Shortys for Vantage

A tool for Sorting your Listings, SEO and Targeted Advertisements.

Have you ever wanted to change how your users browse your site? Create pages with unique content, and targeted advertisements?

And do that with the ease of shortcodes, that you create instantly, yourself?

With Shortys you can!

1. Create custom made pages with the ads you selected using shortcodes

Organize your ads by:

Shortcode Builder

To help you build shortcodes, Shortys provides a simple to use Shortcode Builder so you can build your own shortcodes instantly!

Admin Demo

2. Huge SEO help, control the title, the permalink(url), the description for your pages

Hummingbird and Useful Content

The Panda asked us to provide unique content. What makes content unique? A big part of it is originality. Original content that offers a creative and interesting read for traffic and engages the reader to the point that they want to share it was the goal. Now Hummingbird want us to change that thinking just a little bit by broadening our aim to include content that is useful. (The more useful, the better.) The five things that we should take out of the release of Hummingbird are as follows:

  • Content
  • Long tail keywords (this is the permalinks of your pages/site)
  • Useful information
  • Increased Entrance Portals (this is the pages, more pages more entrance portals)
  • Continued SEO

3. Make your site unique and control what Google indexes

Vantage by default adds in every category page the ‘listings/category’ link so eventually your menu categories have this structure:

With Shortys you can get rid of it and create your own menu links

You can change it to anything you like and do that for all the pages you create to organize and promote your ads!


Create a page with featured listings from 2 users

Create a page listings priced between 1000$ and 10000$

4. Place your banners, links text in every page

Additional benefits:

  • Using the Shortys Builder you can create any shortcode you can imagine.
  • Compatible with most child themes. So far we haven’t found any child theme that does not work with Shortys.
5 people like this.


How does it work?

Shortys creates a custom wp_query via a shortcode. It accepts most of the parameter available in WP_Query

Example #1:

I want a page with claimable listings only.

1. Create a page and add this shortcode

[va_shc meta_key=”listing_claimable” meta_value=”1″ meta_type=”CHAR”]

2. Select the plugin’s template and save, that’s it!

Example #2:

I want a page with listings posted on June.

1. Create a page and add this shortcode

[va_shc date_span=”month” date_compare=”=” date_span_num=”6″]

2. Select the plugin’s template and save.

Check the channel for more examples : )

3. Where can i use the pages?

In your menus or your sidebar using the ‘custom menu’ widget.

4. Can i use it with my custom fields?


5.Is it compatible with my child theme?

Our tests show that it is but we cannot guarantee it for every child theme available.

Manual Installation:

  1. Download the Plugin zip file
  2. Open WP Admin dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload
  3. Upload and activate the Plugin from the Plugins page.
  4. Shorty’s will be available from the Vantage menu.



  • Security and performance fixes (update is highly recommended!)


  • Keywords search improvements



  • Incompatibility with Vantage 3.0


  • Add radius support.You can create shortcodes now based on location and radius



  • Week number not working correctly
  • Events sorting
  • Date picker being displayed immediately after clicking the ‘date’ checkbox, on the Builder page
  • Other minor fixes


  • Display additional custom fields for events (allows selecting event date, location and/or attendees)
  • Introduce About page

4 reviews of “Shortys for Vantage

5 stars
The real deal of plugins, it gives a lot of SEO possibilities, targeted listings, a must have
By -

This plugin is really good, also the support is excellent, im using bfinder and the developer helped me to integrate my site.
My new created pages using this plugin are ranking extremely well in google, gives me the hability to target some specific niches, wich is great, so this is a very good plugin i recommend it 100%

5 stars
Mise a jour
By -

I realized an update Vantage (last version) and WP when I Shortys active Vantage, I get a blank page. Is your plugin works with these versions, I’m very bothered

By Bruno Carreço - July 3, 2015

@francois974, can you please give more details on this issue? Please use the support forum so we can help you further:

5 stars
Excellent and a must have plugin for search rankings
By -


This plugin is a must have, seriously. Ok I got it early on as I ahve it also for Classipress, and built pages that targeted what people are looking for in search. The pages rank extremely well. You cna quickly target a myriad of long tail phrases. Ad the plugin is easy to use, you can quickly upskill an outsourced worker to use it. I would highly recommend it.


Dimitris Bakalidis likes this.
5 stars
Very Good Plug In
By -

Could use a few more options such as short-code for single listing based on listing ID. But it is worth $29

2 people like this.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (37)

  • tbase

    Hi sebet,

    A couple questions.

    In my case, is it possible to search for plumbers, in San Francisco and within a certain radius, I.E 5, 10, 20 miles?

    Can I add an image on a per city basis in the section that reads ” You can add your page description here, you can include images, links and banners”

    I would like to offer per city ad spots if possible.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    Hi @tbase!

    Right now, it’s not possible to specify the radius in the shortcode but it’s something that we’ll be adding soon.

    Yes, you can add ads on a per city basis. Each location shortcode can be added to it’s own page meaning that you can make each page unique.

    • enrique_traun

      Once that radius function is included – let me know – than it’s a must have.
      But myself still waiting for a plugin (Vantage / Classipress/ Jobroller 7 aso) which allows to display radius based 125×125 times 4 banners based of search areas
      with radius – so localized banners could be shown – in this case local based alternatives might be shown in sidebar as feature ?!!


      • Dimitris Bakalidis

        Thanks for the feedback, i opened a thread for suggestions and ideas, if you don’t mind please post your idea there to review it.


  • Harvey

    what does this sort? doesn’t vantage already include listing sort functionality?

    • Dimitris Bakalidis

      Yes it does but in a traditional way, Shortys allows you to query your database (listings) and create pages only with the listings you need.So for example you can pull from the database all featured listings in a category A and present these listings in a page you created.You can check the demos of course to get a better idea.

  • earthbliss

    Do you support multi-site?

  • amega

    is it possible to use this plugin for clipper?if no are you planing to create one of this for clipper?

  • saftie

    what is the value for current logged in user? i assume it has to go into author=

    i am trying to display events created by logged in user (just like “my events” that can be selected from dashboard)

  • bola


    Your login in the demo does not work with demo / demo.

    Thank you

  • tradeamillion

    is it possible;e to create a RSS feed from shorty?

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @tradeamillion, apologies for the late reply.

    No. Shortys does not provide an RSS feed. It would need some custom development to add it.

  • tradeamillion

    what is the handle for that files

  • tradeamillion

    didn t work, shorty is the only plugin i cannot deregister style or js

    function my_deregister_styles() {
    wp_deregister_style( ‘va_shc-custom’ );
    add_action( ‘wp_print_styles’, ‘my_deregister_styles’, 100 );

    function my_deregister_javascript() {
    wp_deregister_script( ‘va_shc-custom’ );
    add_action( ‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘my_deregister_javascript’, 100 );

  • alenakha

    I have a problem – the images overlay the profile name not only for mobile option –
    I have written on forum.
    Do you have support?

  • jogfly

    Bruno! Question…

    As you may be aware, Google will index just about any link it can find with Vantage. Much of the links indexed in Google are duplicates. Anything from “orderby” parameters to user dashboards, you name it . I’m looking for a solution (plugin) to help me clean up this mess. I want some control over what is indexed and what isn’t. I’d also like local based pages (cities) to be indexed vs dynamic strings (?=isthis&that) but rather

    Being a local directory, I’m finding it not 100% local friendly for search engines. I will say this, the site indexed in 24 hours and indexed 12 links. 6 of those links are duplicates. I don’t want to get slapped by panda or hummingbird. Will this plugin help me?

  • Dimitris Bakalidis


    This has little to nothing to do with Shortys, there are some settings in GWT to prevent duplicates when using orderby.I propose you google a little about GWT and how it can help you with indexing and crawling.

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @guiadelamujer, unfortunately it’s not longer valid. That link relates to an old promotion.

  • guiadelamujer

    Hi, im using vantage with bfinder child theme

    I want to know if could work with this child theme, bfinder from spartac

    Best regards

  • guiadelamujer

    Hi i just Bought your plugin SHORTYS for vantage

    the thing is, im using bfinder child theme for vantage, and the featured ads doesnt look well with your plugin

    This is an example of a page of mine using SHORTYS

    as you can see the featured ad looks bad

    my site is

    you sent me this before

    Hello again Joaquin,

    Shortys for Vantage should work fine with any child theme. If you have any issues please report it in the support forum and we’ll help you fix it.

    Thanks for your interest.

    Kind Regards,

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    @guiadelamujer, I’ve replied to your email. Please use the support forum for further discussion of this issue. It’s easier to give you support if the discussion is centered in one place.


    guiadelamujer likes this.
  • Wibowo

    Hello, does it work with vantage 4?

    • dimitris

      Hi Wibowo,

      Shortys works with V3 at the moment, it needs updating to work with V4

      2 people like this.
  • mnio

    Dimitris / Bruno

    I see on the forums Dimitris’ arrangement with Appthemes ceased in feb. (big loss for them) but what’s that mean for Shortys?

    Are you guys developing for V4 and selling?

    It’s a great plugin!

    – michael

  • author
    Bruno Carreço

    Thanks for the kind words Michael.

    At this time we don’t have plans to port the plugin to Vantage v.4.0.

  • wzshop

    Why not? This really sucks.

    mnio likes this.
  • guiadelamujer

    Hello buddy, ths should work on vantage 4, please let me know if it will

  • wzoj

    Quando teremos a versão atualizada do plugin para a versão 4 do vantage?

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