Simply Hired Publisher

As of April 27th, 2017 this plugin is no longer for sale. Simply Hired has ended their partner solutions program so this plugin no longer works.

A highly customizable aggregator that publishes job listings on your site using the Simply Hired API. Requires JobRoller (our WordPress job board theme) and a Job-a-matic account from Simply Hired.


  • Select from over 20 countries
  • O*NET occupation support for US websites. Show the most relevant jobs to your site audience (i.e: O*NET code 27-1* will pull Art related jobs)
  • Flexible job queries to display the most relevant jobs to each unique website
  • Set any number of jobs to pull from Simply Hired
  • Sort results by relevance, title, date etc…
  • Search Simply Hired jobs, on demand or when no local results are found
  • Display Simply Hired results on the front page, when searching or browsing jobs by type and categories
  • Cache front page results for better performance
  • Use CSS classes to style sponsored, organic and paid jobs
  • Uses standard WordPress gettext libraries for easy translation
  • Clean and well commented code
4 people like this.
Please visit the dedicated support forum.



  • Added support for new Simply Hired API
  • Added new ‘Authentication Key’ option



  • Jobs by attribution HTML



  • O*NET Listings Code backend validation always retrieving ‘Unknown or invalid O*NET code’
  • Load more jobs not returning results


  • Updated SimplyHired logo and linked it to the respective country site
  • Added ‘onMouseDown’ javascript code to each job link, to accurately monitor clicks
  • Use ‘wp_remote_get()’ instead of ‘file_get_contents()’



  • Country being displayed on the query example in job type mappings descriptions
  • Simply Hired logo being replaced by logo from other installed job feed plugin
  • Language file not working correctly (‘.po’ files must be placed in /languages folder and named ‘simply-hired-publisher-xx_XX’, where ‘xx_XX’ is your country locale)


  • Added option to enable displaying Simply Hired jobs before or after site jobs
  • Updated Google maps geocoding to v.3
  • Removed wp_reset_query() calls

One review of “Simply Hired Publisher

5 stars
Feedback on Integrations
By -

So far, been a few days, I have not heard from SimplyHired to activate and get it going. I did hear from CareerJet and it is running great!

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (67)

  • carlos6627


    I stared a thread and also PM people and I have no help if I don’t get help soon I will need my money back…

  • carlos6627

    Yes both plug in are active but no luck in viewing jobs

  • carlos6627

    yes I do have it on the forum but I get no help there

    • Yumiko

      @carlos6627, just to follow up on this, a new version of the SimplyHired publisher plugin was made available on the 6th of March 2014. If you have already updated this and are still experiencing issues, please do post in the forums and our team can assist. Thanks.

  • Maria

    Hello there! I have some questions re: this plugin.
    1. Could we load ALL jobs to our site and not just niches?
    2. How many jobs would that be in total?
    3. Will our jobs board show them as coming from them or can their branding be hidden?


    • Bruno Carreço

      Hello Maria,

      “1. Could we load ALL jobs to our site and not just niches?”
      You can load any type of job.

      “2. How many jobs would that be in total?”
      You can pull 100 jobs

      “3. Will our jobs board show them as coming from them or can their branding be hidden?”
      The branding cannot be hidden as it would break Simply Hired policies to use their jobs feed API.

  • Maria

    Dear Bruce,

    Thank you for answering my questions. A follow up question though. What do you mean by 100 Jobs? Did you mean that when our jobs board lists the number of available jobs, it will only be 100? Could you please clarify?

    Thank you.

    • Bruno Carreço

      It means you can list 100 jobs at a time. Visitors can click ‘Next Page’ to load 100 more jobs, if available. The Simply Hired API only allows fetching 100 jobs per request.

  • bt1500


    i have version 1 of this plugin. How do I update? (and do I need to?)

    Also, do I need to do anything for the recent simply hired jobamatic changes as per link below or will this happen automatically?

  • Bruno Carreço

    @bt1500, you should be able to update it directly from you WordPress dashboard. Go to Plugins > Simply Hired > Update

    If you don’t seen an updated version on your WP dashboard you can download the latest version from your AppThemes dashboard and replace your current files with the new version.

    You don’t need to do anything else. The latest update covers the recent changes requested by Simply Hired, for their partners.

  • Ben Racicot

    Hello, If I can use all three XML based plugins at the same time will the plugins watch for duplicates? No doubt duplicates must results to and from all 3 websites.(linkedin, Indeed & Simply Hired)

    • Bruno Carreço

      Hi Ben. Each XML feeder retrieves their own jobs and work independently. Although possible, chances of duplicate jobs appearing in the same page are very very low. Looking for duplicates on each provider would heavily slow down job retrieval and it is not worth the performance hit.

      • Ben Racicot

        Well thats good! I was thinking that since the feeds create posts (correct?) that the duplication issue would be handled within your WP install. The reason I ask is because do see duplicates on these job outlet sites so there definitely would be duplicates at some points. Maybe I would have to check manually? Or maybe there are so few duplicates it doesn’t really matter… Thanks for the reply.

        • Bruno Carreço

          Ben, the XML feeds do not create posts. Although you can list and paginate jobs coming from external providers, they do not generate any posts. When a user clicks one of these links he will be redirected to an external link.

  • Pat

    What version is simply hired and careerjet plugin? Are they up to date?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • james

    Does this feed in jobs from every country and does it match the style of jobs to your site as indeed does not which is very annoying ?


  • Bruno Carreço

    @james, the jobs are displayed like normal jobs with the additional indication that they are external jobs from Simply Hired.

    From the plugin screenshots you can see the output:

  • starahj

    Hi Bruno,

    Quick question. When using SimplyHired Pub, will my users be directed to an external website when they find a job that they would like to apply to, or would my users be able to apply for the SimplyHired jobs on my website?

    Just want to know if it’s like the Indeed feed which takes users to an external site completely.



    • Bruno Carreço

      @starahj, the SimplyHired plugin works the same way as the Indeed feed. When applying to these jobs, job seekers are redirected to an external site.

      Anonymous likes this.
      • joe

        Is it possible to redirect them to a page (or a message) before brining them to the site?

        • Bruno Carreço

          @joe, users are redirected to the link provided by the SimplyHired feed. In order to change this behavior you would need to “hack” the code. This is not recommended unless you’re comfortable with PHP.

  • teacdan

    Hope you are very well!
    My site (jobroller) will be in Spanish and will cover several Spanish speaking countries.
    Can I use your plugin and Simply wired to populate my website with jobs form several countries?
    Will each country have its own feed?
    Is setup simple?


    Anonymous likes this.
  • teacdan

    Just noticed Job a matic will be discontinued
    Will your plugin work with new platform?


  • pilotjoe

    My plugin stopped working… looks like its not compatable with the latest JobRoller. Is there any fix for this?

  • freshjustin

    Since job o matic is discontinued i need to know if this plugin works? Developers can you please let us know as others are saying it doesn’t work anymore. Please Update!

  • Roger

    This plugin is not working with Simply Hired at the moment. Can you help? No response on support forum.

  • Roger

    Hi. I am trying to get this working for a client but it is not working with Simply Hired. We have version 1 installed. How can we get the latest version?

  • Bruno Carreço

    Roger, what versions of JobRoller and SimplyHired are you using?

  • mandour

    Hi Bruno,

    JobRollerVersion: 1.6.3
    Simply Hired – Version 1.2.2

    I was able to update the Plugin this morning. Do we need to update the theme?

    Also do we need this plugin FXtender Pro (for JobRoller)

  • Bruno Carreço

    @mandour, if you are not using custom features or a child theme that is stuck on a specific JobRoller version we always recommend customers to update their themes to the latest version. In your case, that’s specially true since you’re using a very old JobRoller version (current version is 1.8.1).

    If you are not able to upgrade to JobRoller 1.8.1 and you’re using a child theme please try temporarily disabling it (switch to a default theme) to see if the issue persists.

    For additional support, please use the related support forum (


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