CJ Affiliate Coupons

Jump start your Clipper coupon site with coupon and promotional data from CJ Affiliate (Commission Junction). The number one Affiliate Network in the world. CJ Affiliate has tons of coupon data for your Clipper coupon site. Forget the complicated CSV imports! Get the CJ Affiliate Coupons Publisher Plugin and import a truckload of coupon data in seconds!


  • Import coupons from joined (and also not joined) advertisers
  • Automatically create stores or define store relations
  • Automatically create categories or define category relations
  • Sends notifications about created stores
  • Sends notifications about created categories
  • Import coupons on demand or schedule hourly, twice daily or daily updates
  • Define number of coupons to import
  • Choose from promotion types: Coupons, Sweepstakes, Hot Product, Sale/Discount, Free Shipping, Seasonal Link.
  • Uninstall options to delete all coupons and stores created by the plugin


  • You must have a CJ Affiliate publisher account. Sign up for a free account at cj.com.
  • The CJ Affiliate Coupons Plugin requires Clipper 1.4 (our WordPress coupon theme) or newer.
3 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

CJ Affiliate Coupons Publisher will only work with Clipper (our WordPress coupon theme), version 1.4 or later.

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, visit “Clipper->CJ Affiliate” menu, and enter your API keys.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Full install instructions can be found in the CJ Affiliate plugin tutorial.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.3

  • Minor corrections
  • Added API authentication via Personal Access Tokens

Version 1.2

  • Increased timeout for connections with the CJ API

Version 1.1

  • Added uninstall options to delete all coupons and stores created by the plugin

Version 1.0

  • Initial release

2 reviews of “CJ Affiliate Coupons

5 stars
not work
By -

this plugin doesn t work.
can i change CJ Affiliate Coupons with Commission Junction Publisher?

Commission Junction Publisher work?


5 stars
Don't waste your money
By -

There’s no support for this plugin. The developer never responds. The plugin worked for 1 month only with the main theme but not with any of the child themes. You will never get support from this developer.

Anonymous likes this.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (67)

  • sbuchan1

    Have you ever thought of doing a Flexoffers.com affiliate coupons plugin, impactradius.com affiliate coupons plugin or pepperjamnetwork.com affiliate coupons plugin? Any of those would be good along with an ebay/amazon one too. Just an idea. Thanks!

    • author

      Thank you for suggestions! I have added FlexOffers to my todo list 🙂

      4 people like this.
  • dntsbb

    hi, can i import the products from store? even if no coupons available?

    • author

      No, sorry, this plugin do not import products… It imports into Clipper website a promotional offers made by stores/merchants

  • ishmamjt

    Hi I earlier purchased this one https://marketplace.appthemes.com/plugins/commission-junction-publisher/#desc. Seems both are your plugin. Can I upgrade to this one or need to purchase it again?

    • author

      Both plugins are created by me, but I’m the owner only of this one, the other one belongs to AppThemes company (where I worked before)… so, sorry, free migration/upgrade isn’t possible :/
      If you were using the previous plugin (Commission Junction Publisher), and now you would like to use this new one (CJ Affiliate Coupons), you don’t have to worry about duplicate import of coupons, or creating duplicate stores – the new plugin uses the same internal fields, so it should recognize coupons & stores imported by the old plugin 😉

      ishmamjt likes this.
  • ishmamjt

    Good to know that. You have created many affiliate network plugins here, great job. I would like to purchase them, probably 7/8 plugins. Is there any discount when buying them all together?
    And one more thing, can i use 1 plugin for 1 site or multiple sites?

    • author

      re.1. There is no official discount for ‘combo’ purchases, although, if you are planning bigger shopping as you said, please send me private message on forum, include the list of plugins you are interested, and I’ll ask manager of this Marketplace about creating individual discount coupon for you… my profile on forum: http://forums.appthemes.com/members/meloniq/

      re.2. After purchasing plugin you can use it on as many websites as you own. No ‘per website’ license restrictions 😉

  • dntsbb

    plugin is not importing the coupon codes, it put all as promotion. I have selected only coupons to import. also is selected to create categories and stores.

  • sameer

    Any modification work is going on on this plugin or not.

  • sameer

    Any update version of this plugin, in coming months or it’s final version.

    And if i bring this plugin then if you launch update version then should i pay again or i can use updated versions.

    • author

      New version with added new features is planned for close future. Once it’s released, you will receive updated version without paying again.

  • sameer

    Any sites is using this plugin. can you share that site link.

    • author

      Based on sales, out there suppose to be 100++ websites using CJ with Clipper. Sharing link will not help as plugin isn’t making visual changes on the frontend of website.

  • dealsjig

    Is it possible to import coupons for specific stores only. Say, I have joined about 10 stores. I would like to update/import coupons for only 5 stores. Is that possible with this plug in ?

    • author

      Hi, Yes, that’s possible… all you have to do is to disable “Create Stores” option, and set up relations for stores you want to import offers on “Stores relations” tab. That’s all! 😉

  • dealsjig

    How about in cases where I want to create only a certain number of stores on a particular website. Example, I would have joined 10 stores, but I would like to create only 5 stores now and add the other stores at a later date. Is this possible using this plugin ?? Please let me know.

    • author

      Hi, Yes, that’s possible… all you have to do is to create that stores manually on “WP Admin –> Coupons –> Stores” page, then disable “Create Stores” option in plugin configuration page, and set up relations for stores you just created on “Stores relations” tab. That’s all! 🙂

  • trangnv91

    Could you please tell me how to get Developer Key?

  • dthardy

    I have the original Commission Junction plugin you created. It times out if you try to import more than 10 coupons at a time. How does this plugin work differently so that you can “import a truckload of coupon data in seconds” as referenced in your product description.

    • author

      If it times out if you try to import more than 10 coupons at a time (like you said), it seems like something is definitely wrong with your server performance or configuration… please try to use it on a different server, from other hosting provider.

  • peete

    Do you have any plugin / suggestions to pull CJ coupons into a Couponer theme based coupon site?

  • cheapocoupon

    Is it possible to set the plugin so it only imports coupons and deals from a few specific merchants?

    And not automatically sync all merchants you have relations with?

    • author

      Yes, that’s possible. You have to disable option to create stores automatically, and setup stores relations manually only for these stores from which you would like to pull coupons.

  • cheapocoupon

    what is the difference between this CJ Coupon Publisher compared to the earlier one with AppThemes?

    • author

      From notable features it is notifications, and uninstall option… You have compare features list by yourself and make a decision (as an author of both, I can’t help you) 🙂

  • mohsinaziz83

    Hi Meloniq,

    Thanks for such a excellent plugin, But right now I’m facing some issues in importing Coupons through this plugin. http://www.retailmenopes.com is my website and the error that I’m facing is http://prntscr.com/d7paug

    Kindly check this snap shoot and let me know about this error. We are waiting for you positive response.

    RetailMeNopes Team

  • rsstoner

    Looking forward to a Flexoffer plugin 🙂

    Another affiliate program to take a look at is Pepperjam.

  • navkamboj6666

    Does this plugin have any option to Choose from networks: Australia ?

  • ashokthakur


    I bought CJ plugin and when trying to import it giving erros everytime.
    “CJ Affiliate coupons import failed. Error: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 5000 milliseconds with 167662 bytes received”

    While other plugin “ShareASale coupon import plugin” working fine with this website at same time.

    Please help to resolve this issue.


  • sharif31

    yesterday i purchase your Plugins . but their is an problem . when going to replace my store image then it’s not change . file upload successfully.but when i click insert into post then showing blank and not inserted to Store Logo .

    please solve this issue

    Thank You

    • author

      Hi @sharif3,
      Please try to use different web browser, and disable other plugins in your WP install if you have many of them installed…
      If it does not help, please report the problem on the Clipper theme forum (this feature, uploading store logos doesn’t come from this plugin, it is provided by the Clipper theme): https://forums.appthemes.com/report-clipper-bugs/

  • dian

    Can you tell me if affiliate links are imported correctly all the time?

    • author

      Hi @dian,
      Please define what do you mean by correctly importing affiliate links…
      Coupons being added by usual people to the CJ Affiliate system, so there (in the feed) might be some invalid coupons, eg. with missing description, or with a typo in the title… it’s a good practice to review what we are publishing on our coupon sites.

  • dian

    Hi meloniq,
    on coupon details we have destination url for every coupon added to clipper.
    destination url will be correctly add to every coupon?

  • dian

    Thank you meloniq!

  • husnasuzan

    I’ve recently purchased this plugin. However it’s been over 30 mins that I’ve set up the plugin and so far no stores or coupons have been added, although following correctly the installation guide.

    • author

      Hi @husnasuzan,
      I see by your forum thread that you was able to resolve your problem, if you will have some further problems please report them also on the forum. Thanks!

  • cillygurl

    Mine plugin acts like its processing then I get the message: “CJ Affiliate: 0 coupons have been imported.”

    I tested the API and it worked so not sure? Do I need to add the stores or something? I have almost 100 stores but no coupons imported? I want all offers from all of my joined advertisers to import. Only have Clipper Coupons Tagger and CJ Affiliate installed with Clipper so I am running the bare minimum. And I just downloaded the new est version fresh today after purchase. Please help

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