Fire Starter

Product Description:

Fire Starter Version 1.0 – Simplify your life with Fire Starter on any AppThemes Theme. With Fire Starter you get extra FeedBurner feeds on all themes. You get an easy way to get approval on all webmaster areas, no need for extra coding or modification of theme. Get free backlinks & an SEO report when someone copies your content.

Fire Starter is already installed on 300+ WordPress blogs, we listen to our customers. Fire Starter works with most any WordPress theme.


Save time, save money, no more coding or hiring webmasters.
Get free backlinks when someone copies your content through Tynt.
– Display up to 3 Extra RSS feeds / Feedburner Feeds in easy widget!
– Get professional statistics with Analytic
– Take control of your webmaster areas with one click in Alexa, Yahoo, Bing and Google.
Create extra revenue with links through Adfly!
– Complementary, easy Favicon uploader for Vantage.
New quarterly solutions based on customers feedback.
– One easy setup for Listing and Coupon Feeds from Vantage, Clipper, ClassiPress and JobRoller!
– Easy installation with FTP or WordPress admin in AppThemes based website.
– No edit in code with update!
– Clean & Trusted Code!
– No need for Child theme!
– Easy turn-key installation!
– Free lifetime Support on AppThemes and

Multi Sites License:

According the AppThemes License use on all AppThemes sites.

Multi Themes Function

Working on all AppThemes published to date Vantage, ClassiPress,Quality Control, JobRoller and Clipper

Unlimited Support:

We will support the Fire Start  according to the AppThemes License you have. We normally answer within 12 or less per email or forum.


The Fire Started Plugin works on ALL AppThemes all versions not only the once we listed.

– ClassiPress 3.0.5+>
– ClassiPress 3.1.6
– ClassiPress 3.1.7
– ClassiPress 3.1.8
– ClassiPress 3.1.9
– ClassiPress 3.2.1
– All old up to JobRoller 1.6.4+>
– All Old up to Clipper v1.4.0+>
– All Old up Quality Control 0.6+>

– WordPress 3.0 – 3.5.1+

Supports v1.0:

Alexa, Tynt, AppThemes, Google Webmaster, Bing Webmaster, Yahoo Webmaster, Adfly, Favicon, Analytic, feed burner and multiple RSS feeds

2 people like this.

= Do i need to sign up on each service myself? =

Correct, we do not give support for third party services, but we love to help.

= Can i get support? =

Yes, Forum or/and you need to sign up with your own domain no free email.

= Do i need to fill in all the services? =

No only the once you need and want.

= Can I suggest another service? =

Yes, you need to sign up with your own domain no free email.

1. Upload `firestarter` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or import the zip file from Wordpress admin.
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Put your personal activation code in each box and click save.
4. There is a link to each service in the plug-in admin.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

You need to sign up on each service provided in the Fire Starter plugin. Each code can be found on the websites and linked within the admin panel.
We do not provide any official support to get each code, but we love to help.

= 1.0 =
2012.10.20 Created the plugin Fire Starter By

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 Comments (7)

  • levt

    Looking good is this working on cp 3.2.1 and wp 3.5??

    thesyndicate likes this.
  • author

    Hello, YES for sure. We just got it approved yesterday and it is tested on all the new Themes. Works on a normal WordPress theme as well no Issues.

  • marcelopedra

    Hello there! This plugin allow to create and submit sitemaps to Google and Bing? That’s the main reason to buy this and abandon WordPress SEO by Yoast.
    This plugin is still being maintained, right?

    • author

      Off course we still working on updates no issues on our end. But Sadly this will not create a sitemap it have some SEO functions but not the create sitemap one.

      2 people like this.
  • charlesnutss

    Will this plugin work with Jobsapp theme

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