Infinity Scroll

Live Demo

Add infinite scrolling for ads on your ClassiPress site. Works on main page for each tab, search results, category, user dashboard.

Users can now scroll through the page and more ads will be loaded from the next page without actually leaving the current page or clicking the next page link.


This plugin is designed to work with the original theme.
This plugin will not work with all child themes.
Custom theme modifications may break compatibility.

Tested child themes:

  • Flatron 1.3
  • StorePress 1.0.2

This plugin is for classipress 3.x. a plugin for classipress 4 is available here.

5 people like this.

Showing link to load more results instead of auto loading

Edit cp-infiniscroll.php and look for “infiscroll_vars”

Set autoscroll to 0.

Track the paging link instead of end of document

Set autoscroll to 2.

Limit auto scroll

You can config auto scroll limit in Settings -> Reading options page.


1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
2. Enable the plugin.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.


  • add auto scroll limit feature


  • add support to work with flatron child theme (tested 1.3)
  • add support to work with storepress child theme (tested 1.0.2)


  • Option to track paging div instead of end of document


  • Add appthemes id


  • fixed display issue with responsive table in the user dashboard.


  • option to show link for loading more results.


  • fix auto scrolling on blog.


  • bring back the paging bar with page links on error or timeout so user can still navigate


  • fix image preview for loaded ads


  • first

4 reviews of “Infinity Scroll

5 stars
Great Plugin, Great Support!
By -

I purchased this plugin and there was a slight compatibility issue with my Child Theme. Roi promptly helped fix the issue with a custom plugin to work with my Child theme.

Great plugin and amazing support. My users are very happy with they no longer have to click through dozens of pages when browsing and I am happy users are spending more time on the site and my return rate is improving.

Highly recommended all around!

And ONLY $7.00?

Thanks Roi!

5 stars
Great plugin!
By -

I bought this plugin to use it with my Classipress + Childtheme Flatron

It didn’t work in the beginning due to the childtheme Flatron, but the author gave a brilliant support and in just some days the plugin was totally compatible with childtheme Flatron!!

I recommend both the plugin and the author.

5start!! thank you Roidayan!!

5 stars
Nice plugin and nice support by the creator
By -

Very cheap plugin, it works fine at all. I asked a lot of question to developer and He answered with the solution.

Reccomended plugin author and plugin!

5 stars
Great little plug in
By -

A very handy and cheap plugin, useful when you start getting lots of ads on your website. Found a slight bug on the blog section but the developer fixed this within a day!

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (45)

  • anthonygrey

    Hey Roidayan,

    Thanks again for sorting the bump plugin 🙂 Just looked back at the demo for this plugin and see that the ads are in some kind of grid form. I’m curious, is this a new plugin idea you are working on? Looks good 🙂

  • vbigdeli

    Can I use this plugin with child themes such as flatpress or CV?

    • author

      Should work on child themes sold here. I’ll be happy to help in the support forum if you encounter a problem.

    • captainiyad


      I purchased this plugin but it seems its not working with flatpage theme
      can you please assist me with it.


      • author

        hi captainyad,

        please open a thread in the support forum and i’ll help you there.


        2 people like this.
  • jpcom

    Hello Roi,
    I have a problem with Classipress / eClassify…
    Look my post at the forum my.


  • Guillaume

    Does thi plugin works with child theme ? I use ClassiCLean.

    Thanks !

    • author

      Hi Guilaume,
      The plugin was not tested with ClassiClean.
      I’ll be happy to assist with modifications if you will encounter problems.

  • kyriakosdz

    I want to have the opportunity to press a button that will say load more and not to load ads automatically. How easily can I do that?

    • author

      requires you to know javascript. current function that catch the new page link and load the results will be needed to split to 2 functions. 1 to catch and replace with a custom link/button that will call the 2nd function to actually do the load.
      also with this option can disable the interval timer which checks the scroll location.

      I think it’s a good idea so I’ll try to implement this soon and release as v1.4.

    • author

      hi kyriakosdz,

      I uploaded v1.4 which enables this for you.
      though there is no option page but now you can just edit cp-infiniscroll.php and look for “infiscroll_vars”, set autoscroll to 0 and that’s it.

      Users will have a link to load more results each time.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • comprovendolecce

    I bought your plugin and repeats all my ads. What can i do?

  • orestis

    Because of widgets I would like to have the infinisrcoll happen once the View More Ads is visible. Now I have to scroll to the bottom of the page to have them loading. Please advise.

    • author


      I’ll be able to check it and give a solution when I’ll be near a computer.
      I wont reply here though. Please use the support forums and open a new thread for help.


    Hi, i wanna buy this plugin, but wanna make sure, will work with FlatPress child theme?

    2 people like this.
  • Alvaro


    is it tested with Flatron childtheme?

    If I purchase it, will I get access to the forum? my classipress suscription expired and right now I don’t have access

    Thanks for your attention


  • author

    should work with flatron. as for access to the forums you need to contact appthemes as I’m not sure.

  • author

    The plugins works by capturing the pagination next page link so basically it will work with any child theme that keeps the pagination output style as the original theme.

  • websitemr

    Hello Roidayan,

    My site is in need of this plugin, with hundreds on products in several categories and growing. My visitors would love me for it as I see many users going dozens of pages deep into my pagination.

    My only concern is that Google will not be able to crawl my content properly.

    Do you know if the plugin works in accordance with Google recommend practices?:

    Here is a demo of proper implementation according to their recommendations:

    Thank you in advance!

  • author

    hi websitemr,

    The plugin only tracks if user scrolls to bottom of the page and loads the next link according to the link already available in the page.
    The dom is not being modified by the plugin in any way. web crawlers will be able to crawl your website as normal as without this plugin. so if your theme has a next page link then it will still be there when this plugin is enabled.

  • Harry


    Does this plugin support the latest classiPress3.5.1 ?

  • author
  • wzoj

    Olá, seu plugin funciona no tema filho CUTEST?

  • author

    should work with cutest. if you’ll encounter any issue please open a thread in the support forum.

  • franky

    hi roidayan,

    can you tell me if there is pages in the background would a server know there’s pages?

    My reason is i pay my web server for security and the security is for 100 pages only so it scans “pages”
    do you think my server would know there’s kind of one page with the automatic scrolling.

    or there’s pages and the automatic scroll is an easier way with out clicking next page etc .


  • author

    hi franky,

    the plugin doesn’t change the fact that there pages. so number of pages doesn’t change.
    the plugin tracks when user scroll close to end of document and catch the next page link, fetch it in background and update the user view.


    franky likes this.
  • Vahe

    Hi Roidayan,

    Is this plugin still compatible with the latest classipress?

  • author

    Hi Vahe,
    yes it is.

  • acheica

    Hi, is that plugin works with cp 3.5.7?Thanks

  • author

    hi acheica, it should work fine with the default classipress theme.

  • pachakuti

    do you know il it works with a child theme? Classy for exemple?

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