
With Skrill, you can accept payments from other Skrill accounts (100+ payment options), 16 languages, and 40 currencies.

And now, you can start accepting payments via Skrill with your ClassiPress, JobRoller, Vantage, HireBee and Clipper website.


  • Accept payments using a Skrill account (Upload funds up to 100+ payment options).
  • Accept payments in forty different currencies.
  • Allow customers to view their checkout form in any of sixteen different languages.
  • Secure – all form data are verified each time gateway communicate with payment provider.
  • Support IPN (instant payment notifications) – payment provider will communicate with gateway each time transaction status has changed by using hidden channel. No user action like click ‘back to site button’ required to complete transaction.


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What themes does this work with?

The Payment Gateway will work with any theme that supports AppThemes Payments.

  • Vantage 1.1+
  • Clipper 1.4+
  • ClassiPress 3.3+
  • JobRoller 1.7+
  • HireBee 1.0+

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, you can configure the settings via the Payments Settings for your site.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.3

  • Fixed issue where plugin deactivates itself when using multisite and different theme
  • Fixed strict standards errors

Version 1.2

  • Fixed setting payment status as Pending and Failed
  • Added registering all supported currencies by Skrill

Version 1.1

  • Added support for ClassiPress & Jobroller

Version 1.0

  • Initial release
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