings.php(643): do_action(‘init’) #11 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-config.php(106): require_once(‘/home/www/jolos…’) #12 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-load.php(50): require_once(‘/home/www/jolos…’) #13 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once(‘/home/www/jolos…’) #14 /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/index.php(17): require(‘/home/www/jolos…’) #15 {main} thrown in /home/www/joloshop/wordpress1/wp-includes/class-wp-widget.php on line 163

    The Error disappeared after deactivating Home Control for Clipper

  • joloshop

    BEWARE!!!! NO SUPPORT ON THIS PLUGIN! Stopped working with PHP 8.0

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