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Rondell – Premium ClassiPress Child Theme

I assume you purchased ClassiPress from AppThemes because you liked the look from the moment you saw it, right? But after playing around (maybe doing some strange customizations) you decided to look out for a professional premium child theme that doesn’t give you any more headaches while running on your productive site, but still giving room for your further stylings. Well, this premium child theme is now available for you and the name is: Rondell


Rondell is a very fast, customizable and readable ClassiPress child theme packed full with some awesome features.

This Pro-Child-Theme cares about your customers content first, keeping the design elements to a minimum while still maintaining a definitive modern style. Your customers will love to use it!

Rondell is full responsive on all kind of mobile devices, ready to use language translation packs and testet with all available plugins that are recommended by AppThemes.

Set your own background textures or colors within minutes from your admin backend. No need to change files! 14 predefined Stylesheets are included! Choose directly from your admin backend:

  • Red (Default)
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • Gold
  • Teal
  • Turkis
  • Dark Yellow
  • Olive Green
  • Magenta
  • Night Blue
  • Salmon

Easy Installation:

  • Upload and activate the zip file from your WordPress admin area => Appearance => Themes
  • Go to your “ClassiPress/Settings/Advanced (tab)”and set “Disable Core Stylesheets” to “YES”
  • You may need to regenerate your thumbnails after first installation. Please install this plugin and run it once.

That’s it, enjoy your new Child Theme!

Features Included:

  • Responsive for all kind of mobile devices like mobile phones or tablets
  • Improved for speed, speed and again: speed!
  • Show related ads in single ads listing
  • NO additional javascripts built in that could slow down your site!
  • Easy change Background to a selectable plain color, image or texture.
  • 14 predefined Color sheets (Easy select from admin area)
  • Bigger Slider for featured ads with css effects on thumbnails
  • Slider on top of all ad categories
  • No use of @import in style.css (recommended)
  • Prepared places for additional banner advertising
  • Build in icon folders for main categories and subcategories
  • Animated “Featured” Sign on featured ad listings
  • Highlighted Background listing when ad is featured
  • Featured ads show on top of categories & search result
  • Bigger Google Map under ad description
  • Disabled contact form when ad is sold
  • Sold ads don’t show up in featured slider
  • Animated “New” sign when ad is less then 1 day online
  • Support for “Price is negotiable” price tag when customer agrees
  • Better tab positions (Featured tab instead of “Random”)
  • Tab “Featured” lists all featured ads (not only on the first page, on ALL following pages as well!)
  • No Price Tag when ad author sets “0″ (Zero) or leaving the price field empty
  • URLs and emails in posts are clickable
  • Improved call of custom favicon from functions.php
  • Optimized Images
  • Send ad to a friend via email client from the description
  • Support for languages (language .po file for translation included)
  • WordPress Multisite compatible
  • Admin can see IP from ad author under the ad description
  • “Sold” tag in front of price,  in listing and single ad when item is marked as sold
  • Sold tag replaces the fixed or negotiable price tag.
  • Premium support by Rolf Hassel (Samcy)
  • This pro child theme is READY for ClassiPress 3.4
  • Fully tested on WordPress 4.0
  • All upcoming updates included!


5 people like this.


:: What is this Child Theme for?

The Rondell Child Theme is designed exclusively for ClassiPress Theme. ClassiPress must first be installed in order to use this child theme.

:: Do I need to edit any core files on setup?

No. It is simple plug and play functionality via the WP admin panel.

:: Does it work with multisite?

Yes Multisite is supported

:: Does it support language?

Yes, Rondell has it’s own additional pot file to support your language.

:: How do I change site colours?

Simply activate the child theme. Then go to Appearance>Theme Options> and select the color of choice. Click SAVE


If you have further questions, please use the support forum.

  • Upload and activate the zip file from your WordPress admin area => Appearance => Themes
  • Go to your “ClassiPress/Settings/Advanced (tab)”and set “Disable Core Stylesheets” to “YES”
  • You may need to regenerate your thumbnails after first installation. Please install this plugin and run it once.

That’s it, enjoy your new Child Theme!

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

27.09.2014 – Version 3.7.1
– Small bugfix inside single-ad_listings.php and functions.php

4 reviews of “Rondell

2.5 stars
Lack of support
By -

The Rondell theme is interesting but the the lack of support for the theme should be strongly considered when buying to not prejudice the development of the project.
Similarly, the lack of information about correcting problems and upgrade to the latest versions of ClassiPress and wordpress causes great uncertainty about the feasibility of using the theme in production.
Everyone that decide to buy this theme must be prepared to solve their problems by themselves.

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
Sharp and Professional Looking Theme
By -

I really like the look of this theme! I installed it on my local classified ad site and I am finding it very easy to work with. Unfortunately, I purchased some plug-ins before I bought Rondell and I am not sure if they are all compatible. But, overall, I love the look and functionality of Rondell.


Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
Good child theme
By -

Well a good chil dtheme easuy to install, when i needed supposrt Mr. samcy always there if i need somthing.

Thank you

2 people like this.
5 stars
looks great
By -

looks great, no need for grid , easy to read and calm to look at.
great choice of background colors along with the preset colors.
and navigates nice and smooth.

2 people like this.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (30)

  • franky

    Looks good samcy, well done .
    Your probably one of the most best theme sellers and always provide best support in all aspects of classipress.
    Is there admin demo to test some colours, is there any grid options in admin or is grid not recomended for classipress.
    And can I ask is that a drop down of sub cats once we are in categories .

    Cheers franky.

    pitter likes this.
  • eait

    Hi, trust all is well.

    I see it’s WordPress Multisite compatible, is it Buddypress compatible as well?

  • ripo2nd

    Hi Samcy,

    I’m just wondering, can I change/delete custom fields for ad submission forms using this theme.

    On classipress I’m very much limited in deleting the fields and organizing the order preference of how it is displayed on the website.

    Many thanks

    • author

      Please give me an example about what you are trying to do.

      • ripo2nd

        Hi Samcy,

        Yes, I should of provided a more descriptive example, please excuse the brevity of my last message.

        I’m considering purchasing the Rondell child theme, However, before doing so, I need to clarify one question.

        Deleting Core Fields:
        Dashboard > Classipress > Custom Fields

        Currently, when members list a product they are compelled to complete the entire form. I attempted to remove some of these unnecessary questions fields, however as they are integrated with Classipress, they are a core part of the theme and therefore, I am unable to delete them.

        As you can Imagine, I’m not based in the US, I am based in the Czech Republic for an English speaking audience. I want to remove some of the core fields which is not relevant to my audience. Instead, I changed the names of the fields, but I rather delete the core field completely.

        I need to delete some fields, for example ‘Region’.

        To summarize
        1: I need to delete some custom fields that have no relevance;
        2: I need to organize the order of the core fields, for example, so I can move City above Country (just an example)

        Many thanks,

        • author


          Thanks, now i understand what you are trying to do.

          However, i would not remove those fields in the custom fields section. Instead, remove them from the “Form Layouts”. You can also change the order of the remaining fields using your mouse “drag and drop”.

          Let me know if you need further help.


  • Adam

    Hi Samcy,

    Thanks, got it sorted by following your instructions.

    I purchased Rondell and just have 2 more questions. Feel free to reefer me to another site if needed, I can re-post there.

    I need to add the search bar back to the theme- just below navigation bar. The search feature that is in the original Classipress.

    I need to adjust the logo in CSS. How many I manually re-position the logo in the container. I just need to float it to the top right.

    Great work on the new Child Theme, very nice, loads much faster and more SEO friendly!

    Thanks again,

  • brianjester


    Can you post a link to the admin demo for this (rondell) them?

    Thank you

  • Sudheer

    Hi Samcy,
    I bought this theme and have question regarding an implementation. Posted a question at below thread. Could you please look into this ?

    Appreciate your response.


  • panos athanasiadis

    hello very nice theme and propably i ll buy it i want to ask u

    1.If i can translate to greek lang
    2.On the post add form i can selsct the coudry easy (greece) but on the state area have only USA and have error for sumbit…

  • Adam

    Hi Samcy,

    I’m not sure if you managed to read my posts in the members forum, I have some really urgent problems. Some posts unanswered go back 2 weeks. For a bizarre reason your theme works fine on Firefox, but not in Chrome or Explorer.

    Also, when I load your theme, there is a CSS overlap. It loads the classipress theme header first, then the Rondell theme header. For example, I can see the classipress red header first, when it quickly layers it with the Rondell header.

    When you get the opportunity, I would very much appreciate if you could respond to some of my other questions in the members forum.

    Many thanks,

  • aliji

    i want to purchase cp-rondell theme, pls solve my question.
    1. can i create into dating/matrimonial theme?
    2. how many sits run/host/ in $49 package?
    3. can i create category icons/images?


  • appsfinder

    do you have admin demo to test theme thanks.

    2 people like this.
  • appsfinder

    need help with mobile view looks wrong

  • leoff76

    I Bought this plugin as it was recommended to me but I’m facing lots of problems as it’s DISTORTED after installation with the following issues:

    Here is my Test server:

    1) The search box has moved to a different place below the featured ads, I don’t know how to bring it back.
    You will see that the search fields as well are distorted badly. even when viewed in detail view

    2) My site is a multilingual site how can I get the Language selection link next to the Post ad button, just after the main menu?

    3) How can I personalize my own set of colors in the Theme so I can switch as I wish?

    4) I REALLY don’t LIKE the category and sub Category Folder Icons, How can I change them?

    5) Clicking on Email this Advert Doesn’t work, it doesn’t open an email client or do anything.

    6) Ads description Appear TWICE when viewing in Detail view.

    Please help URGENTLY

  • Adam

    I acknowledge the hard work Samcy has put in to this theme. However, I have to admit I’m a somewhat disappointed. As a result I no longer use this theme. Although I asked many questions, only a hand full were answered here on this page. Few were answered in the private members form.
    I have attempted all channels to get this theme to work correctly to support all browsers, and overall layout. Unfortunately, I had to scrap it and use another theme.
    In my personal opinion, the theme does not work well on all browsers. Moreover, each time I loaded the webpage there was a CSS overlap. It first loads the ‘’Classipress theme header’’ followed by the Rondell theme header. There was issues when using Google Ads too, they altered up the entire page layout (I used mobile-friendly ads).
    It is regretful, however, I personally believe improved development, and better collaboration with clients can eventually make this a decent product.
    As a conciliatory gesture; anyone who wants my theme can have it for free with the license key. Just send me a message and I’ll send it to you for free (first person to PM me will get it).
    I personally feel more collaboration is needed between the developer and the clients. However, I have found a better option.

  • author

    The demo Rondell site is now running with WordPress version 4.2 and ClassiPress 3-4-1 installed. See here:

    • leoff76

      Hi Samcy, it’s amazing how you are ready to promote the sale of Rondell announcing it’s compatible with CP 3.4.1 and wordpress 4.2 BUT you are not Ready to support the product after sale? I posted on Comment on the 17th of April requesting URGENT help but neither you nor your team bordered. People are complaining and as you see here Adam has actually givenup your product, which to me is too bad and not good publicity.

      Don’t get me wrong Your Product is FAB! just have to work on your Support level, particularly in this forum or support page.

      Again HERE are my Current Troubles:

      1) Featured Ads Slider is NOT displaying featured ads I chose, but is randomising ANY ad, how can I solve that?

      2) Search fields are distorted when viewed in detail view, how to I fix this? see link

      3) How can I personalize my own set of colors in the Theme so I can switch as I wish?

      4) Clicking on Email this Advert Doesn’t work, it doesn’t open an email client or do anything.

      5) I REALLY don’t LIKE the category and sub Category Folder Icons, How can I change them?


      Anonymous likes this.
      • author

        Hi leoff76,

        not the best way to get customization support. But at least i can answer you the points you listed.

        1: It’s an old ClassiPress issue that the slider needs at least one featured ad activated to work. That has nothing to do with the child theme.

        2. This happens when you use lang words for your categories, i.e “Webdesign and Developers”. Try using shorter words so the field doesn’t get stretched.

        3. Go to your admin backend => Appearance => Theme Options and you can choose between 14 predefined colours. If you need another one, you need to customize.

        4. That means you probably haven’t setup your browser. See an example for Firefox here:

        5. You need to replace them by your own images. Is that a problem?


        PS. I’m NOT going to answer any more support questions here. There is a forum for that.

        • leoff76

          Thanks for your help and I appologise for my text, was a bit over the top.

          samcy likes this.
  • joemartinez

    Hola Samcy!
    Estoy usando WordPress Versión 4.3 y recién he actualizado el ClassicPress a la versión 3.5.1
    Ahora estoy teniendo dos problemas:

    1.- Al seleccionar una categoría no se ve el botón de “IR” para proseguir con la carga de archivos.
    2.- El theme Rondell dejó de funcionar en mi sitio

    Por favor, te agradecería me indicarás cual es la solución a mis dos problemas que aparecieron una vez que me enviaron la ultima actualización de Classic Press.


    mtarantjr likes this.
  • mtarantjr

    I really would like to know how is the best way to get support. I tried to get help throught forum about the issues that appeared after upgrading my site to WordPress 4.3 and Classipress 3.5.1.

  • mtarantjr


    You told in one of your answers above that you wouldn´t aswer more questions here, but you don´t answer in the respective forum too.
    The Rondell theme is interesting but the the lack of support for the theme should be strongly considered when buying to not prejudice the development of the project.
    Similarly, the lack of information about correcting problems and upgrade to the latest versions of ClassiPress and wordpress causes great uncertainty about the feasibility of using the theme in production.
    Everyone that decide to buy this theme must be prepared to solve their problems by themselves.

  • joemartinez

    This was one of the best songs, sadly no longer provide technical or support forum or here.

  • appsfinder

    Hi Does this child theme work with classipress 3.5.5

  • appsfinder

    can you update this theme ? i have paid for it any new would be great thanks.

  • guiadelamujer

    I think if any of the developers add a page of stores like in clipper to classipress, it will be a success, i cant believe no one of you guys, with the knowledge, has developed something like that function

    something like this (clipper stores) but in classipress

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