Ad Listings for ClassiPress

Live Demo

The Idea for this plugin is to make SEO friendly SITE MAP.

You can easily present your data  for one page easily and  Search Engine can read to maximize browse capability.

Only display links for no more time to load and work like at a glance listings.

Significant Features:

  • Different type of ads listings.
  • Display ads list in different format easily via shortcode.
  • User can see & search ads easily.
  • Useful for SEO.
  • Title wise filter to get data faster and easily.
  • Working for theme and all type child themes.
  • Multi-site Ready.
  • Location Ready.
  • Shortcode for all ads.
  • Category wise ads shortcode.
  • Poster wise ads shortcode.
  • Location wise ads shortcode.
  • Country,state & city wise ads.
  • Date/month wise ads shortcode.



2 people like this.

Q :: How to display ad listings?
A :: Plugin have different shortcodes to display. User the shortcode in page description as per you want.

Q :: How the title filter working?
A :: THIS PLUGIN FILTER IS WORKING ONLY FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE NOT FOR ANY OTHER LANGUAGE. The title filter is working for english alphabets and numbers.
if you try this for another language it will consider as “OTHER” and you can see all related jobs in last element “…” only.

Q :: How to use shortcode?
A :: Create new page and insert shortcode in your page content.

Q :: How to display ALL ADS?
A :: Use the shortcode :: [wpwcp_all_ads orderby=latest]

Q :: How to display Category wise ads?
A :: User shortcode :: [wpwcp_category_wise_ads]

Q :: How to display Poster wise ads?
A :: User shortcode :: [wpwcp_poster_wise_ads]

Q :: How to display Location wise ads?
A :: User shortcode :: [wpwcp_location_wise_ads]

Q :: How to display Datewise wise ads?
A :: User shortcode :: [wpwcp_month_wise_ads]

1) Unzip the plugin folder

2) Copy the plugin folder and paste in “wp-content/plugins/”

======= OR =======

Get the help link how to install plugin from wp dashboard or via FTP ::

3) Go to wp-admin -> Plugins -> Plugins -> Ad Listings for ClassiPress -> Active Plugin

4) Now many shortcodes available for jobs listings with different formats.

5) Get list of all shortcodes ::
All Ads ==> shortcode :: [wpwcp_all_ads orderby=latest limit=500 newtab=1 hide_filter=0]
attributes :: limit=500,

Category wise ads ==> //shortcode :: [wpwcp_category_wise_ads is_category_page=0 newtab=1 hide_filter=0]
attributes :: hide_filter=1/0,

Poster wise ads ==> //shortcode :: [wpwcp_poster_wise_ads is_authorpage=0 newtab=1 hide_filter=0]
attributes :: hide_filter=1/0,

Location wise ads ==> //shortcode :: [wpwcp_location_wise_ads newtab=1 hide_filter=0]
attributes :: hide_filter=1/0,

Datewise ads ==> //shortcode :: [wpwcp_month_wise_ads newtab=1]
attributes :: newtab=1/0,

Shortcode Variable Description ::
“newtab” ==> to open link in new tab

“hide_filter” ==> to show/hide alphabets filter

“is_category_page” ==> If value = 1 –> you want to display theme category page on category link click
If value = 0 –> you want to display ads list on category link click

“is_authorpage” ==> If value = 1 –> you want to display theme author page on poster link click
If value = 0 –> you want to display ads list on poster link click

“orderby” ==> If value = ‘title_asc’ –> display ads by title ascending order mean A-Z format.
If value = ‘title_desc’ –> display ads by title desending order mean Z-A format.
If value = ‘rand’ –> display ads by random order.
If value = ‘latest’ –> display latest posted ads first.
If value = ‘sold’ –> display sold ads.
If value = ‘featured’ –> display featured ads.
If value = ‘pupular_all_time’ –> display popular ads by total number of views count.

“limit” ==> Maximum number of ads you want to display.

6) Read Usage, Notes & Developer Notes Carefully.

You can contact us directly via email (info(@)

Version : 1.0.4 (24th May 2020)
— for mobile screen list title will display full width.

Version : 1.0.3 (17th Aug 2018)
— for location shortcode – it was display ads which was not published — Problem solved.

Version : 1.0.2 (8th Aug 2017)
— [wpwcp_all_ads] – pagination error – SOLVED

Version : 1.0.1 (2nd June 2017)
— New shortcode for ad tags display shortcode added with pagination.
— Pagination added for all ads shortcode.
— Pagination added for category wise ads shortcode.
— Pagination added for author wise ads shortcode.
— Pagination added for author listings shortcode.
— Pagination added for date wise listings shortcode.
— SSL enabled but not work for some server, problem solved.

Version : 1.0.0
New Release

One review of “Ad Listings for ClassiPress

5 stars
maximum score
By -

maximum score – simple and practical plugin – recommend it to everyone – congratulations

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