Ads By Category or Ad Tag

Live Demo

Display ads from specific category (or categories) or ads by Ad Tags by using a full-features filter widget.
This plugin is the perfect choice if you want to fill the home page with classified ads and split them into sections, and displaying them into grid mode , list mode, or even a slider.


  • Filter ads by category widget, or by ad tag
  • The Widget is packed with lot of options
  • Slider , Grid or list View, all come with backend settings
  • Horizontal or Vertical Slider
  • Shortcode enabled to display ads into inner pages/posts
  • A link to view more ads (Good for SEO interlinking)
  • RTL Ready
  • Responsive
  • Very light weight plugin

How to use:

  1. Set the title of the section (block of ads).
  2. Set the number of ads to show.
  3. Select the category (or categories) to pick the ads from.
  4. Select the type of ads (order): Featured ads, Latest ads, Random ads, Sold ads.or by name.
  5. Set the number of the ads/grids to show per row.
  6. Set the view mode: Grid view, List view or Slider.
  7. Sort ads randomly or by date.
  8. Set a “View all” button with an option to paste a custom link.
  9. Click Save the widget.


  • You can display as many custom widgets as you want , on the home page or any widget area (sidebar).
  • Each view mode has its special options within.
  • You can use this plugin on as many websites as you want.
  • The plugin works perfectly with Classipress 4.x.

Q: Can I place the ads on any page?
A: Yes, You can, on any sidebar on the home page or the inner pages.

Q: How many widgets can be placed at the same area?
A: You can add as many as you want.


A/Using WP Dashboard:
* Go to plugins => add new plugin =>Upload the plugin zip
* Activate the plugin.

B/using FTP access:
* Download and Upload files to the /wp-content/plugins/ folder
* Go to wordpress dashboard Plugins => Activate the plugin


Please visit the dedicated support forum.

  • 2.0.0
    -Added shortcode for ad listing post type option
    -Added short code for blog posts or any post type
  • 1.0.3
    -Added widget: Ad by Ad tag
    -Enhanced the filter function
  • 1.0.2
    -Fixed attached images to load if featured image is not set.
    -Added RTL support
  • 1.0.1 – 11/01/2018
    – Added option to set the number of ads per row to see on mobile view
    – Fixed responsiveness bug on slider and grid view
    – Improved RTL compatibility
  • 1.0.0 – 10/25/2018:
    – First release

4 reviews of “Ads By Category or Ad Tag

0.5 stars
can't be installed
By -

can’t be installed this plugin on classipress

5 stars
The best plugin
By -

The best plugin I’ve found, I recommend it to everyone

5 stars
Show! Fantástico
By -

Este plugin é nota 1000!

wpclubz likes this.
5 stars
amazing plugin
By -

amazing plugin with great support. I recommend it for every one who wanna his site look great specially on mobile devise .

wpclubz likes this.
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 Comments (84)

  • oachour

    Hey there , thank for this nice plugin , i just have question is this plugin support RTL language, and it is work with classifieds 4 standard child theme

    wpclubz likes this.
    • author

      Hi Oachour,
      Thank you so much for your kind words.
      Regarding the RTL, it’s partially compatible, I promise to check that out and make it fully compatible , in case it needs any enhancement.
      Yes it works with standard child theme.
      Best regards

  • Hilzan


    Can the ads auto scroll?

    wpclubz likes this.
  • Peter

    Hi great plugin but in mobile there is 4 listing in a row not 1 or 2…

    wpclubz likes this.
    • hilzan

      Hi great plugin but in mobile there is 4 listing in a row not 1 or 2…

      Will this be fixed anytime soon?

    • author

      Hi Peter, Thanks for the kind words.
      it’s supposed to show only 1 on very small screens and 3 on medium.
      I am going to check that out and fix it immediately
      we are implementing an option in the backend to set how many ads per row to display on mobile view.
      one of our customers wanted it to show 4 or more ads per row on mobile, so to satisfy everyone, we are going to make it optional 🙂

  • Peter

    Hi again found css errors :

    .entry-cover {
    padding: 8em 0 6em;
    .entry-cover {
    padding: 2em 0;

    And when is 2ads in a row ready? One is to big for mobile… Please consider fix for category 2 ads in a row too,

    wpclubz likes this.
  • author

    Hi Peter, Thanks for the heads up
    do you have a link where I can replicate those css bugs? are they visible on our demo?
    we fixed all of them, we are ust waiting for appthemes team to allow us to upload it. they didnt set that option available in our seller acount, Yet.

  • author

    have just seen it on our demo, it was some CP main styles, not bugs anymore, I have fixed them.
    Thanks alot.
    Now we are just waiting for appthemes to reply us.

    • hilzan24

      I am going to buy the theme but I will wait until you do the update, please me know when its done.

      wpclubz likes this.
      • hilzan24

        Plugin not theme. How does this impact website speed though? Any problems with with website slowing down because of this plugin?

        wpclubz likes this.
  • author

    Thanks for considering to purchase the plugin.
    We are waiting for appthemes staff to reply our request.I have sent them the new update zipped.
    About the speed. the plugin doesnt affect the website speed at anyway.
    It works like a filter of ads using the images and files of classipress itself.


  • hilzan24

    ok, great just let me know when its sorted out.

    wpclubz likes this.
  • author

    Once I receive the reply from appthemes team I let you know.
    Thanks for the headsup 🙂

  • author

    The plugin has been updated to 1.0.1.

  • hilzan

    ok, cool, thanks for the update.

    wpclubz likes this.
  • masterone

    Hello, would it be possible that the name of the category is displayed on each ad in the grid

    • author

      Hi Masterone,
      Thanks for purchasing my plugin.
      I am going to add the category in the grid as an option to enable/ will be included in the next update 🙂
      for the grid view, I am going to enhance it by adding more options and styles.
      One more time , Thanks for the headsup 🙂

  • chifen

    Some option for better listing card…

    Please try to make plugin for category inner page

  • masterone

    It’s good I found it was enough just to put the name of the category in the title

  • serg

    What languages are translated plugin, Russian language is?I liked this plugin, I want to buy, but need an accurate translation into Russian. Thanks.

  • author

    Hi Serg
    Thank you for your comment.
    The plugin has the language file , you can translate it using poedit software, there arent not lot of words which means if you install it on your classipress Russian website, it will work out of the box, you just need to install it and activate it.

  • author

    Thanks Serg 🙂

  • hilzan24


    I installed the Plugin, but the slider isn’t working. Is there a special way to set it up? I want the Featured Ads to scroll across the screen but, It isn’t showing in a grid format it is more like a list view and the images are stretched out across the entire page.

    Can you help me.

  • hilzan24

    I downloaded the latest version today.


  • hilzan24

    The featured ads which I’m referring to is at the bottom of the home page.

    • author

      did you try to select grid style and save it, then slider ??
      also make sure to set 4 or 3 ads per row.
      if you still cannot do it, email me temporary admin creds, I think can fix that in instant.

  • hilzan24

    what’s your email?

  • bluehavoc

    Hi, I was wondering if you thought of making a plug-in like this to display ads by Ad Listing Tags? Or can this be modified to do that?

    Thank you.

  • wzoj

    It would be great to be able to filter by tags as well, what do you think?

    • author

      You got it, Wzoj,
      we are adding this option to the plugin.

      bluehavoc likes this.
  • wzoj

    Está tendo algum “bug”, comprei o plugin e não estou conseguindo realizar um review

  • wzoj

    Quero qualificar seu plugin com cinco estrelas e comentar!

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