Bump Ad
Add users the ability to bump ClassiPress ads back to top.
This will drive posters to come back to your site to bump their ads
and will help your site to look more active by ads changing all the
time even though many could be bumped ads.
Users are limited to bump at interval times and can be charged for it.
Admins can bump any ad any time without charge.
The charge is done through the framework payment gateways.
Bump packages are supported in ClassiPress 3.4+
- Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
- Enable the plugin.
- Config the plugin under ClassiPress->Bump Ad.
- Fix user dashboard icon and action for cp4
- Add support for classipress 4
- Fix ajax call still allowed bump all even if was disabled in settings
- Add setting to enable/disable bump all ads option
- Add missing translation
- For free bump add option to bump all ads in user dashboard
- Small update to profile page view in frontend and wp-admin
- Fix not to allow bump for expired ads
- Fix bump pack price doesn’t display currency in admin
- Fix packages order being ignored
- Fix error when user updates his own profile
- New option to reset ad expiration date on bump
- Fix post content disappearing on bump
- Fix bump icon in dashboard for cp before v3.4
- Add manage bumps link next to the charge for bump checkbox
- Skip select package step if there is only one package
- Add appthemes id to make the appthemes updater work
- Fix bump for websites using default permalinks
- Add order description
- Packages support for ClassiPress 3.4
- Fix possible xss vuln
- display summary page after payment
- fix not being able to save 0 for wait hours
- fix showing bump icon in some pages
- fix bump ad in admin menu when sorting ads by column
- fix showing link in ad listing
- add option to show bump link in ad listing
- fix payment problem with CP 3.4
- add CP 3.4 dashboard listing actions hook.
- fix crash when CP theme is not loaded.
- add bump ad link in backend ad quick links.
- add bump ad button in backend edit ad.
- fix to show bump for published ads only.
- new feature: charge for bump.
- fix timezone problems.
- remove the time wait limit of 100.
- fix time to wait to allow to bump was in minutes instead of hours.
- first
Comments (213)
Could you please add a check box to this plugin for the website admins to choose whether they want to prolong the expiration date of the ad after bumping or not?
For example in my website the ads expire in 90 days and when a user bump his/her ad , the expiration date of the ad prolong 90 days.
Hi Mahmoud,
I added your request.
Thank you very much
I bought this plugin today and installed it but I have two questions:
1) I could not find the check box you added in order to prolong the expiration date after bumping. Where is this check box?
2) I can not charge the users for bumping the ads. Maybe there is a tip I don’t know or it doesn’t work for me. What should I do?
The answer of question No. 2 , I found it.
I logged in with admin username that’s what it didn’t work but now it works because I must log in with another username not an admin one.
But No.1 the check box I haven’t found it yet.
Hi roidayan,
As you may remember , I requested you to add a check box to this plugin in order to allow the admins to choose whether they want to prolong the expiration date or not and you answered me that you added my request.
I bought this plugin yesterday and installed it but unfortunately I can’t find this check box.
Could you please guide me through finding this check box?
Hi Mahmoud,
Sorry for the misunderstanding but when I said I added your request I mean I added it in the ticketing system as a request for a feature for next version.
So it should be available in one of the next versions.
You can open a thread in the support forum and I can help you with the modification to disable the prolong of expiration date when bumping an ad.
Hi Roi,
It doesn’t matter this misunderstanding.
Please put a check box in bump ad setting page in order to let admins choose to prolong the expiration date of the ads which the users bump.
Please publish the next version of this plugin including this modification as soon as possible.
Hi Mahmoud,
The request not to prolong an ad was checked and it doesn’t seem relevant. bumping an ad does not change the expiration date.
If you have a problem you are welcome to use the support forums.
Support won’t be given the the comments section.
I want bumping an ad to prolong the expiration date of an ad and currently it does not.
So I suggested you to add a check box in setting page to give this option to website admins.
Hi roidayan,
Could you please release an update sooner for this plugin and add a check box in admin area in order to prolong the expiration date of the ad after bumping?
Current version does not support this.
how many times can users bump the ads? or just only 1 time?? if only 1 time the users won’t pay for it .. i think you should set 10 times or more over when they pay for bumping their ads.
Hi Roidayan,
While I was looking at the implementation of the “Bump” feature, I noticed it was quite similar to the “Ad pack” feature from vanilla Classipress.
Therefore, I was wondering if the “Membership packs” would affect both in a similar way. What I mean by that is that if I create a package that will give a 10% price reduction to the holder of the package, will that apply to both the “Ad packs” and the “Bump packs”?
Hi Roidayan,
Doesn’t work for CP 3.5.1
“Related ads” doesn’t work too. Have you planed any update?
works for me. use the support forums with more info about whats not working.
I’m not able to help from here.
Hi. Can I use Bump as a free feature for my clients? It seems to be popular on other sites that offer for free.
yes you can allow free bumps.
Hi roidayan
in order bump i have create three bumb pack
1. free 2 per day
2. 5 per day 10$
3. 10 per day 20$
config Wait hours to bump an ad: 0
When user buy bump free. It do not show mess number of times bumps on Order sumary.
It’s show only author widgets
User use full twice per day. pack 1.
How i can set limited bought one pack only one day
good idea,
hi author, how to congfig
Could you show screenshot how bumped ads looks like in search listings, are they stared or not?
ho rodeo,
bumped ads just go to top. nothing different in their view.
Give them a star, will be more attractive 🙂
Can your Bump plugin be used with other themes? If not can it be easily customised to work with another theme?
no sorry. it doesnt work with other themes and not easy customizable to make it work.
same question again
Does this plugin support the latest classiPress3.5.1 ?
My concern is that it shows we can add different number of bumps but what if they customers have membership packages that they has example 3 Ads which they choose to use at different times, how will the bump ads then get activated based on the membership packages they select?
I know bump ad need an existng ad to be able to bump but I there is no option like before to show how long the ad will be bumped for the price charged.
Please put an example in the installation how to do setup as I am unclear as to how the number of bumps work especially if they have membership pack
bump is a single action. 3 bumps means 3 times to bump an ad the user owns.
Can the user select how many bumps they want to buy, set the time of when the bumps happen?
Can the user select how many bumps they want to buy and the plugin just bumps ad every 12 hours??