LinkedIn Publisher

Note: LinkedIn no longer allows API access for job board sites so we have discontinued sale of this plugin. The LinkedIn Publisher plugin uses LinkedIn’s Job Search API that is now a part of their Vetted API Access Program. You must apply here to get LinkedIn’s approval in order to use this plugin.

A highly customizable aggregator that publishes job listings on your site using the LinkedIn Job Search API. Requires the JobRoller theme from AppThemes and API Key from LinkedIn.

The LinkedIn-Publisher plugin was developed with both non-experienced users and advanced users in mind. This means, that you only need to register your site as a LinkedIn application to get an API Key, and choose a country to instantly get jobs from the popular Business Social Network based on the current user LinkedIn profile and connections.

Alternatively, instead of letting LinkedIn decide the best results, you can simply select a job industry to get the most relevant jobs for your site.

Advanced users can tweak job results by adding keywords, countries and/or postcodes and even highlight jobs from major companies (i.e: Google, Facebook, Apple, etc…). Additionally, site owners have the option to display LinkedIn jobs only to registered users.
Some job listings even earn you a referral bonus and can be styled for greater visibility.
Start making your site popular and converting visitors into registered users by displaying jobs from one of the most respected social platforms out there!


  • Up and running with minimum settings change
  • Select from over 244 countries
  • Selection of 147 job industries
  • Flexible job queries to display the most relevant jobs to each unique website
  • Set any number of jobs to pull from LinkedIn
  • Sort results by relationship (relation between the job and the LinkedIn member profile) or date
  • Search LinkedIn jobs, on demand or when no local results are found
  • Choose whether to display jobs to all users or registered users only
  • Display LinkedIn results on the front page, when searching or browsing jobs by type and categories
  • Specify and highlight any number of companies you consider important for your website
  • Cache front page results for better performance
  • Uses standard WordPress gettext libraries for easy translation
  • Clean and well commented code
6 people like this.

What theme does this plugin work with?
Currently it only supports JobRoller (our WordPress job board theme).

How do I setup the LinkedIn-Publisher application on LinkedIn?

  1. Register your application with LinkedIn on the developer portal to receive an API key.
  2. Create a new application (i.e: Example-Site ) and specify any required fields. You will also need to register the domain/website you intend to run this code on, in the site URL field. For example, if your site is, ‘’, you would enter ‘’ on the URL field. If you’re on a localhost you can add ‘http://localhost/example’.
  3. Once you’ve completed those steps and submitted your new application, you will receive an API Key and Secret key. Paste them on the respective fields, on the LinkedIn-Publisher plugin settings page.
  4. Request LinkedIn’s Vetted API access here. Reply can take up to 15 days.
  5. Your site’s visitors should now be able to sign-in on your site to view LinkedIn jobs.

Can I localize LinkedIn-Publisher to my language?

Yes. The LinkedIn-Publisher uses it’s own text domain for localization. The localization file (linkedin-publisher.po) is located inside the plugin /languages/ folder. You need to rename this file so that it includes your country locale. The locale is the language code and/or country code you defined in the constant WPLANG in the file wp-config.php.

For example, the locale for German is ‘de_DE’, and the locale for Danish is ‘da_DK’. The Danish .mo and .po files should be named “” and “linkedin-publisher-da_DK.po”. Both the .po and .mo files should be kept inside the /languages/ folder.

Do users need to sign in every time they visit the site to be able to see LinkedIn jobs?

No. LinkedIn caches an access token, valid for 60 days. User will only need to sign in again once this token expires.

If you have additional questions please read our LinkedIn Publisher tutorial.

Manual installation via FTP:

  1. Upload the `linkedin-publisher` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in your WordPress admin area

To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP:

  1. Upload the downloaded zip file on the ‘Add New’ plugins screen (see the ‘Upload’ tab) in your WordPress admin area and activate.
Please visit the dedicated support forum.


  1. You must have cURL installed on the server and available to PHP. ***
  2. You must be running PHP 5+.
  3. Not compatible with the PECL extension. If you’re using this extension please uninstall it to be able to use the provided ‘oauth’, authentication library.

*** To check that you have cURL installed please create a phpinfo.php file with the following content:

// Shows all PHP information

Your phpinfo.php file needs to be a plain text file. This means you need to make it in a text editing program capable of producing plain text files. Make sure your file extension is .php and not .php.txt.

  • On a Windows machine, you can use Notepad, which is one of your built-in accessories.
  • On a Mac, you can use TextEdit. You must first open the TextEdit “Preferences” menu and, in the “New Document” section, select “Plain text.” Then, you should start a new document in TextEdit for your phpinfo.php file.

Upload the phpinfo.php file to the server. You should upload the file to your WordPress folder (the same folder where your wp-config.php file is located).

Visit the page in your browser by typing your site URL and the phpinfo.php,, replacing with your own domain name.

You should now see all your PHP information, including your cURL information.



  • Language file not working correctly (‘.po’ files must be placed in /languages folder and named ‘linkedin-publisher-xx_XX’, where ‘xx_XX’ is your country locale)


  • Updated Google maps geocoding to v.3
  • Removed wp_reset_query() calls

One review of “LinkedIn Publisher

4 stars
Worth the money
By -

It works fine and it does the job.

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (51)

  • akdacquel

    Can the Linkedin Jobs be displayed without the “Linkedin Jobs” header?

    Anonymous likes this.
    • staff

      @akdacquel, the header is there by default and there are no specific settings within the JobRoller admin dashboard to remove it, so it would require customization on your part if you were looking to remove/change the text. Thanks.

  • shmall

    Can we show LinkedIn jobs without user logged in?


  • beergarian


    Does this LinkedIn publisher works good next to the Indeed Jobs?

    If yes, which will first of the integrated job listings the indeed jobs or Linked In jobs?


    • staff

      @beergarian, Yes you can use Indeed along with other job aggregator plugins at the same time. You can select the results position from within the JobRoller admin dashboard settings. Thanks.

  • Miguel

    Hi, Can you explain how I can use this plugin to monetize my web site? Is there a referral program that Linkedin offers?

  • orlando y

    we just bought this plugin, installed and is not grabbing any item, indeed is working correctly but this item not, please advise asap on this. thanks.

    • staff

      @orlando y, please note that we provide all support in the forums, specifically for this plugin here, so please do post a thread and our team can assist further. Thanks.

  • iamkuyamarlon

    Im having trouble with my Linkedin Aggregator… its not showing in my homepage 🙁

  • iamkuyamarlon

    also Linkedin didnt approve my API application… please help me

  • sarahchancey

    We’ve successfully uploaded the plugin to our site – but how do we get it on the page?

  • tradeamillion

    How do i receive the Token from linkedin?

    I did create the APP but i don t see any token generator on LKdin App page

    i think that doc need to be updated

    bullfx likes this.
  • tradeamillion

    here the answer i got from linkedin API

    Due to changes with our terms and conditions we no longer allow API access for job board sites. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Being that the site you are trying to retrieve API access for hosts various jobs, we are unable to approve your request at this time.

    bullfx likes this.

Discussion is closed.

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