
Live Demo


“bluebit” is a premium childtheme for ClassiPress with a bold look and feel loaded with excellent features. You can now easily give your ClassiPress website a great look and feel. With it’s intuitive interface it will definitely increase your conversion rate! Because of the responsiveness of the theme, it’s compatible with any mobile device, giving your visitors the best user-experience possible.

The childtheme comes with an admin panel in the WordPress backend where you can configure the theme settings (see screenshot provided).


– Responsive childtheme for ClassiPress.
– Fresh renovated look and feel.
– Revolution Slider plugin integrated.
– Grid/list switcher.
– Latest blog posts integrated in home.
– Login and Register pages with extra custom sidebars.
– Improved blog posts list (archive, categories & tags) for better look.
… and some more coming in next releases and updates.


– Sort ads under archives.
Place your own ideas in product comments (“Comments” tab) for features you like to be added so we can study every case and elaborate it further with you.


1. ClassiPress HOME template »
2. ClassiPress LOGIN template »
3. ClassiPress REGISTER template »
4. ClassiPress PASSWORD RECOVERY template »
5. ClassiPress PASSWORD RESET template »
6. ClassiPress SEARCH RESULTS template »
7. ClassiPress ARCHIVE main »
8. ClassiPress ARCHIVE (categories) »
9. ClassiPress ARCHIVE (tags) »
10. ClassiPress AD (single) »
11. ClassiPress CATEGORIES template »
12. ClassiPress STATIC PAGE (with sidebar) template »
13. ClassiPress STATIC PAGE (full width) template »
14. ClassiPress AUTHOR template »
15. ClassiPress ERROR 404 template »
16. ClassiPress BLOG ARCHIVE (list) »
17. ClassiPress BLOG ARCHIVE (categories) »
18. ClassiPress BLOG ARCHIVE (tags) »
19. ClassiPress BLOG (single with image and no comments) »
20. ClassiPress BLOG (single with comments and no image) »

For the next pages you’ll need to be logged in.
You can create an account here REGISTER IN BLUEBIT »
21. ClassiPress CREATE AD (3 steps) »
22. ClassiPress PURCHASE MEMBERSHIP (3 steps) »
23. ClassiPress EDIT AD template »
24. ClassiPress DASHBOARD template »
25. ClassiPress EDIT PROFILE template »



bluebit childtheme - home


bluebit childtheme - listings

Single Ad…

bluebit childtheme - single ad


1. Always make a full backup of your site.
2. Upload the childtheme to your themes folder.
3. Activate the childtheme.
4. This childtheme requires “Revolution Slider” (included) plugin for better appearance so you just need to accept the installation as soon as you finish activating the childtheme. There is a sample slider provided with the childtheme under “bluebit/examples/” to show the basic functions of the slider so you just need to import it.
5. Go to your “ClassiPress/Settings” and under “Advanced” tab check “Turn off all styles (advanced users only)”.
6. Set the sidebars or rearrange them the way you need.

– For sites with previously published Ads you’ll need to regenerate your thumbnails. To achieve this, simply use Regenerate Thumbnails free plugin.


Please visit the dedicated forum.


v1.0 – September 19th, 2015. Initial release.
v1.1 – October 8th, 2015. Bugs fixed.
v1.1.1 – November 1st, 2015. Bugs fixed + latest “Revolution Slider” plugin.
v1.1.2 – November 16th, 2015. Bugs fixed + latest “Revolution Slider” plugin.
v1.2 – November 23rd, 2015. Improvements.
v1.2.1 – December 4th, 2015. Bugs fixed + latest “Revolution Slider” plugin.
v1.2.2 – December 15th, 2015. ClassiPress 3.5.2 compatible.
v1.2.3 – December 17th, 2015. Bugs fixed + latest “Revolution Slider” plugin.
v1.2.4 – February 15th, 2016. ClassiPress 3.5.3 compatible + latest “Revolution Slider” plugin.
v1.2.5 – March 28th, 2016. Bugs fixed + ClassiPress 3.5.4 compatible + latest “Revolution Slider” plugin.

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (58)

  • author

    Hello sreenubfa,

    Thanks for pointing us the plugin. A nice one by the way!

    Best regards!

  • author

    Hello lucasatkins,

    Ive just sent the childtheme update version 1.2.4 (compatible with CP v3.5.3) to AppThemes moderators for review so should be available within hours.

    Both issues have been solved.

    Best regards!

  • lucasatkins


    Thanks for the update! Also, which issues do you think have been fixed?


    rubencio likes this.
  • lucasatkins

    Also, do you recommend just overwriting files via FTP to update?

    rubencio likes this.
  • lucasatkins


    I am having an issue with the child theme CSS interfering with some of my plugins’ CSS. Any idea how I can fix this?


    rubencio likes this.
  • author

    Hi lucasatkins,

    Issues fixed:
    – navigation drop-down is overlapping on logo
    – recpatcha goes behind the submit button

    Update your childtheme by simply overriding your actual one. Remember ALWAYS to make a backup before doing so (database and files).

    In order to try help you further with your CSS isues please elaborate the issue so I can check it in demo or live site and give you the corrections needed. Please note this is not part of the support scope so I’ll try my best to cover all of them.

    Best regards!

  • lucasatkins


    Quick customisation question…

    In the header, once logged in, how can I switch the circle user icon to the logged in user’s avatar?


    rubencio likes this.
  • author

    Hello lucasatkins,

    Quick question but not that quick answer.

    You’ll need to play a bit with the code and styles including this function in your “bluebit/header.php” file (in about line 31) and then customizing your CSS as per your needs.

    <?php if ( $cp_options->ad_gravatar_thumb ) appthemes_get_profile_pic( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ), get_the_author_meta( 'user_email' ), 32 ); ?>

    Best regards!

  • arguijo01

    hi, do you have a demo when i cansee the site with categories and tabs, if posible, thanks

  • author

    Hello arguijo01,

    I really don’r get what you mean here… do you mind to elaborate your question further?

    Best regards!

    pdevel1614 likes this.
  • Greg

    On mobile, the gallery views of categories have serious issues. If you view all ads in a cetegory on mobile, the view is skewed. Viewed on Android Samsung S5, chrome browser. I took screen shots if you want to see them. Cheers

    rubencio likes this.
    • author

      Hello Greg,

      This problem have been fixed in latest version released just minutes ago.

      Again, thank you for pointing me about the issue.


  • author

    Hi Greg,

    Thanks for pointing me that. It seems in the last update the “single” templates are broken on mobile devices… will fix this asap!

    Thanks a lot once again!!


  • arguijo01

    can someone share a link to a website using this theme? im interested but the demo only shous the one ad, i would like to see how the site looks with some widgets on it, categories tabs and things like that, thanks

    rubencio likes this.
  • author

    Hola arguijo01,

    La web demo muestra el childtheme tal como es. No entiendo la parte donde dices “the demo only shous the one ad” a qué te refieres exactamente. Este childtheme no muestra widgets en el sidebar en la home, sólo en el resto de las páginas. En resumen: el childtheme es tal como lo ves en la home, no creo nadie te pueda dar un link a una demo con algo diferente a lo que se ve en la demo oficial (a no ser que ya el childtheme haya sido modificado).


    Anonymous likes this.
  • kbieri85

    Hello rubencio
    – Can I disable the featured Ads slider on home?
    – Can I ad more than 2 recent Blog posts on home?
    – Is a Sidebar possible on home?
    – Multiple Header Image/Slider? with/without the searchbar?
    – Compatible CP 3.5.7?

    Thanks for a quick Feedback.


    rubencio likes this.
    • author

      Hello kbieri85,

      Sorry the late response, it is holidays over here. As per your questions:

      – Yes you can disable featured ads on home.
      – Yes you can by tweaking the tpl-ads-home.php file
      – Sorry no, that should be made by making changes on tpl-ads-home.php + style.css files
      – You mean showing or not the search bar inside different slides? That will require also some tweaks
      – I’ve just finish the update and I’m testing it on my side. If all fine I’ll update the product during this week.

      Best regards!

  • lucasatkins


    I have the TinyMCE enabled for description on ads, and it shows up on desktop. However, when on mobile, it does not show. Do you happen to know why this is? I noticed some other AJAX / jQuery things also are broken when on mobile view. Any ideas?

    Thank you!

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Jerome


    How do i setup the ad box area (i want to you use google adsense) i realize that there is a section for the small top ads (468×60) and (336×280) but none for the ads on single ad listing page below the description as in BlueBit. Thanks

    2 people like this.
  • lucasatkins


    if I wanted to remove the search bar from a single ad listing template, how would I do this? So no ad listings show search bar.


    rubencio likes this.
  • jorbian

    I have rated your theme with 3 stars because although it is very good you are not constant in terms of support. So far I have not received any answers in the forum.

    2 people like this.
    • author

      Hello Jorbian,

      I’ve just replied both tickets.

      Please note ONLY the last one (opened just 6 hours ago) was in fact a real ticket, the first one was not about support but about a custom development or very specific needs you have on your site. So basically that one seems more like something you should look into the AppThemes forum and not in the product page or tickets system.

      Anyway, if you have any other issue just let me know.

      Best regards!!

  • mkjj

    Hi there,

    we’ve purchased your child theme. It works pretty good out-of-the-box (others didn’t!). At least one string is not gettext-ready. This is “View type” in 5 templates. Please change that.

    A propos language files. I tried to translate the child theme with no luck at all. I put a bluebit-de_DE.po plus .mo in wp-content/languages/themes: didn’t work. I put the files in wp-content/themes/bluebit/languages/: didn’t work (of course, I registered the textdomain in the functions.php). What worked: I added new strings manually to the .po files. But hey, that is NOT the way to go. Am I missing anything? Why do you use the same text-domain?

    rubencio likes this.
    • author

      Hello mkjj,

      You don’t need to specifically translate the childtheme, will work with parent theme translations anyway.

      Best regards!

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Easily give a great look and feel to your ClassiPress based website.



Easily give a great look and feel to your ClassiPress based website.



Easily give a great look and feel to your ClassiPress based website.
