
Selected ads For Classipress

Display Selected ads widget for Classipress


Chatra Live Chat

Still using Contact Form? Communicate with your customers interactively!


Ads By Category or Ad Tag

Display ads from specific category or categories by using a filter widget.


ClassiPress 4 Infinite Scroll

Add infinite ads scrolling for ClassiPress 4.


ClassiPress 4 Related Ads

Add related listing widgets to your ClassiPress 4 site.

classipress sms notifications

ClassiPress SMS Notifications Pro

Sends SMS Notifications to Admin, Owners and Users in All Important events.



Taggernaut plugin automatically generates SEO-friendly categories and tags…


JobRoller New Widget Spaces

Make your site dynamically manage by drag & drop widgets in extra…


Profiler for JobRoller

Create attractive profiler web page for job poster company.
