SMS Premium

Start accepting payments via Premium SMS on your ClassiPress, JobRoller, Vantage, HireBee, Taskerr and Clipper websites.


  • Accept payments via Premium SMS (almost all people around the world have an phone).
  • Accept payments in almost any currency (currency depends of your SMS service provider).
  • Allow customers to view their wallet and transactions history on their profile page.
  • Allow administrators to manually change customer wallet balance.

How it works:

  • Each user on your site have created virtual wallet.
  • On gateway select page user choose payment by Premium SMS.
  • On next page he can send SMS, and enter received code to add funds to his virtual wallet.
  • Once balance of his virtual wallet exceed the amount he should to pay for order, the SMS form get replaced with ‘Pay’ button.
  • When he click the ‘Pay’ button, order amount being subtracted from his virtual wallet balance, and order is marked as completed.


  • Active Premium SMS Account — Premium SMS provider must be giving you an option to generate list of SMS codes
  • AppThemes Product with Payments Support.
5 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

The Premium SMS Payment Gateway will work with any theme that supports AppThemes Payments.

  • Vantage 1.1+
  • Clipper 1.4+
  • ClassiPress 3.3+
  • JobRoller 1.7+
  • HireBee 1.0+
  • Taskerr 1.0+

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, you can configure the settings via the Payments Settings for your site.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.0

  • Initial release
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(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (31)

  • David

    Please I didn’t get you description well can you add a front end screenshot of user profile. Do the plugin create a wallet system apart from the credit system themes like hirebee have??

    • author

      Please look at the “Wallet & History” screenshot, it’s taken from user profile.
      Yes, plugin creates own wallet system… it plays a role of a bridge between not flexible amounts from Premium SMS, and a amounts to pay for goods/listings.
      Your Premium SMS rate is 3$, and to post a listing on you website cost 5$. User will have to send 2 x Premium SMS, 6$ (2 x 3$) will be booked to his wallet, then he will be able to make payment to post a listing, 5$ will be subtracted from his wallet, and as final result 1$ (6$ – 5$ = 1$) will persists in his wallet, this 1$ can be used during the next purchase.

      Using described above way, we are able to charge equal amount.

  • ugyenphuntsho

    Is sms available in bhutan thanks

    • author

      Sorry, I don’t know the Bhutan market… the best will be if you ask the question on some local forum, they will know better than I who offers premium sms service in Bhutan.

  • aymans87


    Is this feature available for Lebanon? We have no local forums that discuss this and I would be highly interested in this plugin if the feature is available.

    Thank you

  • Miloš

    How this plugin working?
    How I can setting this sms pay? I must registered on any payment gateway?

    Or appthemes provide any payment gateway or i must make registration on 2checkout payment gateway or other payment gateway?

    I need use this plugin on Slovak country.


    • author

      To use this payment gateway you will need also account in one of Micropayments providers.

      Doing a quick search for Slovakia Premium SMS providers, I found 2 potential services:

      Please contact with them and ask about option to generate list of SMS codes, you will need to copy&paste this list with codes into plugin configuration, if they do have it, it will work.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • cecilia

    Does this work with escrow payments?


  • Michal

    i have a few questions:
    1. SMS code has to be unique in list?
    2. SMS codes are deleted from list after it is used?
    3. Any constraints regarding SMS codes? (length, characters…)?

    Thanks in advance,
    Michal Vanek,

    • author

      re.1. No, its not required, although codes should be unique, otherwise someone that received one code could use it few times.

      re.2. Yes, once a user enters a valid code, it is being removed from the list of codes.

      re.3. No, from payment gateway side there is no limits, codes can be build from any character, usually it’s a mix of latin letters with digits. I’m not sure how codes looks like for languages that uses other alphabets like Russian and its cyrillic, probably also latin letters are used for codes.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • ank

    hi man i want to make it work in trinidad and tobago port of spain, i can use or similar service, can u plz tell me that if that will work on not.

    • author

      No, sorry, BulkSMS offers different type of SMS service… and quick googling for compatible service for “Trinidad and Tobago” lead me to nowhere :/

  • zakopiec

    This plugin working with polish provider?

  • Vex


    is there Serbian SMS Premium provider you are aware of?


  • Vanessa


    I am interested in this gateway. Is there Spanish SMS Premium provider?


    • author

      Sorry, I don’t know the Spanish market and language, so please review the services from the search results:
      In the service description look for an option to generate list of codes, codes that will be send to users as response to their SMS message… or ask question about that option through contact form.

  • Dawid

    Cześć,podoba mi się twoje rozwiązanie ,natomiast widzę ,że wtyczka długo nie była aktualizowana ,czy będzie działała z najnowszą wersją WordPressa ,czy mógłbym zobaczyć jakąś wersję demo wtyczki ?

    • Dawid

      Jeszcze dwa pytania czy wtyczka będzie działała pod woocommerce ? i czy nie będzie problemu z integracją tej wtyczki z innym motywem ,a mianowicie chodzi mi o “Flatsome” z envato market .

      • author

        Hey @Dawid,
        Wtyczka przeznaczona jest do integracji motywów od AppThemes z płatnościami poprzez SMS, nie będzie ona działała z sklepem WooCommerce, sorry.


    hello, I use the “Classipress” theme, can this work for Naira (NGN). I mean will I be able to accept payment in Naira (NGN) and also get it to my local account.

    • author

      Hi @Mohammed,
      That’s possible, “SMS Premium” gateway is universal, it’s not targeted to any Premium SMS provider, but you have to find one by your own that’s compatible with this gateway, that SMS Service have to provide you a list of SMS codes that will be send by them to people, this list of codes you will have to enter in the plugin configuration page.

  • Angelique

    Can this be used in South Africa?

  • hzmhzm

    Would it work with the latest version of AppThemes?

    My plan is to manually top up the wallet balance after receiving cash or other methods,so that the customers can make a payment for the ads. (I do not plan to use SMS (1) it is expensive(2) the phone carriers in my country (Myanmar) might not be giving me the codes) Without using SMS payment, would the wallet balance be deducted when my customers pay for the ads?

  • Alawal

    can I use it for Bangladeshi Taka?

  • quelprojet

    Fonctionne t’il avec la france et l’algerie, le maroc, la tunisie ?


  • RT

    Hi, does this plugin work with any SMS provider? We are in Greece and we have some sms providers but is you plugin compatible with any of our providers?

    Thanks in advance

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