
Live Demo

This child theme works up to ClassiPress 3.6.1, it is not compatible with ClassiPress 4.x

AdSplash is a responsive ClassiPress 3.4+ child theme enhanced with new features that extend the ClassiPress theme on both desktop and mobile devices. Some of the features built into AdSplash include:

Mobile Responsive Menu

  • AdSplash features a new responsive menu that turns into accordion on mobile devices making this the most mobile friendly child theme for Classipress

Responsive Tabs & Accordions

  • AdSplash features an improved tab system that turns into accordion on mobile devices making this the most responsive, mobile friendly child theme for Classipress.
  • these tabs, just like the List-Grid layout design, use cookies to preserve the state of the last opened tab upon page refresh or closing the browser.
  • Recent ads (3rd tab) is presented by default to new visitors but this can be changed to a different tab ( there is an admin option built for this ).
  • the first (Welcome) home tab is best used as a description page which is great for SEO (you can edit it in admin, html editor is enabled so you can use both text and images)
  • Popular and Random ads front tabs can be disabled from admin for every visitor or only for the ones that use a mobile device.

Layout and Colors

  • AdSplash features multiple color variations (Orange, Brown, Cherry, Grey, Green, Navy) for you to choose from. You can also choose how you want your content to be displayed (Aligned to Left or Right).

List / Grid ad layout view:

  • the user can switch between List and Grid layout with a click of a button.
  • new site visitors are presented with grid layout by default but this can be set to list as well ( there is an admin option built for this ).
  • a site wide cookie is being set for the user to save the default selected layout, this way, the users will see the preferred layout design when they browse your site and even if they close the browser and come back later, the will be presented with the same design.

Search and filter by Location

  • The top search bar has a unique feature that allows users to search for ads in a specific location using radius search.
  • The City field is powered by Google Maps API and includes the options to either determine the user’s current location using Geolocation or to autocomplete the location as the user types the first letters.
  • If City, Zipcode with Radius Search is too much for you, there’s also an option to use any other custom field as a location.

Infinite scroll pagination

  • Besides default pagination that exists in Classipress, AdSplash has an optional pagination based on Infinite Scroll. Using this feature, visitors won’t have to click on page links to navigate in category pages because its enough to scroll down and new ads (pages) are loaded on the fly using ajax.
  • This feature is optional, it can be enabled/disabled in AdSplash admin settings.

Support for Google Adsense between every 3rd ad

  • Now you can include an Adsense ad (468×60 recommended) after every 3rd ad on category pages.
  • Better yet (see bellow), these Adsense ads play well accross mobile devices.

Support for Google Adsense Mobile Responsive ads

  • AdSplash has support for Google’s new Asynchronous code for Adsense which means Adsense ads won’t break the Mobile experience anymore.

Sorting / Filtering ads

Category pages include a sorting / filtering ads option
Users can sort ads by:

  • Newest ads
  • Oldest ads
  • Last modified ads
  • Price – Lowest
  • Price – Highest
  • Most viewed ads first
  • Most commented ads first

Users can exclude following ads:

  • Ads without an image attached
  • Ads that were marked as sold
  • Ads that expired
  • Both ads that were sold and ads that expired

Related ads

  • Single ad pages are extended with a set of 5 random related ads from the same category.

Admin options framework

  • AdSplash has an options framework integrated so you can change some of the unique features present in this child theme.
6 people like this.

Why are my thumbnail images stretched?

  • AdSplash child theme uses custom image dimensions which means you need to regenerate your existing thumbnails for this to look fine.
  • You need to install the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin and run it from WP-Admin – Tools

Where are the menu items / icons and how can I enable them?

Menu icons can be enabled for the Header menu (Primary Navigation) from within the Menu Editor just like in the screenshot bellow. Note the fa-home icon name in the title attribute.

Valid icon names are the following:

  • fa-home
  • fa-twitter-square
  • fa-comments
  • fa-plus
  • fa-minus
  • fa-tags
  • fa-lock-alt
  • fa-unlock-alt
  • fa-pencil-square-o
  • fa-map-marker
  • fa-files-o
  • fa-folder-open
  • fa-rss-square
  • fa-cog
  • fa-clock-o
  • fa-random
  • fa-caret-square-o-right
  • fa-signal
  • fa-power-off
  • fa-asterisk
  • fa-bullhorn
  • fa-sitemap
  • fa-facebook-square
  • fa-gplus-square
  • fa-wordpress
  • fa-yelp
  • fa-user
  • fa-pencil
  • fa-envelope
  • fa-file-text-o


  1. Backup your existing Database and Classipress files to a safe place.
  2. Upload the childtheme to your themes folder or upload the zip archive through WP-Admin – Appearance – Themes – Upload
  3. Activate AdSplash Child Theme.
  4. You may need to set your menus again. Go to WP-Admin – Appearance – Menus and activate your Header and Footer menu.
  5. If you had a previous Classipress installation with existing content, your thumbnails may look stretched, you need to regenerate your thumbnails after childtheme activation: Please install the Regenerate thumbnails plugin and run it.

Support Forum
Note: I do not provide support for custom development of the Child Theme. I will generally answer such questions with guidance and even small code samples but do not expect me to do all your work.

1.0 – Initial Release
1.0.1 – Fixed issue with search button style.
1.0.2 – Fixed issue with header image (logo)
1.1 – Added a new options framework together with the ability to change layout (Aligned to Left or Right) and also two new colors for you to choose from. Make sure you save the new options from within AdSplash Options menu.
1.1.2 – Added Grey stylesheet and minor css tweaks.
2.0 – Added Location in top Search Bar and also in the ad meta. Added Green color.
2.0.6 – Small Bug Fixes
2.1 – Improved the top search bar, added city/zipcode with radius search powered by Google Maps API. Child Theme is now compatible with Classipress 3.5+ and WordPress 4.3+
2.1.1 Fixed small bug on older PHP versions.
2.1.2 Added backwards compatibility for Classipress 3.4+ and latest Wordpress for those who don’t want to upgrade to Classipress 3.5.1, this fixes the password field issues for them.
2.1.3 Added a new feature to detect when a user is online and show their presence on ad meta, ad poster tab and author page.
Added navy color scheme.
Minor bug fixes that have been reported.
2.1.5 Added counter for uploaded images in the ad loop, fixed reported bugs.
2.1.6 Fixed missing Dashicons.
2.1.7 Fixed compatibility with Wordpress 4.5 and jQuery 1.12.3, Fixed responsive grid layout on iPhone 6s and Nexus 6P
2.1.8 Fixed the ad contact form to include recaptcha when enabled

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 Comments (293)

  • derickn6

    In the Recent added Ads it says “Array” insted of location. How can I fix this? Can you help?

  • author
    Ovidiu Bica

    In AdSplash Options – Search Options – check the Admin input an put cp_state below then Save. You can switch back to different option after that.

  • madhavrdd25

    I have a problem with new adsplash child theme, main menu drop down is not working and the other this is the home page stuff are not visible with new adsplash theme. While i was previously using classipress its was fine everything. Even i tried couple of times re installing adsplash in other domains and in the existing domain too. And i totally changed themes add classipress and adspalsh. nothing had worked.

    Still i was able to see like this

    help me out,


  • author
    Ovidiu Bica

    I sent you an email. Let me know what you find out.

  • Flipflop

    I would be most grateful if you could update to fix the following

    When you click on the “Listed by” link and then on the facebook link, the web address is as follows


    Thanks and best regards

  • author
    Ovidiu Bica

    Fixed, will be available in the next version.

    Anonymous likes this.
    • Flipflop

      Thanks so much for your prompt reply, I really appreciate it.

      Do you have an approx idea when the next update might be released?

      Thanks again

  • author
    Ovidiu Bica

    In a week or so.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • tordehax


    at present, we got a problem with uploading product images.

    When we upload two, then you see one,upload thre, you see two, and so on… still one is less to see.

    Can you define that? If we use the standard classipress theme, than it works fine

    Kind regards

  • dmitry88

    Ovidiu, when will the update and that it will change and what will be new?

  • Cordeiro

    The install instructions:

    4. Go to WP-Admin – Classipress – Settings – Advanced, and check “Use SelectBox Js Library”.

    I do not see Use SelectBox Js Library. Has this optioned moved to another page?

  • ugyenphuntsho

    If i buy this how do i remove your brand from footer example copyright 2016 Ad splash as i need our own brand

  • Ismael


    I am making a website with Classipress for free advertising for Africa in French Language. I am already working with somebody but the website is not exactly what I was looking for.
    Then I found your website and it is exactly what I want the website to look like.

    Can you make some ajustments on my website? So that it is going to look like I want to?

    Hope to hear from you.

    Kind regards,

  • sprexx


    don’t know if its a bug, but if I am using the contact user form and click on the send button, I don’t get the notice that the mail was sent and the tab “contact” is not active, also the “poster” tab isn’t active.
    After clicking on “contact” I can see the notification.
    Its only with your child theme, not with the parent theme.

    Do you know something about this?

    url: – but will online tomorrow.

    Thanks & best regards

  • author
    Ovidiu Bica

    Its a bug. I’ll look into it. Thanks for letting me know.

    sprexx likes this.
  • sprexx

    Wow, ultra fast reply!

    Could you please also tell me, where to translate the phrase “city or zipcode” from the geo search? Didn’t find it option or the language file.

  • author
    Ovidiu Bica

    Should be in the lang folder. You need to generate your own lang file from adsplash.pot

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author
    Ovidiu Bica

    Just had a closer look and the lang file hasn’t updated that string.
    You need to unzip the adsplash zip file to your computer, go to lang folder and open your language file using Poedit software.
    Go to Catalog – Properties – Source keywords
    and add “esc_attr_e” without the quotes to that list.
    Then you can hit the update button so it would pick the “city or zipcode” string.

  • author
    Ovidiu Bica

    Its mostly done but there’s a new minor Classipress version that’s about to be released so I’ve been waiting to see how that goes.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author
    Ovidiu Bica

    Its no longer necessary. I’ll update the installation steps.

  • sprexx

    Go to Catalog – Properties – Source keywords
    and add “esc_attr_e” without the quotes to that list.
    Then you can hit the update button so it would pick the “city or zipcode” string.

    Its doesn’t work, that crashed my poedit after updating.
    Do you mean my translated de_DE.po file or the .pot file?

    I think I found another bug. After updating my profile, the password is also auto updating with a generated one. I am getting change password emails after updating profile fields.
    Its not doing this with the parent theme.

  • johnwilliamr

    Hi. Ovidiu Bica

    I have and like AdSplash but I think something is wrong in the singel ads page when you clik in options for descripcion or the other 3 options appear unnecessary spaces unde. can you check that please?
    so I think it will look more orderly.

    the links is:

  • Flipflop

    Is it possible to remove the Expires and Listed date fields

    Thanks in advance

  • Timur

    I am interested in this question , and perhaps on your topic to pitch ads without registration ?
    It will work with the plugin child theme Anonymous posting for ClassiPress?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Flipflop

    I’ve sent you an email regarding an issue that I thought was going to be updated in the latest update.

    The problem is with the link to facebook on the authors page.

    In the classipress theme, the facebook ID starts with…. and the link works perfectly.

    But in the adsplash theme, the same facebook ID starts with….

    I’d really appreciate if you could let me know when this can be resolved as my clients are becoming inpatient as their links are not working correctly

    Thanks so much for your help

  • author
    Ovidiu Bica

    I haven’t tested it so I can’t tell for sure but I see no reason why it wouldn’t work.

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