Mapsupreme for Vantage

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Mapsupreme is a plugin helps to add Google Map in your Vantage theme through short-code or action hooks. It gives a Clustered Google map or a grouping Google Map with colorful Icons.

You can set the map center point as per your city or region from the plugin settings. The map lists all listing & event posts with colorful grouping icons. If you want to change icons, you can change from “icons” folder in the plugin folder. On individual pin point click, a user can get the listing image, title with link, address, website, phone.

The main feature of the plugin is the data json file. All listing information is stored in one data file which is stored in plugin(mapsupreme) folder so every time it requires no server load time to collect data for the map. This helps the loading and processing time.

You don’t have to worry about the new/updated listing as the data file will refresh on each time period you have set from plugin settings automatically. And if by mistake any listing is not loaded then from plugin settings, you can reload the map settings and refresh the data file with just a single button click. It’s so easy!

This plugin works with Vantage only. It is compatible with WordPress Multisite.

Get Map Category Icons.

Map with multiple listings from same address

Key Features

  • Google Map API 3 Version with all latest futures
  • Minimum java-script code written for Google map functionality
  • Speedy Google map data processing by data.json file cache
  • All Listing & Events Data are store in json file(data.json) which included as script file every time
  • New (after version: show multiple listing on same address
  • New (after version: map for mobile device.
  • No run-time load of data process
  • Data json file is refresh/new data added/updated by the time of cron job you can set from plugin settings (hourly/daily…)
  • Totally json data code so no problem of multiple language content
  • Colorful grouping icon change option by change icons from plugin folder
  • Change pin point icon from icons folder of plugins
  • Easily place the map in any post/page detail page by wordpress shortcode
  • WordPress action hook is given to place the code any where in php you want to show the map.
  • Set the map center points & zooming factor from plugin settings.
  • Set the map height & width as per your settings while adding shortcode
  • Map type selection option ROADMAP/SATELLITE/HYBRID/TERRAIN
  • Specific category listing data selection option from plugin settings. and many more…
Added after Version : 1.3.6 (22th February 2016)
  • Location search on map.
  • On map load pin points “DROP” effect added.
  • On pin points click Animation “BOUNCE” effect added — enable/disable from plugin settings.
  • ‘’ — new api url added.
  • “mapsupreme_google_api_url” filter added for google map api url controll.
  • Changed map language by settings –> wp-admin > Vantage > Geo Services > Map – Google > Language.
  • Google map API Key from above settings now you can manage easily from plugin settings.
Added after Version : 1.4.0 (18th June 2016)
  • Multiple listings/events on same address (Problem Solved)
    — display like slide but was not working for sometime.
  • Map Pin Popup Settings (from plugin settings).
    — you can hide “Reviews”, “Company Website” and “Get Direction on Map”.
Added after Version : 1.4.1 (25th June 2016)
  • Star ratings added in popup.
  • Map Pin Popup admin Settings — New options added.
    • Show/hide Address,
    • Show/hide Phone,
    • Show/hide Ratings,
    • Show/hide Reviews,
    • Show/hide Company Website,
    • Show/hide Company Website
Added after Version : 1.4.2 (9th July 2016)
    • Multicity option added and related settings added from widget settings.
      • User should select both options below ::
      • –> enable “Vantage Multi-City” plugin from google map? &&
      • –> “City wise map data”
    • If “City wise map data” not inseted it will try to search data from “Vantage Multi-City” plugin. Sometimes it not working that’s why we have added this feature.
    • Important is if you don’t have installed “Vantage Multi-City” then also the map will work if “City wise map data” inserted but you should provide city data from URL.
    • Enter comma seperated data in new line for each city. Map will focus automatically while city is selected.
    • Example how to insert city data

New York,40.712784,-74.005941

    • City name should be same as “?set_vmc_city=London” from browser URL.
    • You may get city latitude & longitude from url >>
    • Use shotcode for city wise map links :: [vantage_gmap_cities]

–> It will display city list with url so on click it will display home page map with selected city focus.

Plugin Usage

      • You can add google map by shortcode. Insert the code in post/page/listing editor content.
      • Shortcode is :: [vantage_gmap]
      • Set width & height like :: [vantage_gmap w=600px h=300px], Refer to readme.txt for more details or go to the “Notes” page in the plugin settings.
      • You can use wordpress action hook “wpw_vantage_gmap_code”. The php coding for that is below::
        $arg = array('w' = '100%','h' = '400px');
        • “w” :: widht of google map either “px” or “%”
        • “h” :: height of google map either “px” or “%”

Important Notes

      • Please find the file “data.json” at \www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\vantage_googlemap/data.json
      • If not found? create new file at \www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\vantage_googlemap/data.json
      • Please make sure to set “data.json” permission “766” or “777” or give the file write permission
      • Check file from http://localhost/wordpress/vantage/wp-content/plugins/vantage_googlemap/data.json
      • If this is first time? Set data.jason Data by Click the link
      • See the Plugin settings Page for more details and see your server exact file location and all.
      • Maximum of 5000-7000 listing posts will be added in the vantage Google Map to rock the map as every time it will be load and processing time taken.
      • Display your choice of category by plugin settings on the home page map
      • Set the Google Map Center Lan & Lng & Zooming factor from plugin settings
      • The map will show only post_type=”listing” & “events”
      • The map Latitude & Longitude are post custom fields “lat” & “lng”
      • Change pin point icon(pin.png) from “icons” folder inside plugin folder
      • Change zooming icons(m1.png,m2.png,m3.png,m4.png,m5.png) from “icons” folder inside plugin folder

Google API is necessary after June 22, 2016 of new google map map updated policy. We have created a good article with screen image for better understanding about create new google API key. Click the link to create google API

5 people like this.
  • What is special in Version:1.1.4?
    ==>Map pinpoint popup design changed.
    ==>Map langauge changes as per vantage theme geo map settings.
    ==>Category wise map settings Grid listing/normal listing of map and many more….
  • What is special in Version:1.1.0?
    ==>In version:1.1.0 we have added event with listing on same map. You can show either listing or events via the setting from wp-admin > plugin. Show/Hide options for different pages via widgets. The shortcode code also changed.
  • How to use map via Widget?
    ==>New widget added, Widget name :: MapSupreme Google Map
    MapSupreme Google Map for Home page, Listing page & Search page. Please add the widget to “List Page Top Sidebar” widget area for vantage version 1.2+
  • Map Not appear properly?
    ==> Go to plugin settings page and refer below notes OR check the readme.txt file inside the plugin folder.
  • How to add map code in header.php file?
    ==>Go to wp-admin > Appearance (left menu) > Editor >> edit the file (header.php)Get the php code from readme.txt file and place after last line in header.phpORYou can get the code directly to copy & paste from ::
  • How to add Map on home page?
    ==> refer readme.txt file to get the php code which should be added in header.php of theme root to show map on home page. You can set widht & height as per your wish.
  • Display specific categories on map?
    ==> from plugin settings page, you can see the option to set the category display of you want. Just select your choice and press the refresh data button and you can see the effect on your map.
  • How to set Category Icons?
    ==> You can set the category icons while Add/Edit Listing Category. You should upload the icons from media library & get the image link to place there.
  • How to set different Map type?
    ==> Go to plugin settings > set the “Map Effect”
  • Map Not appear properly on Detail page?
    ==> Please add below css class in your style.css file at last line of current theme root folder.article.listing #vantage_gmap img { max-width: 100%; position: inherit;}
  • Display Category Map?
    ==> Get latest version 1.0.3 and it will work for category wise map on listing page as well via shortcode/action hook you can add to any where you want. You can add multiple category/parent category.

1)Unzip the folder

2)Copy the plugin folder “mapsupreme_vantage” and paste in “wp-content/plugins/”

3)Go to wp-admin -> Plugins -> Mapsupreme -> Active Plugin

4)You can see additional “Mapsupreme” menu link under “Listings” box at left menus from where you can manage settings.
The path is like : Go to wp-admin > Listings (left menu) > Mapsupreme > Settings…

5) If it is first time installation you should press ” Set Listing lat & lng ” && Then ” Refresh Data Right now ”
–> As it is your first time, the previous listing may not have set the google map lat & lng so it will set by ” Set Listing lat & lng ”
–> Once lat & lng set you should refresh the data.json for home page map so you sould press ” Refresh Data Right now ”
–> After that it will work automatically, you don’t need to do the process every time, it is only first time installation process.

6)See the settings as per you want.

7) To display map you should go to wp-admin > widgets > widget name : “MapSupreme Google Map” > Drag & drop it to “List Page Top SIdebar” widget area to display the map below header section in place of vantage default map.

8) If you want to display map on any page or post, please use shortcode as per example given below.

9) If you want to display map via php code, and the end of readme.txt file we have added sample php code for your guide.

10)Read Usage, Notes & Developer Notes Carefully.

You can contact us directly via email (info(@) or support under forum in the AppThemes forum.

  • Once you install the plugin, Go to plugin settings page
  • Press the button “Set Listing lat & lng” to set the post listing Latitude & Longitude for older post listing. It will add post listing Latitude & Longitude as per address if it is empty. Then Press the button “Refresh Data Right Now” to see the update.
  • Press the button “Refresh Data Right Now” to set the listing data first time.
  • It will refresh the data.json file and all latest listing will be added in it.

Version  : 1.5.11 (30th March 2019)
Important Note :  Refresh map data after update this version of plugin.
— Added new plugin — Set Google Map Latitude & Longitude Manually
— Which included inside plugin folder.
— Plugin name :: Set Google Map Latitude & Longitude Manually
— Activate the plugin
— See additional link from wp-admin >> Listings(left menu) >> Set Lat & Lng for Vantage
— Changed listings lat & lng for google map settings changed for each listings.


Version  : 1.5.10 (13th March 2019)
— From plugin settings > google map API settings url not working properly/changed as per theme update – Problem SOLVED


Version : 1.5.9 (04th Dec 2018)
— PHP warnings display for some places – solved.


Version : 1.5.8 (26th Nov 2018)
— PHP warnings display for some places – solved.


Version : 1.5.7 (08th Nov 2018)
— Visitor cookies settings if you have enabled visitor location auto deletion and in some case if location api not set proper response, it will create problem and related conditions added so in case there is any error, or empty response – no error will be created or loges.
— Visitor automatically location detection related API site was removed/not working and now we have changed and new website and it is working ok…..
— cookie is removed and we have added wp “transient” for visitor data storage


Version : 1.5.6 (30th Nov 2018)
— event post type category variable not defined in new vantage theme which was creating problem – solved and we have defined if not exists in plugin because plugin working for both older version and new version.
— event post type category constant variable name : VA_EVENT_CATEGORY


Version : 1.5.5 (27th Aug 2018)
— Multiple pin slider effect for same address not working properly – problem SOLVED
— Multiple pin slider effect for same address not display properly – CSS problem SOLVED

Version : 1.5.4 (9th Aug 2018)
— Map not display if there is no data to display via shortcode – Problem solved.


Version : 1.5.3 (26th May 2017)
— SSL enabled but not work for some server, problem solved.
— Additional SSL enable/disable option removed, now system automatically detect and work.
— Vantage version 4.0 theme improvement for geo location custom variable changes – error in last update solved.

Version : 1.5.2 (20th May 2017)
— if SSL enabled then also sometime SSL settings not enabled for somesites — Problem solved.
— Added new option for “SSL” which enable SSL manually if not set automatically.

Version : 1.5.1 (13th May 2017)
— Admin settings >> api settings option not working as per vantage theme version : 4.0+ — SOLVED


Version : 1.5.0 (29th April 2017)
— Plugin updated as per vanteg theme version : 4.0+ So plugin is working for older and new version both.


Version : 1.4.7 (6th Feb 2017)
— Map Pin point ratings and review value was wrong for listings & events – SOLVED.

Version : 1.4.6 (22nd Jan 2017)
— Map data refresh time interval settings, more options added for every 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 45 minutes
— site with SSL certificate, mean for https:// site js & css may not working – problem solved.

version : 1.4.5 (18th Sep 2016)
* Google Map Popup data > with image extra attributes >> removed extra attributes
* New widget option added to display map center settings as per visitor IP address location.

version : 1.4.4 (24th Aug 2016)
* Multiple listings and events on same address, display in slide, while click on next-previous button, page flick at top –> Problem Solved.

version : 1.4.3 (26th July 2016)
* Document screen image correction.

version : 1.4.2 (07th July 2016)
* Map Pin Popup css change/correction done for smaller map height.
* New Feature After version : 1.4.2
–> Multicity option added and related settings added from widget settings.
–> User should select both options below ::
–> enable “Vantage Multi-City” plugin from google map? &&
–> “City wise map data”
–> If “City wise map data” not inseted it will try to search data from “Vantage Multi-City” plugin. Sometimes it not working that’s why we have added this feature.
–> Important is if you don’t have installed “Vantage Multi-City” then also the map will work if “City wise map data” inserted but you should provide city data from URL.
–> Enter comma seperated data in new line for each city. Map will focus automatically while city is selected.
–> Example how to insert city data
New York,40.712784,-74.005941
—> City name should be same as “?set_vmc_city=London” from browser URL.
—> You may get city latitude & longitude from url >>
—> Use shotcode for city wise map links :: [vantage_gmap_cities]
–> It will display city list with url so on click it will display home page map with selected city focus.

version : 1.4.1 (25th June 2016)
* Star ratings added in popup.
* Map Pin Popup Settings — New options added
— show/hide Address,Phone,Ratings,Reviews,Company Website,Company Website

version : 1.4.0 (18th June 2016)
* Multiple listings/events on same address – display slide – was not working for some time – Problem Solved.
* Map Pin Popup Settings — you can show/hide “Reviews”, “Company Website” and “Get Direction on Map”

version : 1.3.10 (19th May 2016)
* Added css to header section and all map related js to footer section.
* W3C validation correction done.

Version : 1.3.8 (9th March 2016)
* Map some time not display – only blank map — PROBLEM SOLVED

Version : 1.3.7 (23th February 2016)
* Shortcode category , event category and other settings problem solved.

Version : 1.3.6 (22th February 2016)
* location search on map – New feature added.
* map round border correction done.
* small screen device like mobile & iPhone – pin point bubble not close – problem solved.
* on map load pin points “DROP” effect added – New feature added.
* on pin points click Animation “BOUNCE” effect added — enable/disable from plugin settings – New feature added.
* ‘’ — new api url added.
* “mapsupreme_google_api_url” filter added for google map api url controls.
* changed map language by settings –> wp-admin > Vantage > Geo Services > Map – Google > Language
* google map API Key from above settings now you can manage easily from plugin settings.

Version : 1.3.5 (16th February 2016)
* Multi City plugin related Google API not working Properly – Solved.
* With Google API key – Working OK now.
* It display space between map & header – SOLVED

Version : 1.3.4 (27th January 2016)
* Multi City plugin support related changed – to enhance your page load speed.
* If Multi City plugin enabled and city is selected, it will store location lat & lng with wordpress options.
* Next time while any trying same city location, it will be get data from options instead of call google api.
* This way the page load speed will increase and plugin will ignore load same api again and again.

Version : 1.3.3 (25th January 2016)
— Multi City plugin was not working if “zoom fit” is selected – Problem Solved.

Version : 1.3.2 (20th January 2016)
— Map API sensor = false is removed
— Map Category Menu changed from right –> left
— map zoom buttons was hidden — problem solved

Version : 1.3.1 (10th January 2016)
— Map not working for Event Tags — solved

Version : 1.3.0 (9th December 2015)
— Wordpress 4.4 upgrade.

Version : 1.2.3
— mapsupreme.css applied wp stander function :: wp_register_style & wp_enqueue_style

Version : 1.2.2
— data.json format was not working properly for crome browser, working ok for other browsers – Solved
==> data.json renamed to listmapdata.js

Important NOTE :: Plesae refresh the data after updated plugin because of renamed of json file.

Version :
— Home map category pin listing problem in popup at bottom right corner – Solved

Version :
— Localization added – Now you can translate all text to any language using wordpress localization method.
— Listing and event on home page map was not perperly display as latest lists – Problem solved and now it will always display latest events & listings only.
— Optimize the sql query for listing and events data collection.

Version :
— Featured listing pinpoint image has error – pin point not working for all map – Solved

Version :
— Added new Featured image add url option from wp-admin > Listings(left menu) > Mapsupreme > “Featured Pinpoint Image”.
— It will display the added added featured image url on the map for featured listings & events.

Version :
— Add/Display your custom data on map by the filter : wpw_mapsupreme_custom_jsondata
** Open the sample code file CURRENT PLUGIN FOLDER/document_guide/mapsupreme_custom_data_map_filter.txt
** Change the sql in custom_data_only() function ::
$querystr = “YOUR CUSTOM SQL”;
** Important Note : You can use the filter only with PHP code.

Version :
— CSS correction for popups
— review added for map popup

Version :
— Category listin box on the map – show/hide list – option gone by mistake — Correct the error and now you can see it.
— show/hide category list on home page map.

Version :
— Map Zoom fit not working properly – Solved.

Version :
— Shortcode – zoom fit and zoom settings problem – solved
— page and post detail shortcode map – background image removed.

Version :
— while using shortcode – it give error if any category not added — SOLVED.

Version :
Listing home page map category selection not working — SOLVED.

Version :
— Search events & All Events listing – pin point icon image was not display correctly — SOLVED.

Version :
— Multiple listings/events on same address was not working on search page – Error Solved.

Version :
— Error SOlved — if events category selected from plugin settings, data.json not working

Version :
— Error SOlved — if category selected from plugin settings, data.json not working

Version :
— Hide map on mobile device > new option added in plugin settings page.

— Multiple Listing on same address ==> Now appear in slider mode so easy to get for users.

NOTE:– Make sure you should refresh the data.json file from wp-admin>Mapsupreme plugin settings page.
—- To get latest update of multiple listing on same location.

Version :
— SSL glogal variable problem of $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] – SOLVED
— file permission problems for home page – added new NOTE option on wp-admin > plugin settings from where user can get data.json file permission
to make it correct easily.
==> Note : data.json file permission should be “766” or “777” or give the file write permission

Version :
— iPhone & iPad map popup bubble cross not working. – SOLVED

go to the mapsupreme.php file.

in the line – around 1345
#vantage_gmap img {background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent !important;max-width: none !important;width: auto !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;border:0 !important;position: relative !important;top: 0; left: 0;}

change to:
#vantage_gmap img {position: inherit !important;}

Version :
— Auto Zoom fit with widget settings added.
— for some server “get_posts” wp function not working for much listing – solved.

Version :
–> SSL related option ON/OFF — added

Get the option to SSL on/off option, you should do it manually from wp-content/plugins/mapsupreme_vantage/mapsupreme.php

——–DISABLE SSL——————–

——–ENABLE SSL——————–

Version : 1.1.4
–> Map Popup NEW Design Change

Version : 1.1.3
–> Map langauge changes as per vantage theme geo map settings.
–> Category wise map settings Grid listing/normal listing of map (you can manage from add/edit category.)

Version : 1.1.2
–> “Vantage Multi-City” plugin from google map – changed the code from : “file_get_contents” to “wp_remote_get”
As on some website server it was not working so finally we changed it & now it’s ok

Version : 1.1.2-beta
–> Error : Cron job for daily/twice a day/hourly not working properly – SOLVED

Version : 1.1.1
–> Error : map on search page not appear – SOLVED

Version : 1.1.0
–> Event on Home map added
–> Map on Events category & Evetn Tag pages added
–> Map on Events Search page
–> More options added on plugin settings page
–> More Options addded on pluin widet
–> “Vantage Multi-City” confuguration done
–> Manage number of listing you want ot show on home page, can be controlld from wp-admin -> plugin settings page.
–> Events category selection option from plugin settings
–> Add event category Icon for map from category add/edit page

Version : 1.0.9
–> Admin Plugin settings >> data refresh settings interface problem – solved
–> If there is no website url added, it will not appear on map pin popup
–> ERROR : if there is no result on searching page, it’s show blank map — SOLVED

Version : 1.0.8 (01-07-2013)

–> Widget map working for tag listing page
–> Pinpoint popup (on the map while click on map pin) with limited

Version :
–> Don’t show map on event listing page.

Version : 1.0.7 (05-06-2013)
Widget map added as per vantage version : 1.2+

New widget added, Widget name :: MapSupreme Google Map

>>> MapSupreme Google Map for Home page, Listing page & Search page. Please add the widget to “List Page Top Sidebar” widget area for vantage version 1.2+

Version : 1.0.6 (05-06-2013)
Widget map added as per vantage version : 1.2+

New widget added, Widget name :: MapSupreme Google Map

>>> MapSupreme Google Map for Home page, Listing page & Search page. Please add the widget to “List Page Top Sidebar” widget area for vantage version 1.2+

Version : 1.0.5 (17 – April – 2013)

Plugin work with Multisite

Admin plugin settings > category listing formating

Version: 1.0.4 (17 – March – 2013)

Disable mouse scroll zoom — you will get option from plugin settings

Version : 1.0.3 (29 – Dec – 2012)

  • Category wise google map add option for both way via shortcode & action hook
  • allow for mutiple category as well for parent and sub categories also.
  • add category id comma seperated.
  • [vantage_gmap w=100% h=300 zoom=10 ismapnormal=1 cat=3,7,10]OR[vantage_gmap clat=37.796691 clng= -122.399487 w=100% h=300 zoom=10 ismapnormal=1 cat=3,7,10]

Verson : 1.0.2 (01st – Oct – 2012)

  • Category wise google map add option for both way via shortcode & action hook
    – added new parameters, listed below :”zoom” :: zooming of map
    eg: zoom=12″clat” :: map central Latitude
    eg: clat=37.796691″clng” :: map central Longitude
    eg: clng= -122.399487″ismapnormal” :: map display either normal/group map
    eg:ismapnormal=1 (for normal map) or ismapnormal=0 (for grouping icon)”cat” :: category map, set category id and it will show only category map
    eg: cat=7
    where 7 is category ID of “Software category”
  • support upto 7000 listing records for rock your site google map.
  • get the php code to show map on listing category. get it from readme.txt

Verson : 1.0.1 (20th – Sep – 2012)

  • category wise icons add option from add/edit listing category page.
  • Plugin settings – map effect option now you can display two type of map with group icons and without.
  • List of category pin icon image with category name and option from plugin settings to show/hide.
  • Added “Get Direction on Map” on the each pin point detail message.
  • Change in data.json file as per new data and category information.

Version: 1.0.0

New Release

18 reviews of “Mapsupreme for Vantage

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 Comments (248)

  • author

    Hi Tim,
    Would you please share your site url with listings name so I can check it and if any problem or suggestion, let you know please.
    Because of sometimes same/near location listings display for same pin only. Also make sure the plugin settings and your new added listings is added accordingly.
    Once again please check same listings for category page.

    • Tim

      I just sent you an email. I don’t think it’s possible that it’s an issue with being close to another pin though because it’s the only one in that area of the world, for hundreds if not thousands of miles.

      I welcome any other thoughts or suggestions, as this is really stumping me.

  • Dan

    Tim I looked (probably right in front of me) I want to the default display set to show “Recently Reviewed”

    Thanks !

  • bidawinner

    Hello carpediemtim . I simply want to display on the Map the Business that have Recently Reviewed or Highest Reviews (Using appthemes Vantage)

    In VANTAGE Theme you can select how to sort the Business Listings .. alphabetical- newest listing-random – Recently Reviewed – Highest Rating Etc.. So how to use that SAME sort on the Map ?

    • carpediemtim

      Haha, it’s funny that I’m getting questions, and I’m merely another customer.

      I do actually know the answer to your question though, or at least one way to accomplish that, which is in combination with the Home Control for Vantage plugin. I mean, that’s how I do it, although I’m not sure if this is entirely necessary to use both in tandum.

      I use Home Control to show only the top 5 rated listings on my front page (for faster page load times), and then in Map Supreme, I select the option for the map to only show the listings on the page (not all listings). So by doing that, I’m only showing the top 5 rated listings on the page, which could be adjusted to whatever number you wish, and I believe the same could be accomplished with the most recently reviewed listings with a little more adjustments to the home page so that it only shows the most recent ones.

      Does that make sense?

      bidawinner likes this.
  • author

    HI bidawinner,
    There is not such options or code available that display map like Business Listings .. alphabetical- newest listing-random – Recently Reviewed – Highest Rating Etc..

    Current plugin have only feature to display all latest listings on home page, category wise listings and search listings on map.
    You may ask for customization as per your demand because for home page it is only all latest listings and not any dynamic settings as per selection.

  • bidawinner

    Hey Vipul.. put carpediemtim on your support team.. no pay but just a few comps ..Lke a Beach House , New Ford F150 etc.. :mr green:

    Appreciate the response ..I’ll give that a try . I like Mapsupreme but yeah it really pulls on load times ..

    carpediemtim likes this.
  • bidawinner

    Vipul When you get bored and playing around in the code would be a great new option ..


  • bidawinner

    Heads up..

    This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
    Checking the connection
    Checking the proxy and the firewall

  • author

    HI bidawinner,
    your suggestion is appreciated.
    by the way working ok may be sometime maintenance problem.

  • MM

    I bought custom pins thinking that it would solve my problem (though I like their pop-up design better), but they can’t do the following:
    1. Homepage map location to be centered by a custom lat and lng
    2. Custom zoom level for this map
    3. Option to show all listings on the map and not just those showing in the listings below the map (for example if I do 10 listings per page under the map, I don’t only want just 10 pins on the map, I want all of them).
    Can Vantage Map Supreme fix all of these issues??
    If you tell me they can – I buy (but please don’t lie!!)

    Anonymous likes this.
  • carpediemtim

    Hey Vipul, any word on when this plugin will be updated? It’s really important to my site, so I can’t update my site to the new version of Vantage until you update this to pull from the new format of listings.

  • author

    Hi carpediemtim,
    Actually we have discussed with theme developer and they also using similar plugin feature so now we have to update such a way that we follow them and add our feature. So sorry for the delay but we are working on upgrade and hopefully will update within a week.

  • author

    we have updated plugin so now it is working ok for vantage 4.0+ also.

  • Alvaro

    Hi!! one question, is it possible to have a checkbox beside the legend with the icons in the map, so it’s possible to activate or deactivate the icons displayed in the maps?
    If a user is only interested in one type of listing, he should be able to just check that kind of listing with a check box, and not display all the others.

  • author

    Hi Alvaro,
    for current version of plugin checkbox selection option is not added because it create very confusion and duplication of listings for same listings in multiple category. So such feature we have not added and we are not planing to add it in future because vantage theme itself have added map and may be they add more features in future…

    • Alvaro

      Thank you for your quick answer, Vipul.
      If you want the point of view of a potential costustumer, it makes no sense to me that the users can not filter the map to see just the type of listing they are interested. I have seen this feature in many directory websites (ex. and it’s basic. Why If I am looking for “bakeries” the map could be full of other icons for “butcheries”, “supermarkets” etc…. ?
      If a listing is in more than one category, it will appear when any of those categories is marked. You may have a similar problem now: if a listing is in more than one category, which icon do you display for it?

  • author

    HI Alvaro,
    Yes you are right but we have already added grouping facility for this map. if we try to add both feature together(grouping of pins and checkbox filter), it create problem for use. That is only reason why we don’t have added it. For experimental purpose we have added it for ClassiPress map ( both features (grouping of pins and checkbox filter) but then also we have to give option to either work one function at a time and sometime it not working ok for all users. That’s why we have avoided to add checkbox feature for vantage map.

  • Alvaro

    Ok, I see, but in MapPress there is not the detail of the reviews (rate of users) when you click on an icon, is that a functionality that can be activated in MapPress, or the plugin has not the functionality?

  • Alvaro

    Can you give me an example, in your Live version, of “listings for same listings in multiple category” so I can understand it? is it a listing appearing in more than one category?

  • Sergio Altuzar

    With vantage 4.1 is there any easy way to make our directory an iOS or Android app?

  • author

    Hi Sergio Altuzar,
    You may need to ask it for apptheme core theme and you should generate topic in vantage forum for more help.

  • André

    Hi Vipul.

    Your demo link is not pointing to Vantage 4 as mentined. I’d like to see it in this specific version. Can you fix the link? So, I can try it and order an upgrade for this plugin.

    Mapsupreme for Vantage Demo & Usage Details:
    Demo on Vantage version : 4.+


  • author

    Hi André,
    We have changed the link and now it will display demo for vantage version : 4.+ only

    André likes this.
  • André

    Vipul, what’s the relation between mapsupreme and the Vantage’s standard map?

    Will mapsupreme replace the maps used in the widget “Vantage – Single Listing Map & Contact Info)” in Single Listing Sidebar and “Vantage – Listing Refine Search” in Search Listing Sidebar?

    Does the plugin identify the users position in order to locate/show the nearest listings?

    The Vantage’s standard map or search mechanism, that calculates the nearest listings based in a arbitrary start point/coordinates, as you can see and check with the followed link. What about Mapsupreme’s search behavior?

    Link representing a search for address “399 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA”, that is a exact address of one listing, and it appears in 3rd place instead of 1st.

  • author

    HI André,

    Mapsupreme is not same as Vantage standard map.

    For mapsupreme data home page map data cached and display without server load time.

    In initial vantage 4 version it was display map settings via widget and it was just remove vantage map and display mapsupreme map but since last update of vantage 4.1, this facility gone.

    Now you can display only for home page by drag and drop widget in “Homepage” widget area.

    We will update the plugin soon as per new vantage update because vantage theme have almost similar features in their map.

    Automatic user location not display as per visiter on map and same for search.

    The map will display automatically as per list display for search page.


  • Judit

    Hi, is it compatible with wordpress and DIVI theme?

  • author

    Hi Judit,
    If the DIVI theme is child theme of Vantage theme then this plugin will work for it.
    The plugin only working with vantage theme and related child themes only.

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