Vantage 4 Related Ads

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This plugin is a set of widgets to add related ads blocks to Vantage 4.

The following widgets are currently available:

  1. More ads from the same owner.
  2. Related ads in the same category from not from the current owner.
  3. Near by ads based geolocation that are not from the current owner.
2 people like this.

How to force related ads?

Add custom field related_ads with ids of related ads separated with a comma

How to set custom radius for an ad?

Add custom field related_ads_custom_radius

  1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
  2. Enable the plugin.

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 Comments (17)

  • ian hollander

    Hey there – this looks interesting – do you have a live demo – rather than just screenshots? Thanks 🙂

  • ian hollander

    Hey again – just another couple quick questions pre purchase: (just to ensure this is something we’ll use)

    1. Is there a priority placed on what shows up when ads are NOT forced – e.g. – is the default behavior geographic (nearest listings) – or related by listing category/tag – or if I’m looking at the screenshots properly – do both show up underneath the listing in a “similar post” style approach – with several rows of each?

    2. As I’d be incorporating this into a featured listing style offer (letting people who paid for X package choose where their listings appear on other listings – giving them additional brand awareness by allowing them to show up beneath more popular listings for example – this CAN be forced – on a per listing basis – the listings/offers that show up in the related ads (widget?) below the targeted listing/profile/ in question.

    Am I understanding this properly – or – if you have a live demo (per my first comment) – i’m sure I can figure it out.

    Thanks – this is potentially very useful for monetization – and hope it sells well.

  • author

    Hi Ian,

    I added a demo website so you can see it.
    as to answer your questions, by default there are 3 widgets:
    #1 to show more listings from the current owner
    #2 to show listings from the same category and not the current owner
    #3 nearby listings not from the current owner

    the added widgets use the same css as the theme so it looks like the rest of the theme.

    the feature to show ads in those widgets only from owners who paid to be able to be there is not available.

    The forcing ads is based you manually adding listings ids.
    I see in the code now that it is disabled by default currently so it’s a mistake it’s mentioned in the description.

    I hope I answered all your questions. feel free to ask more if needed.

  • ian hollander

    Thanks, Roidayan, I appreciate both the live demo, and the detailed reply – very helpful!

    The primary question – just to double check per your last piece on the “forcing ads” (as THIS is what I’d be using the widgets for in conjunction with unique incentives for “premium offer” to members – I’d do this manually – not expecting this is part of the plugin/widget, obviously 🙂 but….

    I CAN select for – and “force” member “A” to show up in the related listings for member “B” – using the listing id? (or is this not available, per what you mention is a mistake in the description?)

    (this is a great way to motivate folks to pay for premium packages of 1 type or another – as you can promise them visibility on high profile listings/ads/pages of the site (by forcing the ID on selected listings) – it will increase their exposure by dint of the popularity of other places/spaces and people)

    Thanks very much 😉

  • author

    hi ian,

    I’ll start with – this is not what you are looking for.
    Even with enabling this option to force ads the feature was that in some listing A you can add list of other listing ids (B,C,D) and when a user will visit listing A there related ads will show (B, C, D).

    you wanted something else I think.
    maybe mark listing X as “forced ad” which will then appear in other listings related ads widget. is that right?

    we should continue this in email . I might be able to help with this. my email is in my profile page.

  • ian hollander

    Thanks very much Roidayan –

    And yes – per my initial reading of the description – I was hoping that specific listings (ads) could be “forced” on other specific listings – which enables us to incorporate that into a premium offer for members who want additional exposure.

    Currently – we do this using a WP coupon plugin – that allows certain coupons/offers/deals to be “forced” on a per listing basis. (also widget based)

    A Vantage specific solution would obviously be a bit preferential than the above – which works well enough – but having something that was specifically designed for the Vantage framework makes sense to use. (as your plugin certainly is 😉

    I will probably buy it anyway – as it offers obvious UX benefits (related geo + related cat is helpful as well) – but you are right – I was envisioning using it as an inducement to what we already offer premium/featured listings – as a way to offer additional value.

    Will be in touch! Thanks 🙂 Ian

  • mllerena

    Hi there, I’m having an issue with the Listing Related Ad rotating banner. I see the on both extremes of the rotating banner, but I also see a series of round dots in vertical format next to the left <
    I'm using Vantage 4 with Directory Child Theme. Any idea what it is?

  • mllerena

    hi there, one more issue. When I click on any of the listings shown in the rotating banner , it doesn’t take me to the listing. It does nothing. Thanks, Mike

  • author

    please use the support forum.

  • mllerena

    I did and I’m still waiting for an answer

  • mllerena

    Is there anyone providing support for this plugin? I posted a support issues days ago in the forum and I still waiting for a response. If you can’t support this plugin, issue a refund.

  • mllerena

    Hi there, there is clearly no support for this plugin. I would like to get a refund ASAP

  • author

    Hi Mike,
    very sorry for the delay in the forums. I replied you and I’ll keep track for more of your questions.
    If you still want a refund please contact AppThemes directly and they will help you with that.

  • wypozyczalniamazury

    Hi, I bought your plugin and I have a question: I would have liked to turn on displaying listings of the same author in function query_near_ads() and in function query_related_ads(), so I delete this line from a code:
    ‘author__not_in’ => array( $post->post_author )

    I still need to turn off displaying the same post in the slider of both widgets. The line:
    ‘post__not_in’ => array( $post->ID )
    is working in function query_related_ads() but not in query_near_ads()
    Do you know how to fix it near_ads widget?

    I also think that orderby ‘distance’ is not working in near_ads widget.

    Thanks in advance,

  • dutchman

    I would like to use this widget on my bbPress forum sidebar.
    So when people view topics about coffee for example, the widget will show listings related to coffee and or area?


  • author

    hi dutchman, I didn’t test with bbpress. contact me in email and we can test it.

  • jaydean777

    I tried to install this plugin but it gives me an error message. I have the latest version of Classipress 4. This is the only plugin I have had issues with. Are you able to assist me please?

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