Ad Scroller

Live Demo


The Ad Scroller plugin provides you a great way to monetise your AppThemes powered website by allowing you to add banner or text ads, whether from Google Adsense or from another source to both sides of your web page container via the Widgets page on the admin back end. These ads will stay visible as the users scroll down the content area by staying in their positions. The plugin is ideal for displaying 120×600 or 160×600 skyscraper ads.

Key Features

  • Monetise the extra space either side of your webpages with sticky ads
  • Ideal to display 160×600 or 120×600 Skyscraper banner ads
  • Compatible with all AppThemes themes and marketplace child themes
6 people like this.


  • Extract zip in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • Go to Appearance → Widgets page in the back end
  • Add “text” widgets to “Ad Scroller Left” and “Ad Scroller Right” sidebars and paste the ad codes in them

Support Policy

From February 2015, support will only be available via email from our email address .

Before you email us, please make sure you have browsed/searched through product forum for the answer to your question, and have read through the Support FAQs below:

Support FAQs

  • What kind of support is offered with a purchased product?
    Your product purchase includes one year of access to premium support via email and one year or free updates. Beyond that, you will need to renew your subscription year on year for around 30% of the product price. Support covers issues such as bug fixes (if any) under normal operation, how to use basic product features, very basic WordPress help, and help with very basic theme customisaton. If you need more advanced modifications please consider hiring a developer to do it for you.
  • Will you provide help with small modifications?
    If you need to do small modifications, you may get help from us as long as they are reasonable in number and nature. If you have a lot of such modifications, please consider paid developer help.
  • What kind of help would be unreasonable to ask?
    This is not an easy question to answer. We are here to ensure that the product you purchased works as intended by us and serves its purpose on your website. That means if it doesn’t work for you, we can step in and help you with it. However, it is when there are no issues with the functioning of the product and all you want is help with modification, that demands start getting unreasonable.
    As mentioned before, we don’t mind helping with modifications, but we also expect you to have tried everything to do it yourself. In other words, we expect you to have tried all the settings in your theme, ensured that the issue relates to the product in question, searched through legacy product support forum, and looked around on Google for the answer to your questions before approaching us. Please bear in mind that one theme, one child theme and a few plugins can get you only so far, and you will probably need to make changes to the code of your website to add functionality, change design and personalise it. In case of too many modifications, we will politely ask you to seek paid help.
  • I am using one of your child themes. I am having an issue with it.
    Please make sure the issue is really with the child theme by activating the parent theme and checking if the problem gets solved. Also please make sure you have tested all the settings in parent theme and child theme, sometimes the answer is right in there! Send us an email if the issue still persists.
  • I am using one of your child themes. I need help with customisation.
    As a pre-requisite, you are going to need a basic understanding of HTML & CSS to start customising the layout and style of your theme. To dig deeper PHP knowledge, specifically to WordPress, will help as well. The WordPress Codex is a great place to start learning. For CSS changes related to text colour, background colour, fonts, etc, please consider using the Firebug extension. A simple Google search returns many good text/video tutorials.
  • Do you offer paid WordPress development services?
    Yes we do depending on our work schedule. You can always run your requirements by us via email.

Change log

1.2.1 (11/12/2015)

- Fixed flicker while scrolling on some browsers

- Edited core library to make it personalised

1.2.0 (08/05/2015)

- Made compatible with all AppThemes themes and majority of child themes

- Completely revamped the code to setup and display ads


- Made compatible with ClassiPress 3.3


- Made compatible with ClassiPress 3.2.1


- Fixed scroll error in IE8


- Initial release version (at the time of ClassiPress 3.1.9)

5 reviews of “Ad Scroller

5 stars
Ad Scroller is not working yet me yet
By -

i bought Ad Scroller last week and it does not work for me yet.
I would try to make it working next week.
One question : On the Apparence next to Widgets then i got on the side bar Right
Ad Scroller Left
Ad Scroller Right
when i click on the widget Ad Scroller Left nothing appear .. why ?
I am using Classipress 3.6.0

5 stars
The ad scroller works very well
By -

Finding good locations to insert ads is very difficult, and other plugins create the space horizontally, meaning, if you put an ad there, it “pushes down” the main content. What I really like about ad scroller it creates space on the sides, which does not effect the site itself.

You can see my ad scroller in action here:

By the way, if you don’t mind, once you are on my site, please be kind and click on one of the ads…thanks!

0.5 stars
does not work
By -

i bought it and it does not work with taskerr.

4 stars
good plugin
By -

Whit google crome is perfect, with internet explorer makes a flicker scrolling the page

5 stars
Does ClassiPress Ad Scroller work with cutest” childtheme from
By -

Does ClassiPress Ad Scroller work with cutest” childtheme from

please kindly let me know, here is the link of child theme demo”

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (95)

  • dazzaboo2000

    How many banners can you display at one time? Can you put three of four 125 x 125 banners down one side?



    • author

      You can display one skyscraper ad banner or up to four 125×125 box banners and they will line up just fine.


  • titoslack

    Any timeframe for 3.2 support?

  • strategist

    I know it says “ClassiPress Ad Scroller” but would this also work for Vantage?

    • author

      No it wouldn’t. The default Vantage layout width is too big for the skyscraper ads to appear on the most popular screen resolutions (1280 to 1366px in width).

  • awaltek

    dear Mohsin,
    I’m using classipress on
    i’m using VPS hostgator hosting
    but after few months its start crashing, using too much memory and our whore server became down.
    hostgagor are saing wordpress is not supporting big database.
    and wordpress is not good for running a classified side.
    please advise what do do. Regards.

    • staff

      @awaltek, please note that support for all of our themes is carried out in the AppThemes forums in this instance, here. If you could please start a new thread relating to your issue, our support team will be more than happy to assist further. I have also emailed you about this and removed the email address from your post above for your security. Thank you.

  • vasquezns

    Problem setting up the Ad Scroller, how do I to display 160×600 or 120×600 Skyscraper banner ads


    • author

      Hi there,

      Go to Appearance -> Widgets. You should notice two new widgetised areas, “Ad Scroller Left” and “Ad Scroller Right”, all you need to do is drag a text widget in them and past your skyscraper banner ad codes and save.


  • vasquezns

    thank you very much, solved the problem.

  • levt


    Is this working on wp 3.5 and cp 3.2.1??


  • vasquezns

    Hello, I have problem with compatibilada the “ClassiPress Ad Scroller” does not work “More Ads” on the main page, and set in ClassiPress Settings / permalinks, the default “Default” does not work, “More Ads” if values ​​change to “permanent link” does not work the advertising banner.
    appreciate their support

  • saltspring

    The demos doesn’t seem to be working. Is this product still supported?

  • oscar97

    Is it possible to display 2 120×600 Skyscraper banner.gif images ? Or is
    it only for text ads ?


  • oscar97

    Can I have a reply ? I would like to buy only if I can insert GIF images in thoses banners… In hope this plugin is still on support.

    urgently ! ty

  • levt


    Have to say just buy it and is a great plugin, can recommend it works like a charm!


    oscar97 likes this.
  • oscar97

    Bought it ! It’s very handy and cool feature for classipress ! 5 stars !

  • uummadaani

    Hi, is it compatible with child themes?

  • vaquero004

    Hi, with this plugin I am able to put any image I want, for example the logo of a sponsor company, or to create a banner like the demo one (with movement) but not necesarily being google adsense?, able to put any banner create by me?.

  • vaquero004

    Can I have a reply?, I just want to know it this plugin Works with the classipress child theme multiport, if this Works with the multiport I am buying it at instance.

  • oscar97

    LOL vacquero004, I asked exactly the same question… and the answer is yes.

    • vaquero004

      hahaha sorry for that, but when I post this, your question wasn´t answered.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • Dimitri Schott

    Is this working on cp 3.3?

  • saltspring

    Classipress 3.2.1 Install Issue – Can’t Find tpl-ads-home.php

    These instructions aren’t correct. I can’t find tpl-ads-home.php anywhere in the classipress folders. I’m running Version 3.2.1. Am I blind, if so what is the path to tpl-ads-home.php or what are install instructions for Classipress 3.2.1

    Extract zip in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
    Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
    Look for below code in tpl-ads-home.php within your theme folder:

    and replace it with:

  • haque

    is it compatible with classipress

  • samehkandel

    I know it says “ClassiPress Ad Scroller” but would this also work for sahifa theme ?

    Anonymous likes this.
    • author

      We will soon begin working on getting the plugin to work across all the themes, but currently getting it to work with your theme may require custom coding.

  • jamesweb

    Great little plugin, any chance of this coming for vantage in the near future?

  • osman1985

    working with classipress 3.3.1 ?

  • haque

    Are you making ad scroller for ideas theme. Like Ideasinn

  • marcellino

    I have bought your plugin and tried to put inside a shortcode from another plugin (banner rotator) but with shortcode dosn’t function. How to solve this, because I have not another option to put that banner rotator in your banner?

    • author

      Hi there,

      Please open a new thread in the support forum and also mention your website.


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