Go Fetch Jobs

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Simply put, it’s the ultimate plugin to easily populate your JobRoller site with real jobs from the most popular job sites and job aggregators. This handy plugin fetches jobs from RSS feeds and imports them to your jobs database.

Pick your favorite big job site, look for the jobs RSS feed, paste it directly to Go Fetch Jobs and instantly get fresh jobs in your database! It also supports scheduled automatic imports so you can put your job site in full auto-pilot!

Please read more below. For more information and feature details please visit the official site.


– Extract FULL job descriptions, company and company logos directly from the providers site (select providers only)
– Improved Smart Assign (auto assign job types/categories based on jobs content)


Very Complete

Besides the usual title and description, Go Fetch Jobs can also pull company logos (*), job companies and job locations for selected providers. You can also set job categories and job types and custom field values for  the jobs being imported. You can even set it to feature the jobs being imported.

There’s plenty of options to control and identify your job imports and you can even save your import settings as templates. These templates, beside simplifying future imports, can be assigned to automatic imports, available through schedules. You can create unlimited schedules to automatically and regularly import jobs. Just specify an existing template, the schedule recurrence and watch your site being refreshed with new jobs on a regular basis.

(*) If you want to display company logos on job listings as in the demo site, and add a ton of new features to your JobRoller site check out my other plugin named FXtender Pro.

Seamless Integration

Each imported job seamless integrates with your JobRoller site but since these jobs don’t provide an explicit ‘How to Apply’ field the ‘Apply Online’ link will be hidden. Instead, under the ‘How to Apply’ title, your customers will see a (customizable) ‘Click Here To Apply’, link, that links directly to the external job.

Ready to use RSS Feeds Providers

Go Fetch Jobs comes packed with ready to use RSS feeds providers grouped in categories like: Design, Blogging, Gaming, IT, Marketing, etc… Providers include The Guardian, Smashing MagazineCareerjet, and many others. Just click the feed you want to use!

More features

  • Import jobs from any valid RSS feed
  • Seamless integration with JobRoller jobs
  • Set job duration
  • Save import rules as templates
  • Company logos on select providers
  • Ready to use RSS Feeds, including big sites like jobs.theguardian.com, with detailed setup instructions
  • Ready to use RSS feeds from popular job sites including: [careerjet.com](careerjet.com) and [craigslist](cragislist.org)
  • Custom RSS builder for select providers that allows creating custom RSS feeds with specific keywords/location, without leaving your site
  • Extract and auto-fill job company names and locations on select providers
  • Auto assign job types and job categories based on each job content
  • Filter imports using keywords
  • Automated scheduled imports

For more information and feature details please visit the official site.

Why are jobs not showing full job descriptions ?

Some sites don’t provide full job descriptions on their RSS feeds. This is usually intended to have users still visit the original site to read the full description.

Why don’t all jobs show a logo after importing?

Logos are not available in all RSS feeds and unfortunately, RSS feeds that provide them are still the exception.

How do I import jobs so that they are all automatically assigned to the matching category?

To have imported jobs assigned to their most relevant categories/types you need to enable *Smart Assign* option. This option will scan each imported job looking for terms that match your existing categories/types.

Manual Installation:

  1. Download the Plugin zip file
  2. Open WP Admin dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload
  3. Upload and activate the Plugin from the Plugins page.
  4. A Go Fetch Jobs menu item will be available on your admin sidebar.



  • Fatal error: Declaration of GoFetch_JR_Sample_Table::row() must be compatible with that of GoFetch_JR_HTML_Table::row()
  • Existing location info for providers using geolocation tags sometimes not recognized and displayed as ‘Anywhere’
  • Additional ‘Settings’ page showing on WP backend sidebar
  • Wrong import limit calculation when limit was superior to total jobs in feed
  • Check for ‘OpenGraph’ class before loading it (better compatibility with other plugins that use the same class)


  • Added ability to search for additional meta data like company name and locations in RSS items title, on select providers
  • Added manual actions to schedules: ‘Test’ or ‘Run’
  • Added option to extract incomplete/missing meta data on select providers (can extract full job descriptions, companies, locations and logos directly from the site providers – not always guaranteed to work!)
  • Moved ‘Fetch Logos’ checkbox to the ‘Import Details’ section
  • Moved logos fetching and geocoding previously done while the RSS feed was loaded to the main import process (improves RSS feeds loading speed)
  • Added New settings page with several options:
  • — General:
    . Imported Jobs Filter – Displays new filters for filtering jobs by ‘type’ (imported jobs/regular jobs)
    . Providers Filter – Displays new filters for filtering jobs by ‘provider’
    . Jobs Provider Column – Display a new column on job listings with the job provider site
    . Duplicates Behavior – Choose to ignore or update duplicate jobs
    . Google API Key – Specify your Google Maps API key to use geolocation and reduce API limits
    . Rate Limit – Geocoding rate limit (number of locations geocodes per second)
    . Status – Choose the status to be assigned to imported jobs
    . Read More Text – Specify the read more text appended to job description excerpts (default is […])
    . Canonical Links – Improve SEO with canonical links pointing to the source URL
    . Debug Log – Enable it to generate a report to debug any issues with the support team
  • — Scheduler:
    . Start time – Set the approximate time for the import schedules to start
    . Interval – Set the interval between schedule runs
  • The ‘Smart Assign’ feature will now search for taxonomy terms (job types and categories) on any custom RSS feed tag hooked to the ‘goft_jobs_providers_valid_item_tags’ filter
  • Introduce custom function for reverse geocoding locations (fixes some location ‘Anywhere’ issues where a location exists)
  • Company logos from imported jobs are now displayed on the job listings backend page
  • Check for Indeed company names in the job title
  • Removed ‘CareerBuilder’ as provider since it no longer provides RSS feeds
  • Updated ‘jobsproblogger.net’ provider (now called ‘problogger.com’)
  • Added ‘seek.com.au’ to the list of RSS providers
  • Added new filters
  • Use ‘wp_kses()’ instead of ‘strip_tags()’ for sanitizing job descriptions
  • Added ‘nopaging’ to the query that checks for duplicate jobs



  • Security and performance fixes (update is highly recommended!)
  • Schedules being “stuck” with no response


  • Laying foundations for upcoming  major new version



  • Schedules authors not saving correctly
  • W3 Total Cache plugin sometimes causing import process to fail
  • Template names using quotes/double-quotes causing javascript issues
  • Multi-country providers not inheriting main provider settings (ignoring location and other meta)
  • JobRoller theme check sometimes giving false ‘not installed’ positives


  • Added 30 seconds time interval schedule runs (interval time can be customized using the filter – ‘goft_jobs_schedules_interval_sleep’)
  • Added multi-country provider ‘monster.com’ (US, Canada, UK, France, Germany and Netherlands) with location meta



  • Javascript error causing dropdowns issues on in import job page



  • Fatal error on plugin install screen
  • Fatal errors when viewing the plugins page
  • Conflicts with WooCommerce ‘select2’ libraries causing weird visual issues in import jobs page



  • Minor fixes


  •  Tweaked UI
  • Replaced simple providers dropdown with fancier ‘Select2’ dropdown
  • Added ‘Smart Assign’ option to terms group (automatically assigns the best term(s) to each imported job considering jobs content)
  • Added ‘Keyword’ filtering option to filter imported jobs using keywords
  • Added log meta box to schedule pages (provides stats info on imported, duplicates, and total excluded jobs)
  • Added ‘Advanced/Basic’ toggle under the ‘Screen Options’ for toggling between basic/advanced import settings
  • Added guided help tour
  • Added ‘Screen Options’
  • Added ‘Help’ tab
  • Added new generic RSS providers: trabajos.com, us.jobs



  • Invalid ‘Create Template’ link under schedule pages
  • Use ‘the_content’ filter for feeds description (fixes HTML entities not properly converted on some RSS feeds)
  • Strip tags in titles (fixes HTML tags showing in post titles on some RSS feeds)


  • Added Option to force load a feed (for feeds that although valid may fail to load)



  • Feeds not loading in Firefox


  • Revamped UI
  • Added 25+ list of ready to use RSS feed providers
  • Added custom RSS feed builder for select providers
  • Added Detailed instructions on how to find and setup jobs RSS feeds
  • Auto-fill meta fields like location, company name and company logo for select providers
  • Allow featuring job imports in listings and/or category pages
  • Optionally allow fetching company logos from RSS feeds
  • Automatically create a sample RSS template and schedule on new installs
  • Integration with ‘FXtender Pro’ for displaying company thumbnails on imported jobs (select providers only)
  • Added image uploader for RSS providers and companies logos
  • Code refactoring



  • Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in WordPress 4.4.


  • The imported jobs more text ‘[…]’ and the source logo links are now added using ‘the_content’ filter instead of being embedded during import (easier to remove using ‘remove_filter()’)



  • ‘How to Apply’ field for imported jobs always hidden from non logged users ignoring the ‘Only registered users can apply for jobs’ option
  • Duplicate jobs check failing in some cases



  • Fatal error on PHP versions prior to 5.3



  • Missing jobs description during import

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 Comments (129)

  • author
    Bruno Carreço


    “Can this plugin be used in jobapp child theme?”
    Yes. If you find any issues just let me know.

    “and can we set the external link open in new tab?”
    For this you’ll need to make a minor change on the plugin so that links open in a new tab. I can explain you.

    2 people like this.
  • zulugogogo

    many thanks for this, i did find the monster one however this is hong kong only. i am trying to do a global work based site. on other question 🙂 is there a way to get the location of the job in to the location area? eg job4me.xyz shows the monster jobs in hong kong but the location option i had was generic so on the map it is all in one place. i want to make the map rich with different locations.

    2 people like this.
  • Rawat

    One more question can we fix the number of alphabets in job description, so that if the RSS i providing the full description we can limit it..

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @zulugogogo, replying to your question:

    “is there a way to get the location of the job in to the location area?”
    It’s not possible to auto-fill the location since the feed does not provide a specific tag for the location. Whenever possible, you should try to have feeds grouped by location. That way you can configure multiple cron imports for specific locations.

    zulugogogo likes this.
  • author
    Bruno Carreço


    “One more question can we fix the number of alphabets in job description, so that if the RSS i providing the full description we can limit it..”

    Yes. ‘Go Fetch Jobs’ provides a filter that allows you to change the description output, including limiting it.

    2 people like this.
    • Andy

      please advise more on this filter and where it can be found.

      2 people like this.
  • Rawat

    Please let me know where to change code for link to open in new tab.
    where are the filter that allows you to change the description output, including limiting it.

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @Rawat and Andy,

    please visit this thread: http://forums.appthemes.com/go-fetch-jobs/open-external-jobs-apply-link-90803/#post379291. I’ve explained there how to open links in a new tab and limit job descriptions.

    zulugogogo likes this.
  • Brijesh

    If the rss is not updated its job .. plugin is fetching the old jobs again making lots of duplicate contents

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @Brijesh, thanks for reporting. I’ve just released an updated version that fixes that issue.

  • caraujo

    Hi Bruno,

    I have a website with Jobroller latest version in operation and would like to know if your plugin supports other languages i.e., the jobs will be loaded as the language of origin of the feed?


  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @caraujo, the language is irrelevant for the plugin. If an RSS job feed contains jobs with titles and descriptions in english, it imports them in english. If it’s a jobs feed with titles and description in Portuguese, it will import them in Portuguese, and etc, for every other language.

  • Brijesh

    How to disable comment in job page..
    Imported job page showing comment option..

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @Brijesh, you need to disable the option in “Discussion > Default article settings > Allow people to post comments on new articles”. Otherwise, all new posts will have comments enabled.

  • zulugogogo

    hi, wordpress update and now
    /wp-content/plugins/go-fetch-jobs/includes/admin/class-gofetch-jobs-admin-settings.php on line 954

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @zulugogogo, please report any issues on the support forum so I can better help you.

    I can confirm this “bug” exists with the latest WordPress 4.4.

    I’ve posted a temporary fix for this issue there: http://forums.appthemes.com/go-fetch-jobs/temporary-wordpress-4-4-php-91051/.

    Thanks for reporting.

  • zulugogogo

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘includes/settings.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/php54/lib/php’) in /home/xxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/go-fetch-jobs/gofetch-jobs.php on line 83

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @ zulugogogo, did you rename your file from ‘options.php’ to ‘settings.php’ like I’ve suggested on the forum thread?

  • zulugogogo

    sorry i was to fast and did not rename – many thanks

  • chaitanya

    Is this plugin compatible wth hirebee
    I have a trainer platform site where i would like to populate training assignments / jobs for my users.
    my site name is http://www.planmytrainings.com

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @chaitanya, unfortunately not. Go Fetch Jobs was developed specifically for JobRoller.

    • chaitanya

      Can you suggest the plugin that i could use for hirebee?
      Or if you could make changes to this plugin and help me buy this for hirebee… would be a great help.

  • mllerena

    Hi there Bruno, would this child plugin work with child themes like “Simplux” . That is what I’m using.
    Thanks. Mike

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    Yes. The plugin is theme agnostic. Meaning it will work with any child theme. It simply provides new content to your database.

  • mllerena

    I just purchased this plugin and I can’t even figure out where to start. Is there a manual, installation guide, instructions available? Thanks, Mike

  • Rawat

    please check imported job not showing
    How to Apply
    Click Here to Apply
    where as on computer its fine..

  • HelpNeeded


    Is there a way to remove the job source logo from the jobs description pages?

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