ClassiPress User Last Active

Another plugin created based on the feedback on my own live classified niche site.

One of the biggest issues that plague classified sites are users coming to a site, posting an advert and then never coming back. Visitors to your site never know if the ad listings are still relevant or if the ad owners are even engaged or still available.

This is especially true in a community like a classified hub that gets lots of recurring traffic.

One of the biggest issues I personally faced with my classified site was users not knowing if other users were still active and if their messages and comments would go unanswered.

Well, I put their fears to rest with ClassiPress User Last Active. Started off as a minor tweak for my site, and turned it into a full plugin for the community.

Classipress User Last Active Lets You:

  • Show if a user is online
  • Show when the user was last active on the website
  • Show all online users via a widget or in the footer
  • Show all recently online users via a widget or in the footer
  • 4 locations that display online & recently active notifications
  • Choose which locations you turn on/off
  • All editable, with your own text
  • Customise the colours to match your theme
  • Set how long a user had to be active on the site to be ‘online’
  • Set how long a user was last online to be ‘recently online’
  • Time is calculated by when the user last visited a page on your site, NOT when they last logged in to make sure tracking is accurate. This is key.

See a run through video here

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions in the comments.


Dale Miles likes this.
  1. Install .zip via plugins area
  2. Access settings from ClassiPress > User Last Active in WP-Admin area
  3. Set it up to your liking


Support is provided through the forums as per all my plugins.

11th April 2017

  • Version 1.0 submitted to marketplace
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (13)

  • apnardeal

    Is this compatible on any Classipress child theme?

    • author
      Dale Miles

      Providing they haven’t removed or changed the standard CP hooks then yes.

      If you want to PM me via the forums with your website URL and admin login details I’d be happy to test the plugin for you on your site theme and let you know the results.

  • whatamaroon

    Stay away from AppThemes. The support sucks.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author
    Dale Miles

    Can I ask what that comment has to do with my 3rd party plugin?

    AppThemes don’t support this plugin?
    You’re not a customer of mine.

    So how is that comment relevant to this product?

    Fanatic Web likes this.
  • musairvesvas

    What is the method I could not remove the parent ad 468×60 apthemes

  • author
    Dale Miles

    I’m sorry I don’t understand? How does this relate to this plugin?

  • pandeli

    Great plugin.
    Something it’s not clear for me:
    It appears both: “Offline Text” and “Not Yet Logged in Yet Text”. I think have to appear only one.

  • scortrio

    Hello, I’m from Brazil, I do not speak English, can anyone help me with the plugin?

  • Fanatic Web

    Hey Dale, to your knowledge, does your plugin work with childthemes? Such as ClassiPost?

  • alrazi66

    Hello Dale Miles.
    Is this work with Classipress 4 ?

  • H Jones

    Why are you not selling this plugin anymore?

  • selam

    1. these theme have your Owen mobile app.
    2. these theme is accept video advertisement.
    3. how many ad type.
    4. these theme have tax option.
    5. your theme is live chat support b/n buyer and seller ; lessee and lessor.
    6. these theme is compatible with any WP free and premium plugin.
    7. buyer and seller can shop directly from the site.

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