Bump Ad

Add users the ability to bump ClassiPress ads back to top.

This will drive posters to come back to your site to bump their ads
and will help your site to look more active by ads changing all the
time even though many could be bumped ads.

Users are limited to bump at interval times and can be charged for it.
Admins can bump any ad any time without charge.

The charge is done through the framework payment gateways.

Bump packages are supported in ClassiPress 3.4+

11 people like this.
  1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
  2. Enable the plugin.
  3. Config the plugin under ClassiPress->Bump Ad.
Please visit the dedicated support forum.


  • Fix user dashboard icon and action for cp4


  • Add support for classipress 4


  • Fix ajax call still allowed bump all even if was disabled in settings


  • Add setting to enable/disable bump all ads option


  • Add missing translation


  • For free bump add option to bump all ads in user dashboard


  • Small update to profile page view in frontend and wp-admin


  • Fix not to allow bump for expired ads


  • Fix bump pack price doesn’t display currency in admin


  • Fix packages order being ignored


  • Fix error when user updates his own profile


  • New option to reset ad expiration date on bump


  • Fix post content disappearing on bump


  • Fix bump icon in dashboard for cp before v3.4
  • Add manage bumps link next to the charge for bump checkbox


  • Skip select package step if there is only one package


  • Add appthemes id to make the appthemes updater work


  • Fix bump for websites using default permalinks


  • Add order description
  • Packages support for ClassiPress 3.4


  • Fix possible xss vuln


  • display summary page after payment
  • fix not being able to save 0 for wait hours


  • fix showing bump icon in some pages
  • fix bump ad in admin menu when sorting ads by column


  • fix showing link in ad listing


  • add option to show bump link in ad listing


  • fix payment problem with CP 3.4


  • add CP 3.4 dashboard listing actions hook.


  • fix crash when CP theme is not loaded.


  • add bump ad link in backend ad quick links.
  • add bump ad button in backend edit ad.
  • fix to show bump for published ads only.


  • new feature: charge for bump.


  • fix timezone problems.


  • remove the time wait limit of 100.


  • fix time to wait to allow to bump was in minutes instead of hours.


  • first

9 reviews of “Bump Ad

5 stars
botão bump ad
By -

como mudar a titulo desse botao?

5 stars
Excellent plugin
By -

This plugin is a great asset to any classified ads site. Increases traffic and can be monetized easily. On top of that the support by roidayan its creator is five stars. Highly recommended.


Anonymous likes this.
5 stars
Best ClassiPress plugin
By -

Recommended to all ClassiPress, it will bring more traffic and revenue.

The best support, no worries.

5 stars
Nice, but must be improved
By -

Hi Roidayan,
It looks nice -even I did not test it with payment-. Just a coupleof things that from my point of view should be improved:

– The ‘bump ad’ button just show up when the user is Admin isn´t it?. If the user is a Colaborator, where is the button?
– With admin privilegies when you click the button doesn´t show up any message that is doing the job, so the user click on Actualize and show up an error. Should say something like ‘Bumping up your Ad’
– I believe that in the USER dashboard should see an icon, besides to the CP ‘options’ icons to bump up

thanks a lot for your great job.

5 stars
Great A1
By -

Great works a treat thanks http://carsforsalescotland.co.uk

5 stars
what the user want !
By -

Great job – useful plugin for Classipress. Now the users are returning more in my page. Thanks!

5 stars
Amazing and fun
By -

What a great plugin Thank you for taking the time to build it for all of us!
Just amazing and fun for users. everyone should use this plugin buy it, you will be excited you did:)

5 stars
perfect plugin
By -

this plug is perfect and and work excellent and easy to use by ad poster.

5 stars
Good, simple and perfect
By -

As usual from this author, he make excellence plugin and provide top node after sale support 🙂
thanks mate

Anonymous likes this.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (213)

  • scchoo

    I have 3 questions here :
    1. Bumped ad will be listed on top, will this affect “Featured Ads” ? My site running with template which “Featured ads” are listed on top.

    2. Can we limit how many time user can bump their ad (same ad) ?

    3. Number of days for ads listed on my site are 90 days, if user bump ads, will it prolong the number of days ?


    • author


      1. the bumped ad does not become featured ad. just the post date is being updated to appear as the ad was just being posted.

      2. there is not configuration for this currently.

      3. bumping an ad doesn’t change the expiration date of the ad.


      • Mahmoud

        In example of scchoo the question number 3, if user bump an ad, I want bumping the ad to prolong the expiration date to 90 days ?
        Is there any option maybe a check box to prolong the expiration date while bumping an ad?
        If no, can you add this change for me after buying?

        Anonymous likes this.
  • weiching

    Hi Roi,

    If you can limit the time and frequency will be better.

    Do you have plans to join this future version?

    • author

      there is already somewhat a limit implemented and the default is to allow bumping an ad every 24 hours.
      can you explain more about what you mean when you say time and frequency ?

      • weiching

        We can set up a monthly or six months, or at any time?

        You can set the number of times each ad Bump’s.

        • author

          i didn’t understand the first question.
          currently you can set time in hours before each bump. default is 24.
          the time is based the last time the ad was bumped.
          so for example a user can bump 10 different ads in 24 hours, but not the same ad in this 24 hours period.

          the time wait is a global config and not per ad.

          You cannot limit number of bumps allowed for an ad.
          I think I can add this setting.
          do you need it per ad or global?

          • weiching

            Sorry my English by Google Translate.

            1、What I mean is that we can change the 24 hour time? For example, 10 days or a month.

            2、We can assign each ad’s largest bump, for example, three times or five times.

  • weiching

    Added: Bump limit the number refers to the global setting.

  • author


    answer to your questions:
    1. yes. you can change to any number of hours to wait. its global configuration. not per ad.
    2. not currently.

  • weiching

    In front of “Bump Ad” and “Ad has been bumped!” Can be translated into our language?

  • amirgulamali

    Is there a way to charge for bumping ads?

    • author

      not currently.

      the future plan is to set the time wait according to the membership plan the user has.
      e.g. users with membership1 will have to wait X hours or can’t bump and membership2 will have bump per X/2 hours.

      I’ll check about using the payment gateway for charging per bump.

      Orzdy likes this.
  • justmotors

    can this be linked into payment for bumped up ads?

  • anthonygrey

    I hate the way that the classipress membership packs work and from what I’ve read, they’ve no plans to change them to what people really want. I love the idea of bumping an ad and charging the seller for it. Could you not just edit it so that it can accept paypal payment or something? I reckon many classipress users would like that. The trouble is that classipress doesn’t get the changes that we all want, We rely on people like you to create awesome little plugins to make classipress better!!

    I would so buy the bump feature if it was just a simple click to bump, refers you to paypal, seller pays, then sorted. I dunno how hard this is, but I’m sure it’s something all of us would like and would make your plugin more popular! Just a thought! I already have your related ad plugin so I know your stuff is awesome 🙂 Like I said, classipress aren’t listening to us customers so we are relying on developers like you!


    • author

      I’ll check it out.
      I don’t want to restrict this to paypal.
      I’ll need to check how payment gateways works in classipress and integrate into that if possible.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • Colin

    It would be good if people could purchase credits for bumps too. For example people pay £10 and get 20 bumps, £5 for 10 etc.. If they paid per bump they might have to do lots of transactions for very small amounts.

    • author

      that feature would probably won’t be available as it means adding a lot of code for handling “bump memberships”.
      there is a plan to config bumps based on membership packs which already exists. so you can create membership pack with 1000 ads if you dont want to limit and then config this membership pack to how many bumps allowed, time wait between bumps, etc..

  • anthonygrey

    I’ve pretty much given up on the membership packs, they just done seem to make sense, they’re not flexible enough. With my ad sites, I’m wanting to give businesses the option of getting a pack with includes free featured ads etc. There are so many variants that people want for the memberships functions, but we’re unlikely to see them anytime soon. They haven’t even got the report ad function on it. I think it did years ago when classipress first came out.

    Regarding the bump ads plugin, I only suggested PayPal as its always the default gateway that pretty much every script includes. For some sites I use WorldPay and SagePay but with literally hundreds out there, its a tough choice.

    With gumtree.com, they have the bump feature, which I think literally takes seconds to use, just enter your payment details and sorted. Would trying to include it with the membership packs not complicate it more as they are complicated enough? That’s just my opinion though.

    Either way, you could always start off with PayPal and see how well it integrates, then post the usual upgrades as you go along.

    Once there is a payment option on the plugin, I’ll 110% be buying it!

    Thanks 🙂

  • author

    I already started looking for payment for bump. Could be I can integrate to classipress payment gateway.
    I hope to have something in a week or so. But no promise.

    About integrating with membership its actually the easiest I think. At least the way I thought to implement it. Just querying which membership package the user has and apply settings. Then I don’t need to deal with payment at all.

    2 people like this.
  • Orzdy


    When I tested this plugin as an admin it’s work excellent .
    but when I try to use it as an ad poster I couldn’t find the button to Bump the ad !


    • author

      admin can bump any ad any time.
      as a user you must be owner of the ad and also the time wait configured should be passed. default is 24 hours. so the button only appears for ads you own and are posted for more than 24 hours.

      Orzdy likes this.
      • Orzdy

        Thanks roidayan

        I Just check it now it’s work excellent.
        I appreciate you,thanks for your good support.
        even it’s not your problems but you work so hard for helping.

        Thanks and regards

  • author

    info for all users,

    new update in next few days. the new feature is charging for bumping ads.

    Integration with CP payment gateways. it means any payment gateway can be used. not just paypal. the order will be recorded to the orders table. payment emails will be sent like when buying an ad listing or membership pack.

    Orzdy likes this.
  • anthonygrey

    Sounds great about integration with payment gateways 🙂 Would membership packs still need to be created to accommodate it or can it just work without a membership pack, but use the classipress payment gateway? Fast progress 🙂 Thanks for being one of those developers who actually listen to us roidayan!

    • author

      the payment is without creating any membership pack.
      a user that want to bump their ad will be forwarded to the payment screen as when buying an ad without membership.
      the user will then choose a payment gateway and continue with payment.
      if payment is completed successfully then the ad will be bumped.

      anthonygrey likes this.
  • amirgulamali

    That’s good news! Would you also be able to let us change the “wording” for the bump button to something else?

    • author

      its already possible. all strings are in the pot file which you can translate to anything. you can “translate” to different wording the strings you want and leave the others blank to keep the default.

  • amirgulamali

    Would it be possible to have the page number the ad is currently sitting at near the button? Example: “This Ad is on page 23, bump it up to page 1 for only $X” … this should only be visible to the Ad owner.. i think it will be more marketable that way and a good reason for people to bump their ads… you would have to echo the pagination details from the “just listed” list somehow.. hope thats doable? Any thoughts? I hope many would like this idea too?

    2 people like this.
    • author

      hi amirgulamali,

      I think this will require to query all the db or multiple queries so we I can calculate the page based on how many should appear in each page.
      For this I don’t think this feature will go in.
      You can ask for help on the forum how to do it. I might look at it as well and help but it won’t be in the plugin.

  • laura

    Hi roidayan,

    It’s great about charging for bumping ads being included in the next update and will be integrated with all CP payment gateways 🙂 My question is due to the fact that I use Ad Packs to create “Ad Credits” where customers can purchase in bulk xx amount of credits to use towards placing ads, so would I be able to do this with the Bump Ad plugin as well? I realize I’ll need to run this manually like I do with “Ad Credits”, but I’m thinking perhaps additional coding may be need in my case, as I don’t want customers wanting to bump their ads and then being sent paypal each time they do so, if they’ve already purchased this feature in bulk already…

    • author

      Hi laura,

      Payments already included. I updated it today.

      It is planned to support somehow packs ( ad and membership) like when user has “ad pack1” or “member pack X” to have 100 bumps with wait interval of X hours between bumps of the same ad.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • laura

    lol, okay I’ll have to go get then..Didn’t realize it was updated already. Thanks 🙂

  • amirgulamali

    how do you go about changing the “Bump Ad” wording? please explain the exact details?

    • author

      open the pot file with poedit and set any string you want instead of it and save.
      this will generate a new mo file that you need to upload using ftp to replace the old mo file.

      if you want full translation to another language and you have wordpress defined to use other language then copy the pot file to match the new lang but with po extension instead of pot and translate it. look in the he language po file as example for naming.
      then after you will upload the new generate mo file for your language just upload it using ftp and wordpress will use it.

      amirgulamali likes this.
      • amirgulamali

        Is there anyway I could change the wording using the source file instead of editing the mo files?

        • author

          The source is not encrypted so you can edit the source as you want.

          Anonymous likes this.
  • amirgulamali

    Thank you for the info, instruction and your dedication in hearing out what people want! Great plugin.. thanks for incorporating the payment system due to popular demand! 🙂

  • amirgulamali

    How does this plugin behave for expired Ads? When users see their expired Ads (with the text “This Ad has expired”.. will the bump option display then too or does it only show up for your active ads only?

    Orzdy likes this.
    • author

      good question. I didn’t actually handle it so the button will probably appear. I’ll check and fix if need.
      Notice its not a critical problem. even if bump button appear it wont make the ad not expired since bumping doesn’t change the the status nor the expiration date.

      • amirgulamali

        If the button appears and some pays for the bump and doesnt see their Ad on the just listed page (because ad is expired), they probably wont be happy.. Would you be able to implement the change so that the button only shows for active ads? thank you!!!

        • author

          of course. so its critical for paying sites. i’ll make this fix in the next few hours.

          2 people like this.
          • author

            check out the new version. please use the support forum for bugs and requests next time. thanks 🙂

    • laura

      That was a good question, amirgulamali, and I was going to test it to see what would happen 🙂

      amirgulamali likes this.
  • compunetitcc

    Hi, is this plugin compatible with the PayFast Payment Gateway plugin for ClassiPress?

    • author

      The bump plugin should be compatible with all payment plugins as it just created a new order and CP handles payments.
      Though it was not tested.

  • anthonygrey

    Back in office now and the first thing on my list was to add this plugin to my list of classipress plugins by you. Just got it and loving it! One thing though, is there anyway in being able to enter a charge value (eg 1.95) as opposed to only being able to round up to a whole figure? So instead of charging £2, I can charge £1.95. I know its only a 5p difference, but psychology shows that people think they are paying a lot less than they really are lol. Either way, loving it. Thanks again!

    • author

      its possible with slight modification in the code.
      please open a thread in the support forum and we can discuss it there.


  • dtc67

    Is it possible to alter the plugin to make non-featured ads featured instead of just bumping them? I’d love plugin with that functionality.

    Cheers 🙂

    • author


      A plugin to let users feature an ad with payment is ready and being tested.
      When I’ll see everything is OK I’ll submit it to the marketplace.

      dtc67 likes this.
  • harrybeck

    Hi Roidayan

    I’ve just bought and installed your great olugin … it works fine for the admin … but when I am not logged in I cannot see the “bunp ad” in the ad .. Classipress 3.3 … WordPress 3.9.2

    Is there an activation or adminsitration more to do?



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