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WooClassify is a complete classified eCommerce solution. Sell & buy classified ads with WooCommerce plugin easy.

WooClassify = WooCommerce Plugin + ClassiPress Theme

The plugin allow sellers to add an ad(which is basic functionality of ClassiPress theme) while WooClassify plugin allow the shopping cart facility with integration of WooCommerce plugin to buy the ads as product.


Seller Features

  • The ad poster will become seller.
  • Seller has option to either sell the ad or not.
  • Seller can manage stock & stock qty of ad.
  • Add the purchase note while add/edit an ad
  • Whether stock management enabled and stock quantity is out of stock then ad will display as out of stock.
  • Similarly while seller mark the ad as sold, the buy now button gone and no one can buy the ad.
  • Seller will receive the sell notification email.
  • Seller can get the earning reports, filter by ads name & dates period.
  • Seller can also get the total sold ads & total earning.
  • Seller can never change order status. Only admin can manage order from wp-admin.

Buyer Features

  • Buyer can select the ad and add to shopping basket.
  • After all purchase user can continue the checkout process.
  • On checkout buyer can completed the payment.
  • Buyer has options to select payment gateways supported by wooCommerce. like paypal, Cash On Delivery, Bank transfer and all.
  • Buyer will get the order notification email.

Site Admin Features

  • Admin can add/edit an ad and mark for sell or not.
  • Admin can see all features of seller while manage ads.
  • Admin can see all orders list and manage it.
  • Manage all woocommerce features.
  • Add new payment gateway supported by woocommerce.
  • Manage shipping and all.
  • Check the selling report by woocommerce report system.
  • Add new featurs by adding new plugins supported by woocommerce plugin.
  • Site admin has plugin settings option.
  • Seller email can be enabled/disabled form settings.
  • Admin can edit email from email, subject and message.
  • The order notification email copy will be send to site admin.
  • Admin can change buy now button design by edit html text or html image text from plugin settings.
  • Show/Hide buy now button.
  • Enable or disable the WooCommerce JavaScripts & CSS to optimize the site.
  • Manage seller’s report page.
  • Manage seller email settings.
  • Change seller email from email id, subject and message text.
  • All payments will deposited to site owner account. There is not any individual seller account while user pay to buy the ad. eg: if you have paypal payment gateway on checkout, the payment deposit to site admin account (as per added from wp-admin > woocommerce > paypal settings) not to the seller paypal account.

Site Admin Responsibility

  • As the payment deposited to site admin payment account, the admin is responsible to pay monthly payment to each seller(an ad poster). Eg: site owner should pay the monthly payment of last month to every 15th of the month.
  • The benefit is, avoid fraud.
  • Deduct the site owner commission from seller payment.
  • Site owner get benefit to invest the payment money until paid to seller.
  • Get the monthly turn over of site.
  • Popularity of product and promotion accordingly.

How the plugin works?

  • The plugin don’t contain any shopping cart or checkout process or any payment gateways.
  • The plugin create a bridge between ClassiPress Theme and WooCommerce plugin (which is one of the most popular eCommerce shopping cart plugin for wordpress).
  • The Classipress theme user can add the Ads form front end.
  • And the WooCommerce Plugin will add shopping cart & eCommerce functionality.
  • So by the use of the plugin the interface between Classipress theme & wooCommerce plugin created such a way the you can buy & sell the ads as normal eCommerce product.
  • The plugin manage all back-end process about product management and order settings.

What you have to check before buy this plugin?

  • Get the wooCommerce plugin form wordpress.org which is free of charge.
  • Active the wooCommerce plugin
  • Follow the wooCommerce guide about setup and all other notes.
  • Check the my account page from wooCommerce > Settings > Pages section.
  • Setup and check all other pages like cart page, checkout page and all…
  • You must setup the wooCommerce plugin completely.
  • Add some sample products from wp-admin > Products section.
  • View the product on front end and try to buy.
  • View the product added in the cart.
  • Continue checkout process.
  • Check the payment gateways.
  • Complete the order and check the order in wp-admin > wooCommerce > Orders section.
  • Check my account page on front end.
  • Check your order and user address details and all
  • If every thing is working then only you can user this plugin otherwise it is useless.
  • There will be no refund if you have bought plugin without any pre requirement setup and checking.

NEW added after Version : 1.0.5 (28th July 2016)

  • Seller report upgrade as per latest wooCommerce plugin on front end website >> Dashboard.
  • New Features ::
    • Seller report for site admin from wp-admin >> Users (left menu) >> All Users >> Sell Report (New colum added in the user list)
    • Report links will disply If seller have added minimum one ad for sell.
    • Admin can see seller’s sell ads list.
    • The reports link are redirecte on front end so admin can access all features for seller reports.
    • Only site admin can access all user’s report.
    • Reports from front end are secured for admin only.
    • If any non-admin user try to access URL > user can only see own reports.

NEW added after Version : 1.0.8 (12th Oct 2016)

  • Category wise buy products settings feature added.
  • It will display “Buy This Ad” button for selected categories only, if you have selected atleast one.
  • Manage category from wp-admin > Ads (left menu) > WooClassify > Category Settings
  • If you have selected single category, it will “Buy This Ad” button for that category only otherwise it will display “Buy This Ad” button for all categories.

NEW added after Version : 1.0.9 (1st Dec 2016)

  • Buyer Billing Address :: New field added to ads owner email by shortcode.
  • “Buy This Ad” — New link option added for ads listings.
  • Enable or Disable “Buy This Ad” from wp-admin > plugin settings.
8 people like this.

How the plugin works?

  • The plugin don’t contain any shopping cart or checkout process or any payment gateways.
  • The plugin create a bridge between ClassiPress Theme and WooCommerce plugin (which is one of the most popular eCommerce shopping cart plugin for wordpress).
  • The Classipress theme user can add the Ads form front end.
  • And the WooCommerce Plugin will add shopping cart & eCommerce functionality.
  • So by the use of the plugin the interface between Classipress theme & wooCommerce plugin created such a way the you can buy & sell the ads as normal eCommerce product.
  • The plugin manage all back-end process about product management and order settings.

What you have to check before buy this plugin?

  • Get the wooCommerce plugin form wordpress.org which is free of charge.
  • Active the wooCommerce plugin
  • Follow the wooCommerce guide about setup and all other notes.
  • Check the my account page from wooCommerce > Settings > Pages section.
  • Setup and check all other pages like cart page, checkout page and all…
  • You must setup the wooCommerce plugin completely.
  • Add some sample products from wp-admin > Products section.
  • View the product on front end and try to buy.
  • View the product added in the cart.
  • Continue checkout process.
  • Check the payment gateways.
  • Complete the order and check the order in wp-admin > wooCommerce > Orders section.
  • Check my account page on front end.
  • Check your order and user address details and all
  • If every thing is working then only you can user this plugin otherwise it is useless.
  • There will be no refund if you have bought plugin without any pre requirement setup and checking.

ClassiPress Theme theme not working properly?

==> Please create support ticket to appthemes.com

WooCommerce Plugin not working properly?

==>Pleaser create support ticket to https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/

Classipress Theme & WooCommerce both working ok?

Q. Cannot see the buy now button?
A. Please make sure you have set the buy now button setting properly. If added any manual buy now button code, please change and check default button.

Q. How to see or add sell report OR now working properly?
A. Please see the plugin settings and user the shortcode to create new page for sell report and related settings.

Q. What about buyer payment?
A. Buyer payment will be deposited to site owner account. Eg; if the paypal payment gateway is enabled on checkout page, the payment will be deposited to site owner account because there is not individual payment settings for seller.

Q. Why payment deposited to site owner account?
A. Because if any user buy more than one product of different seller, there is confusion about paypal like payment method to which seller the payment should be paid. That’s why we just following the standard payment process of wooCommerce. So payment always transfer to site owner payment account.

1)Unzip the woo_classify.zip folder.

2)Copy the plugin folder “woo_classify” and paste in “wp-content/plugins/”.

3)Go to wp-admin -> Plugins -> Plugins-> WooClassify for Classipress -> Active Plugin.

4)Install Woocommerce Plugin & Active.

5)Go to wp-admin > Ads(Left menu) > WooClassify > WooClassify Settings.

6)Press the link “Synchronize ads & products” if you have so many ads and want to sell all.

7)Manage buy now button display, Buy Button Text design and all other settings.

8)See the screen image attached with the plugin folder to have visual help what to do.

You can contact us directly via email (info(@)wpwebs.com) or support under forum in the AppThemes forum.

Version : 1.4.14 (28th Jun 2022)
— Solved some php notices for php 8.


Version : 1.4.13 (19th March 2022)
— For non-english – stock management value not set properly. Problem solved.


Version : 1.4.12 (18th March 2022)
— For non-english language if the value is in non-english for ‘yes’ not working – Problem Solved.


Version : 1.4.11 (21th Jan 2022)
— Solved some php notices for php 8.


Version : 1.4.10 (20th Jan 2022)
— Solved some php notices.


Version : 1.4.9 (18th Sep 2020)
— Changed the text domain from ‘wpw’ to ‘wooclassify’ which are use for localization.


Version : 1.4.8 (07th Sep 2020)
— Problem Solved :: If any one visit direct link of Sell reports, it display user the page instead of login page.


Version : 1.4.7 (02nd July 2020)
— While post new ad and press “Go back” to edit the content, it not store product properly, problem of product status (auto-draft) – Problem Solved.

Version : 1.4.6 (02nd July 2020)
— Stock management enable and number of stock qty not added, related qty message display with button not properly display – Problem Solved.

Version : 1.4.5 (01st July 2020)
— Stock management enable & number of stock quantity not added, it create problem because it stored blank.
— We have solved the problem and now the default stock quantity will be zero if not any stock qty added and it will consider as unlimited qty.

Version : 1.4.4 (24th June 2020)
— WPML (multiple language site) plugin, while add new Ad, related wooCommerce product not added properly like blank title, status problem….
— WPML plugin problem solved and now working ok with multiple language plugin also.

Version : 1.4.3 (01st June 2020)
— Purchase note option display/hide on ad detail page related settings added.
— Option to show/hide purchase note for detail page from wp-admin >> plugin settings >> Purchase Note
— Accordingly setting of purchase note if note added with ad product, it will display with but button section, above purchase section.

Version : 1.4.2 (03rd Feb 2020)
— Email to ad owner change by adding additional data like order total, shipping total,…

Version : 1.4.1 (12th Jul 2019)
— Add to cart not working because of wrong settings of stock – Problem Solved
— From admin >> add/edit Ad, related product added if sell option is selected.
— From admin >>  edit Ad, stocks and other settings not added in previous version – Problem Solved


Version : 1.4.0 (11th Jul 2019)
— Post An Ad form >> while any one add Ad with stock enable settings selected but the number of stock qty not added, it added zero as number.
— Mean display product out of stock and customers cannot buy it, It was problem of data validation which is solved.


Version : 1.3.10 (10th Jul 2019)
— Some features not working with child theme – problem solved


Version : 1.3.9 (25th June 2019)
— On every activation plugin insert new custom fields and every de-activation all plugin related custom fields deleted
— While add/delete custom fields create problem on every update of plugin which is solved and now only check custom fields and if needed only add on every activation.
— No more delete and add custom fields every-time….


Version : 1.3.8 (17th June 2019)
— For User role = contributors, related WooCommerce Product not added and so the Ad cannot be able for purchase.
— In this case the problem was, User role = contributors — now allow to insert product and if inserted with draft status….
— Related Problem SOLVED…. and all new products will inserted in site admin account.


Version : 1.3.7 (03th June 2019)
— Localization text missed from PO file – added
— While active the plugin, related custom fields will be added in database directly with “field_core” value which should be “0” instead of “1”


Version : 1.3.6 (20th May 2019)
— User report search from – to date not display properly for MOBILE screen – problem solved.


Version : 1.3.5 (22th Apr 2019)
— Qty display on Seller report on front-end
— Qty shortcode added for plugin email and manage from wp-admin >> plugin settings.
— The shortcode is :: [WOOCLASSIFY_ORDER_ITEM_QTY] — Ordered item Qty


Version : 1.3.4 (20th Apr 2019)
— In case of child theme activated, plugin create display problem on dashboard – problem SOLVED.


Version : 1.3.3 (05th Apr 2019)
— PHP error on installation of plugin – SOLVED.


Version : 1.3.2 (04th Apr 2019)
— Dashboard link for Shopping Options(My Selling Items & My Sell Report) not display properly as per new Classipress theme – Problem solved.


Version : 1.3.1 (02th Apr 2019)
— New option added for Post An Ad form >> “Is Virtual Product (no physical product so no shipping cost)”
— Default add will be simple ad and you can add shipping charge and all and if you select this option, it will consider as virtual product or you can say service product.
— Manually manage ads to make as sell product by new options.
— See additional link from wp-admin > Ads (left menu) >> “WooClassify Ad to Products Map”
— Search and change your ad settings.



Version : 1.3.0 (26th Dec 2018)
— Buy button display as per theme update.


Version : 1.2.11 (13th June 2018)
— Buy button not display because of some reason – problem solved.

Version : 1.2.10 (4th April 2018)
— none selling ad also display buy link with listings – SOlved.
— WooCommerce error for deleted and invalid product stop the site and display error – problem solve.

Version : 1.2.9 (26th March 2018)
— Plugin updated as per latest WooCommerce plugin.
— Some upgrade of php code.

Version : 1.2.8 (10th March 2018)
— Added new plugin settings FIELD >> Admin settings
— which allow only admin to add ad for SELL.
— But admi should add ad related settings from wp-admin manually.
— What to do and how to do, every thing is mention below.

Version : 1.2.7 (24th Dec 2017)
— Buy button always display for any settings – ERROR solved.
— Now buy button will work only as per settings done by user and admin >> plugin settings.

Version : 1.2.6 (13th Dec 2017)
— SSL enabled but not work for some server, problem solved.
— Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘WC_Product’ not found in……. — ERROR solved.

Version : 1.2.5 (20th April 2017)
— Billing Name :: New field added to display Billing Name by shortcode like example –>> Billing Name : [WOOCLASSIFY_BILLING_NAME]
— Shipping Name :: New field added to display Shipping Name by shortcode like example –>> Shipping Name : [WOOCLASSIFY_SHIPPING_NAME]
— Shipping Address :: New field added to display Shipping Address by shortcode like example –>> Shipping Address : [WOOCLASSIFY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS]
— Added option for product stock display.
— Added option for product stock display position.
— Added option to enable add to cart with quantity change input box. by default it will display BUY THIS AD button only.

Version : 1.2.4 (2nd Feb 2017)
— Date format for seller and sold item reports >> date localization done.
— Order with multiple products and related AD ownere email — Correction done.
— Order Id :: New field added to ads owner email by shortcode like example –>> Order ID : [WOOCLASSIFY_ORDER_ID]

Version : 1.2.3 (19th Jan 2017)
— Action hook added for ad poster email so any one can user the action hook and send email copy to any othere.
— Filter added for listings buy now button so user can change button text as per they want.
— Get more details about action hook and filter from plugin readme.

Version : 1.2.2 (30th Dec 2016)
— Buyer’s Order Note :: New field added to ads owner email by shortcode like example –>> Order Note : [WOOCLASSIFY_BUYER_ORDER_NOTE]
— Use above shortocode to send buyer’s order note to owner email by plugin settings > Email message content settings.
— What ever order note added by buyer on checkout, will be added with email from this shortcode

Version : 1.2.1 (15th Dec 2016)
— Plugin settings >> “Synchronize ads & products” while click on the link “Click to manage setting to SELL all ads” >> check this ads for sell option was unchecked — Problem SOLVED.
— Now if you click the link “Click to manage setting to SELL all ads” >> checked ads will never uncheck.
— The problem was because of case sensitiviy difference between ‘Yes’ and ‘yes’.

Version : 1.2.0 (9th Dec 2016)
— Buyer Uername/login name :: New field added to ads owner email by shortcode like example –>> Username : [WOOCLASSIFY_BUYER_USERNAME]
— User above shortocode to send buyer username from owner email by plugin settings > Email message content settings.

Version : 1.0.9 (1st Dec 2016)
— Buyer Billing Address :: New field added to ads owner email by shortcode like example –>> Billing Address : [WOOCLASSIFY_BUYER_ADDRESS]
— User above shortocode to send buyer billing address from owner email by plugin settings > Email message content settings.
— “Buy This Ad” — New link option added for ads listings if related display settings enabled from plugin settings.
— site with SSL certificate, mean for https:// site js & css may not working – problem solved.

Version : 1.0.8 (12th Oct 2016)
— Category wise buy products settings added.
— Manage category from wp-admin > Ads > WooClassify > Category Settings
— If you have selected single category, it will display for that category only otherwise it will display for all categories.

Version : 1.0.7 (4th Sep 2016)
— New wooCommerce product will never added until “Sell this Ads?” is selected.
— If ads expired >> the buy now button will never dispaly for this ad.

Version : 1.0.6 (8th Aug 2016)
— “Buy This Ad” button redirection option added
— wp-admin > Ads (left menu) > WooClassify > WooClassify Settings > “After Buy Button Redirect to” >> New option –>Ad Detail Page
— It will redirect the page on same page after added to cart.

Version : 1.0.5 (28th July 2016)
— Seller report upgrade as per latest wooCommerce plugin on front end >> Dashboard.
— New Features ::
— Seller report for site admin from wp-admin >> Users (left menu) >> All Users >> Sell Report (New colum added in the user list)
— Report links will disply If seller have added minimum one ad for sell.
— Admin can see seller’s sell ads list.
— The reports link are redirecte on front end so admin can access all features for seller reports.
— Only site admin can access all user’s report.
— Reports from front end are secured for admin only.
— If any non-admin user try to access URL > user can only see own reports.

Version : 1.0.4 (10th July 2016)
— Out of stock message settings added form plugin settings.
— Check product stock and show message accordingly.

Version : 1.0.3 (07th July 2016)
— If you have installed “Ad Opportunities with WooCommerce” – email to seller will not sent — Problem solved.

Version : 1.0.2 (11th March 2016)
— Localization Added for the plugin.

Version : 1.0.1
— Cart Page product image missed/wrong if exported product from any where – Solved.

Version : 1.0.0
New Release

4 reviews of “WooClassify

5 stars
Very useful plugin
By -

The plugin has undergone a significant change since I purchased. He took responsibility and actions to fix several issues. Now, the plugin looks pretty great and functional. Highly recommend this plugin.

Anonymous likes this.
0.5 stars
This is the worst plugin I ever seen!
By -

This is the worst plugin I ever seen!
The designer has not even enabled the debugger to view the errors!
The “$_GET” values are not checked by “isset” condition.
The css codes are inside php files instead of using style.css file!
The codes are not readable and clean!
The code algorithm is extremely weak and incorrect!
Using deprecated woocommerce functions!
and …
I wonder how apthemes publish this plugin, Items for publishing by appthemes is not checked before approval?!

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
By -

When buying the seller does not send mail

By Vipul - July 7, 2016

Do you have installed “Ad Opportunities with WooCommerce for Classipress” also?
It may be problem so we have solved it and updating the plugin (WooClassify version : 1.0.3) so you can get latest plugin from dashboard.

5 stars
By -

Hello All ,
I am recently purchased this plugin. After installed buy button Not redirected.
So i reported to author “vipul” He sed in your theme some plugins effected. I tested all plugins removed & fresh installed also same problem repeated. Where is problem in classipress theme or this plugin ?
I think lot of bugs in plugin. Not working default. any video tutorial guide not available. Documentation not clear.

Hi sreenubfa,
We are sorry to say that you should check all document & pre requirement settings before buy the plugin.
The main thing is wooCommerce Plugin (which is free from wordpress.org) must work on your site otherwise buy this plugin is useless.
So first of all active the plugin, check it and confirm. It is absolutely free and available with good tutorials and documents.

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (163)

  • author

    Hi hzmhzm,
    Finally yes it was problem while no stock qty added. We have solve the problem and now there is no such problem for add to cart.
    We have updated the plugin on dashboard.

  • hzmhzm


    Thank you very much for an updated plugin. After installing your latest plugin, I tested it several times. Blatant errors were removed and this new plugin is a much better version than the previous ones. After testing this plugin, I noticed the following issue.

    When the seller uncheck the “enable stock management” and enter the quantity,
    the quantity appears as unlimited to the buyers. That can be considered an issue and error from the perspective of the sellers.

    The sellers who forget to check the checkbox of the “enable stock management”, might think that the limited number of quantity would appear to the buyers, when he/she forgot or missed to check the checkbox or does not know what “enable stock management means” for whatever the reason.

    Not only that, having “enable stock management” and “stock quantity” data field active at the same time is very confusing to the sellers.


    Because of those reasons,

    IF the checkbox of the “enable stock management” is UNCHECKED, the stock quantity field should be INACTIVE.

    ONLY IF the checkbox of the “enable stock management” is CHECKED, the stock quantity field should be ACTIVE.

    You can incorporate those kinds of codes ….:) Thank you and awaiting your response.

  • author

    HI hzmhzm,
    1) When the seller uncheck the “enable stock management” — it display unlimited stocks on detail page. What should display as per your suggestion?

    2)As per you told the show/hide stock qty on stock enable may not sure about but will check and try to add related javascript code.. in next update of plugin.


  • hzmhzm

    Hi Vipul,

    Currently, if the seller type in “a number’ in the stock quantity, but forgot to check the checkbox of “enable stock management”, “an infinite quantity” appears in stock. The following conditions should be implemented.

    IF the checkbox of the “enable stock management” is UNCHECKED, the stock quantity data field should be INACTIVE (the seller should NOT be able to type in the quantity).

    ONLY IF the checkbox of the “enable stock management” is CHECKED, the stock quantity field should be ACTIVE.

    I hope it clarifies things.

  • hamedostadi

    do this plugin support variable product????

  • Pawelk

    Is there any way to change the way of payments?.
    I want the money going stright to seller… Not to admin of website.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author

    Hi Pawelk,
    Actually we are using WooCommerce plugin as shopping cart platform and payment collection. There is only admin access shopping cart and no individual allowed.
    Even most of shopping site admin as per my idea mainly accept payment and every month collect report and pay payment to avoid fraud and client satisfaction and refund in any case and all….

    That is the main reason why we have mention related document with description and guide…

  • electra33


    I want to use woocommerce for Checkout on Classipress :

    When the customer adds an ad and goes to the payment step, he will be redirecting to woocommerce checkout

    can I do that with your plugin?


  • author

    Hi electra33,
    Yes there is option with plugin which allow user to redirect to checkout page instead of cart page. See settings here :: https://marketplace.appthemes.com/files/2015/03/07.jpg

    The option title : “After Buy Button Redirection to”

    • electra33


      Thank you for your reply

      I want to use this feature when someone adds a listing on classipress. I dont want to use it to sell add posted on the site

      See in at which stage.. : https://ibb.co/6Dskgpq

      Thanks and sorry for my english

  • author

    Hi electra33,
    Thanks for your image to clear your problem better. Actually this is the process method and checkout will display only if the paid service is there.
    If you try the free then it will never appear.
    But if you try to add paid list and without checkout page, it is not possible for ClassiPress theme because I just try to check all most settings and there is not any where. I think you may need to create forum ticket to ClassiPress Theme forum, so if any one have created such feature- it will easy for you to get the ready made code.

  • clica

    very good plugin – really very efficient – the support staff is very good too – I bought it, I am using it and very satisfied with the results. congratulations

  • tomkis

    I have problem :

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function cp_make_custom_name() in /autoinstalator/wordpress25/wp-content/plugins/woo_classify/woo_classify.php:277 Stack trace: #0 /autoinstalator/wordpress25/wp-content/plugins/woo_classify/woo_classify.php(304): WooClassifyClassiPress->wooClassify_insert_custom_fields(Array) #1 /autoinstalator/wordpress25/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(287): WooClassifyClassiPress->wooclassify_activation_hook(”) #2 /autoinstalator/wordpress25/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(311): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #3 /autoinstalator/wordpress25/wp-includes/plugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 /autoinstalator/wordpress25/wp-admin/plugins.php(193): do_action(‘activate_woo_cl…’) #5 {main} thrown in /autoinstalator/wordpress25/wp-content/plugins/woo_classify/woo_classify.php on line 277

  • author

    hi tomkis,
    function cp_make_custom_name() is defined for ClassiPress version 4.0+ only. Make sure you have latest classipress theme or let me know what is your theme version?

  • Diego

    Hi Vipul,

    We plan to purchase your plugin but we are wondering in what language does it exist? Only English?
    If so, how easy is it to change it to another language?

    Is it also possible when you tick the “Sell the Ads” to have a default that :
    – “Enable Stock Management”is : Ticked Yes,
    – Quantity to sell: 1,
    – “Sold individually” – Ticked Yes

    Thanks for your answer.

  • author

    Hi Diego.
    yes you can translate the plugin in another language also.
    Is it also possible when you tick the “Sell the Ads” to have a default that : >> then it is not possible because we are using the theme custom form settings and there are no such settings that set the default selected option as per your demand but if you wish you can customize the code and with the use of jQuery can select the checkbox selected. It may charge you if you hire our developer for 1 hr fees.


    • Diego

      Hi Vipul,

      Thank you for this quick answer! Much appreciated.
      I think that would be a good idea to hire one of your developer to do so. How do we organise it (Cost confirmation, timing, detailed specs /mock up, payment,..) ?


  • author

    HI Diego,
    Hi there we can communicate more about your solution on info@wpwebs.com
    please send your above details also for reference to get topic easily.

    Diego likes this.
  • clica

    I bought this plugin a long time ago – and I really like it – but I have the need to change PHP to 8.0.

    I put a copy of my site in a place for testing – and when I change to PHP 8.0 – the plugin gives an error in the ad pages:

    “Notice: The stock function was called incorrectly. Product properties should not be accessed directly. Backtrace: require(‘wp-blog-header.php’), require_once(‘wp-includes/template-loader.php’), include(‘/themes/classipress/wrapper.php’), load_template, require_once(‘/themes/classipress/single-ad_listing.php’), get_template_part, locate_template, load_template, require(‘/themes/classipress/parts/content- ad_listing.php’), dynamic_sidebar, WP_Widget->display_callback, APP_Widget->widget, scbWidget->widget, CP_Widget_Listing_Content->content, appthemes_before_post_content, do_action(‘appthemes_before_ad_listing_content’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_ClassifyPress-> woo_classify_buy_button, WC_Abstract_Legacy_Product->__get, wc_doing_it_wrong Read How to Debug WordPress for more information. (This post was added in version 3.0.) in /home/alladin/domains/alladin.com.br/public_html/lab1/wp-includes/functions .php online 5831”

    test site: https://alladin.com.br/lab1/ads/bik-com-br/ ((the ads appear with errors)) (PHP 8.0)

    original site: https://domainer.com.br/ads/bik-com-br/ ((ads appear normal)) (PHP 7.4)

    when will there be a new version of the plugin to work properly in PHP 8.0?

    Thank you for your help.

    Jorge Oliveira

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