
As of Dec 9th, 2015, this plugin is not available for sale because the API we used is no longer free.

AppThemes GeoReg captures valuable geographic information about users who register on your site. It’s completely transparent and works behind the scenes without any setup or configuration. We promise you’ll be in awe with how powerful, yet simplistic it is!

For a live demo, visit the MaxMind website. It will show your current location based on your IP address using the same lookup as this plugin.

Want to test drive the plugin first? Download the free GeoReg Lite version from the WordPress plugins directory! Or if you prefer, install the lite version directly from within your WordPress admin area. Just go to “Plugins” => “Add New” => and search for “GeoReg Lite”.

Feature Highlights

  • Works right out of the box. No configuration!
  • Supports any WordPress theme (that uses the WordPress registration page or hooks)
  • No code or theme template files to edit
  • Captures the IP address, country, region (state), city, postal code, latitude, longitude, and more
  • Adds geographic columns to the wp-admin user screen
  • Includes embedded Google Map (in your language) on the user edit page
  • Supports any language (text translation and .pot file required)
  • Dedicated forum-based support provided by our customer service team

Advanced Features

  • Works with AppThemes’ themes
  • Works with both WordPress standard & Multisite
  • Works with BuddyPress
  • Works with bbPress
  • Supports both http and https websites
  • Portability. WordPress export includes all data
  • Clean, professional, well commented code
  • Includes WordPress filters for developers
  • Uses the WordPress API, hooks & filters for quick processing
  • No hardcoded select statements or custom database tables
  • Uses the WordPress user meta table
  • Very small footprint. Uses the MaxMind js so there’s no large dat files to include

There are countless ways to leverage geo information. Here are a few ideas: **

  • Personalized web content
  • Region-specific advertising and offers
  • Easily calculate VAT or sales tax
  • Block users based on region or IP address
  • Conduct traffic analysis & data mining

** Note: GeoReg only gathers and stores geographic information when new users register. You will need another plugin or custom development in order to leverage the items mentioned above.

14 people like this.

How does it work?

When a new user registers on your site, it captures geographic information (based on their IP address) behind the scenes. This information is then stored with their user account so you can view and use it later.

What are all the fields captured with GeoReg?

The fields captured along with an example are shown below. Please note that not all fields are always included for each user registration. It depends on the IP address and whatever data MaxMind can provide.

  • IP Address – 123.456.78.90
  • Country Code – US
  • Country Name – United States
  • City – Overland Park
  • Region – KS
  • Region Name – Kansas
  • Latitude – 38.9593 (used for Google Maps)
  • Longitude – -94.6811 (used for Google Maps)
  • Postal Code – 66212
  • Area Code – 913
  • Metro Code – 616

How accurate is the data?

Since the plugin is dependent on the IP address and the MaxMind database, you can view the accuracy by country on their website. In some cases the data will be from the ISP of the user who registers on your website. In other cases, visitors will use a proxy or VPN to mask their true IP address so the data will not be accurate in those cases.

How does this plugin gather geographic information?

It uses the free MaxMind API which is one of the most popular and accurate IP geolocation databases available. There is no charge to use their service as long as the following link is included somewhere on your website.

This website uses MaxMind's
GeoIP JavaScript Service

If you prefer not to include the link, an attribution-free license can be purchased for $10 per million lookups from their website.

Is the geographic information visible on the author page or user profile edit screen?

Nope. It’s only viewable and editable to those with admin and/or the “edit_users” WordPress capability.

How can I test that it’s working?

Logout of WordPress and then register a new account (from wp-login.php, wp-signup.php, etc). Once the account has been confirmed, log back into WordPress as an admin and edit the new user. You’ll see a section at the bottom called “Geographic Information”.

Does capturing this data break any privacy laws?

Not that we’re aware of. The plugin uses the MaxMind free database services and works by looking up publicly available information based on the users IP address. It therefore inherits the MaxMind terms of use agreement.

Installation is a breeze. There’s no configuration required! Just upload and activate the plugin. The next time someone registers on your site, you’ll be able to view the geographic information on their user profile (admins only).

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

If you’re a developer and want to make changes to the plugin you can using filters. As with any WordPress theme or plugin, the best way to understand how it works is by viewing the code.

Here are the available filters:

  • geo_fields – to modify or add new fields
  • add_geo_fields – to modify the hidden fields and javascript output on the registration page
  • show_geo_fields – to modify the output on the wp-admin edit user profile page

Got suggestions for other filters or actions? Let us know with a comment below!

== Changelog ==

1.1 – Dec 5 2014

  • Fixed capturing geographic information
  • Fixed map language

1.0 – Dec 5, 2012

  • initial release
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (39)

  • surfcrf450

    Will this populate geodata on existing users or only new registrations from the point the plugin is installed going forward?
    Also, what’s the difference between lite and full versions?

    • staff
      David Cowgill

      @surfcrf450, it only works with new user registrations. We plan on adding an option to update existing users in the next release.

  • surfcrf450

    disregard the second question about lite vs full. I saw the answer on the plugin site or disregard the entire thing I should have posted it on the forum page.

    2 people like this.
  • surfcrf450

    I purchased GeoReg a few days ago. My Classipress site isn’t quite finished so I install it on my Vantage site to test it out. It works great! It provides outstanding “spam and scam” insight. It’s amazing!

    The best part is that it will only get better once I use it on Classipress. I had been using another classified software and it was a constant battle keeping up with all the fake users and scams. GeoReg is my new secret weapon that will help me spot irregularities and react to them.

    David Cowgill likes this.
    • staff
      David Cowgill

      Glad to hear it surfcrf450. Thanks for sharing your success story!

      Anonymous likes this.
  • johnegg

    Hi, I want to have user location maps on each users public profile page (not on their ads). Is this possible with this plugin?


    Anonymous likes this.
  • johnegg

    Any help with this please? Really urgent.

  • staff

    @johnegg, By default, the information is only viewable and editable to those with admin and/or the “edit_users” WordPress capability. Adding a map to the users profile page using this information would require customization of the theme on your part. Thanks.

  • Heath

    I would like to use this with a coupon script, is there away to get this gep location info before they register so the website can assign the proper ads to the potential customer?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • staff

    @Heath, As per the information in the plugin description above “** Note: GeoReg only gathers and stores geographic information when new users register. You will need another plugin or custom development in order to leverage the items mentioned above.“. So, by default, it’s not going to collect the data until the register first. Thanks.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Heath

    Thank you for answering that. I guess what I was trying to figure out is how difficult would it be to switch how this plug-in works to gather the geo-location info and if that was even possible to use without registration? I need something that reads the geo-location when a user clicks on a certain page on my website. Thanks

    Anonymous likes this.
    • Diego

      @Health, Hi.
      I would like to know if you have finally found something to gather the geo-location info and possible to use without registration.

      I would really appreciate this information,


  • Ciaran

    Hi there,

    This looks like it will do precisely what I need. One question:

    Is it possible to export specific data based on user location. E.G. Could I export all the email addresses of users from a specific Country/City?

    If this sort of functionality is possible I would buy it.

    Thanks in advance


    • staff

      Hi Ciaran, thanks for your question.

      All user geo data is stored in the wp_usermeta table.

      So yes, you should be able to use a plugin like this one to export all your users + their geo data into a csv file.

  • aj270303

    Does this perform the same in the UK as it would in the US..?

  • aj270303

    Sorry forgot to also ask. Does this perform the same if people register in using facebook etc?.

  • bennieiv

    I use Gravity Forms to register new users and am not receiving the location information. Is there a fix that can be made to make GeoReg compatible with the Gravity Form user registration?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • aj270303

    Bennie, i don’t get location info on alot of mine either. I put this down to them maybe registering on a mobile rather then a home pc etc.

  • Shyam

    Hi, i want to use this plugin to display ads on my site, according to user CITY (not country). SO is this easily achievable with little or no customisations?

    this is kind of urgent, so i would appreciate if you can respond fast.


    • staff

      @Shyam, as mentioned in the plugin information: “**Note: GeoReg only gathers and stores geographic information when new users register. You will need another plugin or custom development in order to leverage the items mentioned above.” – So to have it display the ads according to the data collected, yes this would require customization on your part. Thanks.

  • pated

    Before buying
    is VAT appears in the basket? because this is not the case with ClassiPress
    I’d like to showing up the VAT in ads ……

    Thank you..

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Mike

    Is this plugin compatible with HireBee? I like to prescreen freelancers and make sure they are from one country. Will this plugin help?

    • Mike

      Is it possible to make a script for this plugin that will do this?

      1. Determine freelancer is from a preferred country or countries
      2. If true, freelancer’s account becomes live
      3. If false, freelancer’s account becomes subject to admin’s review and approval

  • plusfone

    I love this plugin and i want to buy it .
    I want to know if it is compatible with multiport theme .

  • mkjska

    why its not shows my user location by map. Only showing the google map nothing else. Thanks

  • hashrak

    Is it possible to have a map in the top of the “find freelancers” page, with all freelancers on it ?
    … OR… a map in the homepage with all users on it.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • turansaim

    How can I benefit from this plugin? Is it working with directory child theme? I need a geolocation plugin that grabs user location tru ip and displays the near by listings and or activities. İts the only thing I need before I publish my site. What should I buy?

  • bellboy

    This suddenly seems to have stopped working. Anyone else?

  • jahumphr

    Stopped working for me too! Are there plans to update?

  • aymans87

    Is this plugin gonna be available again?

  • Steve

    Any plans to make this work again or just going to let it die like the themes?

    • staff

      Our themes aren’t dead, Steve. We just released updates for almost all of them today.

      Regarding GeoReg, the geo lookup service we were using is no longer free so requiring our customers to pay for another service after they purchase this plugin isn’t really a good option.

      We may bring it back in the future if we can find another free service.

      Anonymous likes this.

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