AppThemes Coupons

AppThemes Coupons are an easy way to start offering coupons to your customers. This is one of our most popular plugins!

With AppThemes Coupons, you can offer coupons with:

  • Flat rate discounts
  • Percentage based discounts (% of total order)
  • Time based limit
  • Per user or product limit


Also works with Vantage 4.0!

10 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

AppThemes Coupons will work with any theme that supports AppThemes Payments. This includes ClassiPress, Vantage, JobRoller, Clipper, and HireBee.

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, you can add/update/delete Coupons via the Payments Menu, under the Coupons page.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.2.5

  • Fixed issue with incorrect Start/End dates format.

Version 1.2.4

  • Added Spanish translation

Version 1.2.3

  • Fixed textdomain for string “Coupon Code”
  • Updated jQuery UI styles
  • Installed Grunt tasks

Version 1.2.2

  • Fixed compatibility error with JobRoller

Version 1.2.1

  • Setting a user level coupon limit gives fatal error

Version 1.2

  • Corrected loading plugin textdomain
  • Fixed issue with missing coupon code in checkout.

Version 1.1

  • Added discount, usage, expires and status columns to admin page
  • Fixed issue where user was able to add coupon multiple times to order
  • Fixed issue where plugin deactivates itself when using multisite and different theme

Version 1.0.4

  • Fixed problem where Coupons would give 3-decimal amounts to payment gateways

Version 1.0.3

  • Will no longer create three-decimal prices
  • Fixed rounding issue with flat discounts

Version 1.0.2

  • Added support for JobRoller and other AppThemes Products

Version 1.0.1

  • Textdomain files are now properly loaded
  • Plugin will now deactivate if the current theme does not support AppThemes Payments

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 Comments (151)

  • troywhite


    This looks really interesting. What are the options for displaying the coupon code? Is it possible to email the coupon code to a list? As an example, let’s say I want to offer a special code to people in New York for 1 week – can I email to New York members rather than have it showing on my vantage website? Thank you.

    • staff

      @troywhite, the plugin itself allows you to generate the coupon code to be used on the site, however delivery of that coupon code is ultimately up to you. There aren’t options within this plugin, or in our themes which include mailing list functionality as you describe. Thanks.

      • troywhite

        Hello Yumiko, thank you for your response. I will send the coupon code to my email list via Outlook on my desktop not via the plugin. So from what you’ve said, I think this will work. 🙂

        Yumiko likes this.
  • localsguide

    Can this work for events in vantage?
    I want to allow some friends to be able to post free events…

    Then once I set it up, will is also effect listings?
    I do not want it to interfere with listings… as I will have no coupon there.

    Please advise,

  • carley75

    I’d like to use the coupons with Vantage, and noticed you need to enter in a start and end date. I’d like to be able to offer new customers the first month free from whenever they join, is this possible with these coupons as I won’t be able to put dates in? Thanks.

    • staff

      @carley75, This is not a default option with the plugin, so unfortunately no this would not be possible without customization. You can set a use per customer limit though, allowing them to use the code more than once. Thanks.

  • willogfred


    I’d like to know if it is possible to assign a coupon code to just one plan? The aim is to offer tree months for free with coupon code, but no discounts on the other (longer) plans.


    • staff

      @willogfred, the coupons don’t apply to specific plans, they are calculated at checkout on the overall amount, so it would not work out of the box as you describe. Thanks.

  • sernik1879

    Zdravtvuyte my topic Clipper can I make an automatic import of coupons to their website with the affiliate program.

  • jsaadein

    I apologize if I’m confused. Is this a coupon plugin to purchase memberships, listings or the website or does it showcase the ability for the business listed in, let’s say vantage, to list coupons for their customers.



    • staff

      @jsaadein, it’s a plugin which allows you to offer listings on your site at a discounted rate. It’s applied during checkout before the customer pays for their ad/listing. Thanks.

  • miguelrijk


    I have some questions regarding the plugin.

    1.Can I make coupon codes special for some type of package? (example: Package basic: No discount Package plus: 10$ discount upon purchase)
    2.Can I monitor on how many clients have used the code?
    3.Can I put a maximum on the code use?
    4.Can I put a maximum on the code use per member? (members can only use the code once or twice for example)

    With kind regards,


    • staff

      @Miguel, in answer to your questions:
      1. By default, coupons are not specific to ad packages, it is applied at the checkout to the overall purchase, regardless of which package is used. You can however create multiple coupons.
      2. Not specifically, however you could limit the coupons use.
      3. Yes you can, as well as an end date.
      4. Yes, this is also a setting within the coupon. Thanks.

  • aaa

    I want to stop getting notification from this plugin.
    how can I setup? and where?

  • tbase


    Can someone from AppThemes please let me know if this Coupon plugin that AppThemes has created could be configured (in Vantage) in a way that would integrate with Plans allowing (for example) the creation of a Quarterly plan that essentially would be free for the first 90 days by offering a Coupon configured with Discount Amount = 100 and Discount Type = Percentage Discount and upon the 90 expiration date the plan would automatically convert the business listing to recurring payment status every 90 days.

  • ezihosting

    I use vantage and can see that we can create a coupon for our clients (the Listers). However, can this plugin be used so the Listers can offer some kind of coupon for end users? If not, is there something else you can suggest for this purpose?

    3 people like this.
    • Yumiko

      @azihosting No, the plugin is not designed for that purpose. We don’t currently have a plugin/feature available for this. Thanks.

    • efreighter

      Man, another waste of money. If the listers cannot get a discount how does this actually work?

      • Yumiko

        @efreighter the AppThemes coupons plugin does allow you to offer listers a discount for placing their listing on your site. What my response related to above was that the plugin does not have a feature to allow the lister to give a discount. Hope this clarifies things. Thanks.

        • efreighter

          Well it still is not working. Dimitri (hopefully) is looking at the code but I am not holding my breath. I have the DIVI theme (from on my other sites and it operates flawlessly. Unlike all the plugins I bought through AppThemes. Hopefully you guys can figure out why your stuff does not work on my site.

          The coupons don’t work
          The braintree plugin does not work
          The Geo-distance does not work
          The review badges do not work (backgrounds are missing when customized)
          Profiler has a security flaw

          I bought 6 plugins and only one is working (although it is a child theme and that has it’s own set of issues). I just feel like I have been scammed here. Hopefully everyone there will get their plugins working on our site since I am dead in the water until that time.

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  • mrdannyrice

    Can you track how many times a coupon code was used? I am using Vantage theme and would like to see how often specific coupons are used (maybe some sort of dashboard?).


    Eric Roy likes this.
    • Yumiko

      You can set how many times a coupon can be used by a customer, but there isn’t a specific option to show how many times it has been used. Thanks.

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  • linda

    I am using Classipress. Can this plugin offer discounts on membership prices or just the ad listings?

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  • Eric Roy

    Just found an issue with this plugin… be aware that if you have this installed on a WordPress multisites which has per example, AppThemes Vantage inatalled on one site and another none-appthemes theme under another site. If you go to the admin panel of this other site, that will deactivate the AppThemes Coupons plugin 🙁

    So, once you go to any of your other sites that do not support Coupons via the Admin panel, the AppThemes Coupons Plugin will get disabled 🙁

  • utahseopros

    Will this work with recurring plans? If the listing recurs every month, will it take the price from 99 to 89 a month forever as an example?

  • qrtstry

    How many different coupons codes can I have active at once? We will be offering the same general discount, but want to be able to use coupon codes to track where the customer is coming from. Can I do this in Vantage?

  • s

    can I see any screen shot of display of the coupons?

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