Motivate Mails

This plugin should help you motivate your users to make a purchase on your website.

What plugin do?

Once a day, plugin will check for ads that have no views or less than you specify for a certain days.

For example:

If you set Maximum days required to 10 and maximum views required to 500,plugin will look for ads that doesn’t reach 500 views 10 days after is published,

if criteria is satisfied, ad poster will get motivation email to set picture if he doesn’t, to feature ad or to bump it.

You will get best effect if you combine Bump Ad and FeatureMe plugins with this one.

Please note: Plugin is compitable with ClassiPress only.

4 people like this.

1. Extract the folder into your wordpress plugins directory.
2. Enable the plugin.
3. Configure motivate mails for AppThemes plugin in Payments->Settings->Motivate mails


  •  First release

3 reviews of “Motivate Mails

5 stars
It's not working
By -

Something does not work your plugin, do not receive alerts in the mail.

5 stars
Plugin might be is not working!!!
By -

Hello, I bought your plugin few days ago and activated it with Max 100 views and max 7 days configuration. How do I know it works? How I can i see the history of total sent emails so far?

I think this plugin is not working?

Could you please help me to fix this?


tolik likes this.
5 stars
By -

Hi i want to test the motivate email before i activated it. I bought the plugin today but i must test before it starts sending.

Can i test it? Can i set the time to be sent?


Tassos Agathangelou

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