Infinity Scroll

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Add infinite scrolling for ads on your ClassiPress site. Works on main page for each tab, search results, category, user dashboard.

Users can now scroll through the page and more ads will be loaded from the next page without actually leaving the current page or clicking the next page link.


This plugin is designed to work with the original theme.
This plugin will not work with all child themes.
Custom theme modifications may break compatibility.

Tested child themes:

  • Flatron 1.3
  • StorePress 1.0.2

This plugin is for classipress 3.x. a plugin for classipress 4 is available here.

5 people like this.

Showing link to load more results instead of auto loading

Edit cp-infiniscroll.php and look for “infiscroll_vars”

Set autoscroll to 0.

Track the paging link instead of end of document

Set autoscroll to 2.

Limit auto scroll

You can config auto scroll limit in Settings -> Reading options page.


1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
2. Enable the plugin.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.


  • add auto scroll limit feature


  • add support to work with flatron child theme (tested 1.3)
  • add support to work with storepress child theme (tested 1.0.2)


  • Option to track paging div instead of end of document


  • Add appthemes id


  • fixed display issue with responsive table in the user dashboard.


  • option to show link for loading more results.


  • fix auto scrolling on blog.


  • bring back the paging bar with page links on error or timeout so user can still navigate


  • fix image preview for loaded ads


  • first

4 reviews of “Infinity Scroll

5 stars
Great Plugin, Great Support!
By -

I purchased this plugin and there was a slight compatibility issue with my Child Theme. Roi promptly helped fix the issue with a custom plugin to work with my Child theme.

Great plugin and amazing support. My users are very happy with they no longer have to click through dozens of pages when browsing and I am happy users are spending more time on the site and my return rate is improving.

Highly recommended all around!

And ONLY $7.00?

Thanks Roi!

5 stars
Great plugin!
By -

I bought this plugin to use it with my Classipress + Childtheme Flatron

It didn’t work in the beginning due to the childtheme Flatron, but the author gave a brilliant support and in just some days the plugin was totally compatible with childtheme Flatron!!

I recommend both the plugin and the author.

5start!! thank you Roidayan!!

5 stars
Nice plugin and nice support by the creator
By -

Very cheap plugin, it works fine at all. I asked a lot of question to developer and He answered with the solution.

Reccomended plugin author and plugin!

5 stars
Great little plug in
By -

A very handy and cheap plugin, useful when you start getting lots of ads on your website. Found a slight bug on the blog section but the developer fixed this within a day!

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

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