ClassiPress Ad Social

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A plugin to add author’s social details to author’s page and ClassiPress ads.

An author can modify his social details in his dashboard page.
The social details will appear in each of his ads and his profile page.
The social details available: website, twitter, facebook, google plus, pinterest, phone number.

7 people like this.
  1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
  2. Enable the plugin.
  3. Configure the plugin under ClassiPress->Ad Social Settings.
Please visit the dedicated support forum.


  • Fix showing admin social instead of user in dashboard
  • Set social links css class to classipress css class to match theme style


  • Fix duplicate fields showing in sidebar user widget


  • Add option to show phone number without click to reveal
  • Show social in poster tab in single ad page


  • Fix cp 3.5 icons overlay with the plugin icons


  • Style update for CP 3.5


  • Don’t show contact info title if there is nothing to show.


  • Update twitter, phone and globe icons
  • Add options page
  • Add option to show social contact info after the ad content


  • Add appthemes id to make the appthemes updater work


  • fix not catching touch on “show phone” sometimes on mobile devices.


  • fix “show phone” click not working in iOS.


  • fix showing social in author pages


  • fix google plus to accept numeric id


  • show social links in author page


  • add google plus and pinterest


  • fixed  breaking classipress translations


  •  first

3 reviews of “ClassiPress Ad Social

5 stars
By -

very good

roma likes this.
5 stars
By -

Easy to use
Thanks and I hope to see more plugins from author.

Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
simple and easy
By -

very simple and easy to use plugin ….
+ very good support from author …
thanks will buy other plugin from this author.

Anonymous likes this.
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 Comments (33)

  • rayraven

    This is a genius little plugin, that Mr Roidayan constructed after I mentioned on the forum that I wanted my users to be able to add their Social Network accounts to their listings.

    The feedback I’ve received so far has been excellent, and the plugin is very highly recommended!

  • collectbox

    Nice plugin, but after installation disables those in parts ClassiPress Language Packs from.Now is the site for the half in Dutch and half in English.

    Anonymous likes this.
    • author

      hi collectbox,

      can you post about your problem in the forum with extra information about the problem and screen shots?


      • Joe

        Hello Roidayan,
        I have installed the theme ClassiPress RONDELL and have bought about six more plugins to enhance my site, including the Social ClassiPress buy which I have tried to install many times and so far have not succeeded.

        I tell you that in trying to raise the platform WordPress plugins tells me:

        Unpacking …

        Installing the plugin …

        Could not decompress the packet. No plugins were found.

        Failure to install the plugin.

        Back to plugins

        I would like you to send me the solution to my mail because I think this could be ua excellent tool for my new site.

        Best Regards
        Caracas, Venezuela

        • author

          Hi Joe,

          The problem could be that the zip you download here is not the plugin.
          Extract it and inside the is another zip file and that is the plugin.
          Please try and if you need more help please use the support forum (link on the right).


          2 people like this.
  • Robert

    I like it and bought it.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • kenhucma04

    how to use, I do not see the manual

    • author


      you just need to enable it.
      each user has in his profile fields to add facebook/twitter/phone.
      when user updated those then they will appear in each of his ads.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • scchoo

    Is this plugin compatible with WordPress Multisite ?

    • author

      Hi scchoo,

      Not sure as I don’t have a demo multisite ready to try this.
      If I’ll get a chance to try it I’ll reply again.


  • chanchalhada

    Hi roidayan

    I have bought this plugin, but i am not sure why it is not showing picture of social profile of user. please help.


    Anonymous likes this.
    • author


      Could be multiple reasons like CP version and child theme.
      Please open a thread in the support forum and I’ll help you best I can.


      Anonymous likes this.
  • picturesmarket

    Is it possible force the user put X information, like tellphone number?

    • author

      its not possible to force a user to fill details.

      picturesmarket likes this.
  • johnjack

    Hi Roiayan,
    Really like your app for classipress, really starts filling in some gaps that I think most classifieds have these days.

    It would be a definite buy for my site if you could push a listing to a Facebook page/twitter account linked to the classifieds website.

    Maybe share any facebook comments made on that post back with the ad listing and combine with any comments made on the site (by members who have logged in using their fb accounts)

    Is this possible?

    • author

      I think there are wordpress plugins to use facebook comments box. so people use fb to comment.
      but i dont think its possible to share comments on facebook and on website.

  • gorgan11


    is it possible to have this when users post their ask them if they have not filled in because users usually dont update their profile. Also what about anonymous users?

    • author

      Hi gorgan11,

      I’ll check it out. currently I have a message during posting new ad that a user can add social contact in his profile page.

      About anonymous users you can’t have social contact as they are anonymous there is no user to save the contact info on.


  • gorgan11

    Thanks for your reply!

    Where do you show that message? Is there any setting i need to check?

    Anonymous likes this.
    • author

      Its not part of the plugin. in wp admin go to classipress->settings->New Ad Message.

      You can write there what you want to show to users when they create new ad. I put there text telling users to fill social contact in their profile so that it will appear in all their ads.

      2 people like this.
  • mikeywowwow

    Hi, can you please tell me what to do to remove the website field

  • chichimango

    Hi Roidayan,

    Ive just purchase the plugin, installed and activated it. I also configured the settings. Nothing has come up on my website. What should i expect and how do i make it work.


  • author

    Need to activate it in the options page classipress->social ad
    After that users can edit their social contact in their profile page.
    For more support please use the support forum.

  • imfromkentuki

    Hello! Do all social url have rel=”nofollow” ?

  • author

    hi imfromkentuki,
    yes all url links have nofollow.

  • guy france

    I sent you this message from AppThemes forum. I didn’t receive anything.

    I activated the plugin ClassiPress Ad Social but I don’t see the social linked.
    Please is there any special configuration to show them?

    Guy France

  • author

    hi guy, sorry for the long wait. I replied to you in the forum.

  • hilzan24


    will this plugin work with ClassiPress 4?

  • author

    hi hilzan24,
    no and also I’m not sure it’s needed.
    cp4 already has social input a user can fill when editing the profile.
    the only thing maybe not there is a phone. is this something you would like to see?

  • Roberto Souza

    Good afternoon!
    Does the plugin not allow you to add Instagram?

  • author

    no. can be added easily. but i think latest classipress has instagram?

  • jasongeek

    Is this plugin compatible with CP4? I loved using it with CP3 but not sure if it will work because of what it says in the changelog.

  • author

    hi jasongeek, the plugin is not compatible with CP4 currently. i’ll check next month about required changes.

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