TwinPress Directory

Live Demo

v1.1 released

Three colors now built in: orange, blue and green.

Rebuilt listing styles and full width images for single listings

TwinPress Directory

Ultra-clean, responsive & Multi-site ready
A clean, flat, two-color Vantage child-theme with subtle background textures.

Will work by itself or as part of a network.
This is part of a larger effort to run multiple AppThemes side-by-side using the WordPress network interface.

Save 20% by purchasing the TwinPress Bundle

We’ve built all of our child-themes around the same minimal design and have inserted a new menu at the top of the page to allow for switching between themes.
The style sheets have been divided by color so with a little knowledge of CSS you may customize your own color swatches (or you could ask us nicely to create one for you).



  • Clean and responsive design.
  • Multisite ready.
  • Newly formatted login now integrated as part of the theme.
  • New top menu for navigation between sites.

Excellent support

Let us know what you think of our themes and what we could do to improve them. We’re in this for the long haul and will be pushing out free updates to all purchasers.

Compatible with:
Vantage: v1.3.1
Wordpress: v3.5.x

Please note: This is a child-theme and requires a license for Vantage

2 people like this.


If you’re setting up a Wordpress network please do this first, instructions may be found here.

Make sure Vantage is installed correctly.

Install the TwinPress Directory child theme by navigating to ‘themes > add new > upload’, browse to your ‘twinpress_directory’ zip file and upload.

Navigate to ‘appearance > themes’ and activate. (If you’re running a network you will need to make the theme visible through ‘network admin’ first).

Theme options:

We’ve built in three default colors: ‘orange’, ‘blue’ and ‘green’. These can be selected by changing line 12 of the ‘style.css’ file. The easiest way to change this is through ‘appearance > editor’ (Or if you’re running a WordPress network: ‘Network Admin > themes > editor’)

Once the child theme is activated navigate to ‘settings > media’ and adjust ‘Thumbnail’ to 100 x 100px and ‘Medium image’ to 805 x 400px.
Please note: If you have images already uploaded you will need to regenerate thumbnails for this to take effect.

Single listing data is now found as a new Widget in the ‘appearance > widgets’ section.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

10th Jan 2014: v1.1.2 – Minor release, various bug fixes and updates for latest version of Vantage

14th Sep 2013: v1.1.0 – Major release. Updated homepage and single listings. ‘Blue’, ‘Orange’ and ‘Green’ color schemes now available.

21st Aug 2013: v1.0.24 – Minor tweaks and improvements. Phone number has been given higher priority and category descriptions are now showing.

15th Aug 2013: v1.0.21 – Initial upload

4 reviews of “TwinPress Directory

3 stars
Ok But out of date
By -

The theme does look ok, but is out of date.
There are some elements of the php that have been depreciated in the latest version of Vantage.

For exmaple – you won’t get a logo on your site unless you modify the code in header.php.

Would be good to have the color switcher in the theme options, as opposed to being required to alter the import css line in the style sheet.

In my opinion – themes should be developed to users don’t have to edit any css or code.

5 stars
Some questions still
By -

Hi I bought this theme a week ago very good first impressions. Concerned though that once client has purchased an ad on the directory he can’t then go in and re-edit his ad once published. THis seems to be standard practice for directory listing especially whn client purchases eg 12 months advertising. Vantage by default has “edit ad” button – it doesnt seem to be be present in TwinPress Directory – unless i’m mistaken? PLease could you check this.

Also – have App themes sorted out RECURRING ADS functionality yet?

4 stars
Happy with the Support
By -

The author has provided excellent support…Aesthetically, its a vastly improved site but there still bugs in it which i trust will be sorted out the author’s excellent support..i have used this theme for my site…i hope to the new version soon with improvements in functionality …

Will be great to see the following soon:
– Improved single listing page
– Email field in the listing form, and email linked to the contact the listing owner button (i believe app themes need to change this as well) since the ,contact the listing button is present on the single listing but no where in the listing form is a section for entering email…it quite a major issue to be fixed soon.
– On the article listing page: will be great to have phone number, ’email us’ and ‘Visit website’ so that if someone does want to look at the details page, he can just visit the listing website.
– When the listing title is too long, currently there is a overlap of phone number and title and the the phone number goes before title
– Will be good to have larger article listing images … i have used 150 x 150 and looks quite good (though i have some issues currently if have visited my site, you will know what i mean.

Well overall, its a greatly improved vantage child theme…i will alas be buying the classipress theme once i have finished my current website…

0.5 stars
All surface, no pleasure beneath
By -

I’m sorry to say, this child theme is not finished. And should not have been putted up for sale.

The devoloper seems like a nice person, and perhaps TP in time will be a professional piece of work worth the price tag of 30 dollars, I very much regret to have spent.

My list of bugs and errors are way to long, the workload I have to put in to getting TP to look acceptable is way to high for a professional product.

It makes me wonder if AppTheme really don’t have any quality control over the products they sell here at the marketplace?

Where do I get my money back?


Developer response:
This customer found some formatting errors in the theme and contacted us to request for a fix, which was carried out promptly. We also bundled together several extra color options along with the latest theme version (which hasn’t gone live yet).

The following day some further minor changes were requested and these were immediately followed up on.
To date no other bugs have been made known to us and as the customer was clearly unhappy he was offered a refund.

The whole process took roughly 24 hours.

It’s a shame that this is our first review. We take pride in our work and are keen to continue building a strong portfolio in this marketplace. We recognize that no theme is perfect, especially at release, but we are dedicated with our support and if you notice any formatting glitches please let us know and we’ll fix them straight away.

7 people like this.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (80)

  • webjump


    This is defo going on my childtheme list. Are you planning a Job Roller one also?


    2 people like this.
    • author

      Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

      I’ll be looking to build a Job theme next depending on interest (there’s been a few requests so far so watch this space).

      2 people like this.
  • 59soc

    Great Looking Child theme. My problem with any of the responsive appthemes is the Phone listing. Have you ever looked at the theme on a mobile phone and tried to tap the phone #? What a pain. How about a Click To Call Button that fat fingers can tap and lets make the numbers larger a lot larger. Even that would do it on most mobile phones. (just tap the number)
    Thanks for listining

    • author

      Thanks for the feedback. This has now been tweaked and will be included in the next update.

      Edit: 1.0.24 has just been submitted, it includes minor fixes and a more prominent phone number

    • 59soc

      Much Better on that phone # situation. Even though it is still a little smaller than I would prefer that is a great improvement. Thanks for that.

  • Pie

    Nice theme,
    If i click on for instance
    i would like to put a small text about services, by filling in the descripton in wordpress does that work in this theme? it’s not working in vantage normal theme.

    The image listings are not showing on iPhone 🙂 (on the homepage)

    • author

      That’s a great idea. I’ve added the category description to the work list and will try and push it out with the next update.

      The image listings are set to turn off at a small screen width, I’ll have a look to see if there’s a more elegant option for this.

      EDIT: v1.0.24 has been submitted and includes category descriptions

  • ronallal

    Great template.

    I would like to see the following in the next revision (willing to pay more if the following are available):

    1. Home page:
    Aesthetically looking home page with slide show background, and with the
    search box in the middle of the page similar to

    2. Search bar:
    – Auto complete for the “Search for” box with a drop down arrow on the right with categories if possible
    – User Locator for Vantage (as per the plugin on marketplace), so it detects where user is located, also with auto complete so that when user starts to enter a suburbs, suggestions are available

    3. Single Page Listing
    – A larger Photo Gallery with slideshow similar to

    – Basic details such as Address, Claim business, telephone on the side bar similiar to

    PS: If you can customize the following for me, please contact me. Definitely interested in knowing the price. Want this done a month (max) time.

    • author

      Thanks, I have sent my response. I will be looking to add the improved single page listing over the coming weeks, this will be a free update.

      • ronallal

        Is the update for single listing sometimes soon ? Don’t want to launch my website before seeing improvement in the single listing page …. Just a heads up on the support you providing your clients… i will surely buy other child themes you do ….

        Anonymous likes this.
        • author

          We’re working hard on this, the improved listings will be part of a major update to 1.1

          I expect it to take another two weeks’ish

  • cravo

    Can you please make a theme for Job roller too?

    • author

      If the support and feedback continue we will be creating more themes. There’s now a poll on the demonstration website to see which one will be next.

      3 people like this.
  • cravo

    It would also be really great to have a version just for wordpress too, so that it is possible to make like a front page for all the sites.

  • ronallal

    I bought the theme finally after seeing that you will release the updated single page listing…

    Need the following help since the theme doesn’t appear to be as per the demo:

    1. How do you get the tab on the top bar to switch between themes.. i.e the directory and classified tab … and how do you link them to the different themes…

    2. I got the yellow bar (pmfootmen) before the footer, how do you add the login, register, forgot password in that section.

  • author

    Please visit the support forums, I’ll repost the installation options and help with your setup.

  • proj2bus

    very nice theme, please make one for job roller too and put more larger images at the adlisting pages like, will buy it even for 100$

  • alan341

    Please correct me if I’m wrong (newbie): I wanted classifieds in Vantage so I purchased this child theme expecting it to be there. It isn’t, and it now appears that I need to buy another theme to make it happen, which I don’t won’t to do.

    • author

      We offer two child themes: TwinPress Directory and TwinPress Classifieds.
      The theme you purchased was TwinPress Directory which is a Vantage child theme. I’ll follow up with you on this matter privately.

  • willogfred

    This is really awesome. A very huge design improvement! THANK YOU. And reading your answers here, you have a terrific attitude towards helping customers. So I’d like to be one of your costumers, but have a few questions.

    I’d like to use your product to combine – a non-apptheme wordpress theme (existing site) – vantage (existing site) – apptheme classified (new) – vantage different scope (new)

    The questions are

    1) two existing installations. And two new. Is it possible to network them without re-install the old ones?

    2) The non-apptheme theme. The top menu that shifts between installations, can I have it there too, and how?


    • author

      Hi, thanks for the positive feedback. We’ll continue providing support and updates for a long time to come yet.

      1. I’m not too sure what your current setup is. Are you running a WordPress network with & Or are you looking to combine two separate installations into one network?
      2. The top menu can be added to any other theme with a little coding knowledge. I’m happy to send you through the menu code I used for this theme if you PM me.

  • envirogex


    I’d it easy to change colours?

    I want to have more variation of blue instead of yellow.

    Should be a simple CSS change?

    • author

      I’ve set up several color files (blue.css, orange.css etc). Changing the color scheme involves simply linking to the file you wish to use then filling in the CSS. I’ll be posting full instructions on the support forum.

  • Niels

    Thank you!

    1. Combine existing.

    2. I’ll post you when I am ready.

    More questions:

    A) How about changing fonts? My design manual craves Google Font ‘Ubunto’. It’s not easy to set in Vantage, but how about in your child theme?

    B) I’m not a fan of the ‘selling techniques’ implemented in Vantage where you begin with the price, not the product. I’d love if it’s possible to reverse it? 1) FIRST you fill out the lot, 2) THEN you choose a plan, 3) then you provide 4) user information and pay. OR at least 1) user info, 2) fill out, 3) plan, 4) payment.

    C) I’d like to change de default picture on listings. Is it done in WP Dashboard?

    Best, your fan 🙂

    • author

      When installing a WordPress network it is recommended to do so using a fresh WordPress installation, so you’ll need to either start from scratch or export / import your current data (

      a) TwinPress doesn’t include a wysiwyg ‘add font’ function but this can be done by dropping in a little extra code to the theme. PM me and I’ll send this through.

      b) You’ll need to check with AppThemes about this I’m afraid.

      c) The easiest way to change the default image on listings would be to replace the actual jpg with another image of the same size. The file is located in the TwinPress theme here: ‘/images/no-thumb-sm.jpg’.

  • getawaydigital

    This child theme along with the Classipress is almost perfect for a project we have planned. One thing we need though is the ability to create a full width p[age that can be used for the master domain page, is this possible ? Cheers

    • author

      At the moment TwinPress Classifieds supports full-width pages.

      If you’re after a stand-alone ‘network site’ that will match the design of our two TwinPress themes this has been requested already and is in the work pipeline. (2 – 3 weeks)

      Anonymous likes this.
  • 59soc

    Hello Corbs: I got the TP directory version and It went fine so far. The one small issue I see regarding the Phone # (thanks for fixing that) is on the first listing it is not clicklable but in the read more section it is clickable on mobile I think it would be beneficial to be able to click in either event. Also looking forward to more color options.
    I have to tell you one of the overriding factors in considering this purchase was your quick responses to the comments here, Thanks!

    • author

      Thanks, we’re planning to continue building in ideas from the community for these themes.

      The clickable phone number is determined by the phone itself. I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work on the listings for you, I’ve successfully tested it on three devices. If you could please PM with your phone make / model that would be helpful.

      Further color options are being built in as we speak and will be part of the 1.1 update due in the coming weeks.

  • ronallal

    Could of Fixes I would like to see in next update would be:

    1. We have “Contact Listing Owner”: tab on the single listing page, but the problem is that there is no field for Email while posting the advertisement. We only have a phone and website field. Could you with this please.

    2. Are we able to have a contact listing owner as a new tab beside the reviews tab similar to this tutorial:

    My website:

    • author

      Your site is looking good ronallal, nice job.
      I’ve added your fixes to my list, they won’t be ready for 1.1 but they’ll be at the top of the build list after that.

  • buynselltc

    Hi Corbs, I hope I am not bombarded you with too many unnecessary questions but I need to questions to be answered before purchasing. I will be getting a new hosting so that I can start from fresh.

    1. I already have Classified theme there I will need to purchase your Vantage twinpress right?

    2. With my Classified theme I also have the simple Classified child theme, would this affect the child theme that I already have?

    3. With your Vantage Twin Press if I have them on one WordPress website can I still put a Vantage Child Press on it?

    4. My skills are not as good as yours, if I purchase this will you be able to help with getting this up for me?

    Hope you understand my questions.

    • author

      I’ve responded via PM. Please note that TwinPress is a child theme only and you will need an AppThemes license as well.

      I’m happy to provide support for your WordPress installation but please note I can’t devote a lot of time to doing this. If your hosting settings aren’t good I may not be able to help.

  • ronallal

    Another fix needed: When you have a long title on the listing page, the phone number overlaps the can check what i mean by visiting my site Iam talking about the listing with image on the homepage…. (Ignore the stretching image which iam working on now)…

    • author

      Thanks, I’ve completely rebuilt this area now. Update should be pushed out within the week but I’ll PM you a copy in the next few days.
      I’m also in the process of setting up developer access for purchasers. If you have a account send me your username to grab the daily builds.

      • ronallal

        Great..look forward to this new update…I don’t have a account… may look into getting one later..To other potential buyers, you will be impressed by the support provided the author…as i am ..Thanks

      • ronallal

        Hi Cobin,

        NO updates yet? Still waiting for your update 1.1 before i start customising my website further…

        • author

          Working on it as we speak. I was delayed four frustrating days trying to figure out why I couldn’t change the single listing image sizes.

          Finally turns out that this is an area locked off from child-themes and I’ve had to find a work around.

          Last bits to build now are the new single listings widget area, responsive alignment for all the new elements, button styles and final testing. I’m going to try and have the the test-ready build by the end of the day but I have several meetings booked.

  • chrish

    Is it possible to have single registration and sign-on for a user on both sites?


  • author

    Yes this is possible using a plugin to share user registrations across a WordPress multisite. I’m using and it’s working well so far.

    • chrish

      ah ok so does that plugin come with TwinPress Directory & Classifieds Bundle or is that just an extra we install ?

      • chrish

        ..and does that ‘just work’ when a new user signs up in Vantage – so they get a Classipress account as well ?

        • author

          This isn’t bundled with the themes and will have to be installed.

          In our experience this is a robust plugin that just works without any input.
          We’ve setup a ‘home’ site that visitors register an account with, any registrations then carry over to other sites that we select on the network.
          You can choose what role is applied to each site ‘subscriber, contributor etc’.

          The one thing that we haven’t tested yet is the ability to register an account on multiple sites on the network.

          As I’m not sure exactly what your preferred setup would be I would highly recommend testing the plugin before making a purchase. Setting up a multi-site should only take 15mins or so.

  • chrish

    Hi Corbs – thanks i’ll try that


  • chrish

    Hi Corbs,
    What would be really cool but i’m guessing quiet time-consuming would be to link Businesses in Vantage with their ads in Classipress.


  • omaga


    Im realizing that you dont have the “Get Directions” in your theme.

    Why? Is it possible to have it (its quite important).


  • omaga


    Is there any plans to integrate a grid system in the Listings on Index?

    It will be a great add for sure!!! We will buy it indeed 🙂


  • nstephen

    Hi Corbs

    Just bought your combo themes today and am trying to mess around with it.

    Custom form is a great tool. However, is there an advance search to help narrow the search?

    Example will be i would like to eat Japanese in certain district. At the backend, i have created types of cuisine and district. If that can be done, how about implementing it as a search tool in the sidebar?

    Instead of such a big and long search box spanning across at the top of the site. This area can better use to put in some banners for monetization?


    • author

      Hi, welcome on board.
      At the moment the search fields only work geographically, but if you’d like to highlight a particular search category (like ‘food’) you could create a custom menu link via ‘appearance > menus’: Create a new menu item called ‘Food’ and link it to the appropriate category (eg

      If you’d like to adjust the search box you could drop in your own content with a bit of HTML via the ‘header.php’ file between lines 31 and 32. Please keep a track of any changes you make so that they can be re-added when the child theme is updated. Let me know how you get on.


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More by corbs

TwinPress Classifieds

Ultra-clean responsive ClassiPress child theme that will work by itself or…


TwinPress Bundle

Combine Vantage and Classipress into one network site.
