Extend Ad

Allow users to extend ClassiPress ads for a discounted price.


  • allow users to extend ads for a discount
  • option to allow extend discount if ad is not expired
  • set the discount in percentage of the original ad price
  • ad will be extended from original expiration date
  • option to allow extend discount for featured ads only
3 people like this.
  1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
  2. Enable the plugin.
  3. Configure the plugin under ClassiPress->Extend Ad.


  • Fix extending expired ad doesn’t extend from current time


  • Fix strings not translatable
  • Change “Enable” to “Enable email reminder”
  • Fix if disabling the plugin while “enable” was not checked didn’t clean the scheduler
  • Fix showing default options


  • Add appthemes id


  • Add support for ClassiPress 3.3


  • Fixed email template string


  • Fix load of testdomain
  • Update template email
  • Fix order description
  • Only allow extend and show extend link if in the reminder period
  • Fix preview order to show post title and not slog
  • Redirect to dashboard if trying to extend ad that doesn’t exists or not allowed
  • Allow to extend free ads or give full discount
  • Fix price to have 2 digits after the floating point


  • first

One review of “Extend Ad

5 stars
I Love This Plugin!
By -

This is one of the best plugins I’ve bought in the marketplace. I can set a discount for people renewing their ads. It helps keep ads on my site and offers customer a discount for realising. Super easy to install and setup couldn’t be easier. Along with it comes phenomenal support from the plugin coder.

roidayan likes this.
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 Comments (28)

  • vjlamba

    Hi, can i use this to extend ads without asking for any price . Because i am using a free classifieds where i need users to extend the period of their ads without even editing/resubmitting or paying price….

    The reason, why so,
    I know i can get this through “expired ad message” in built feature in Classipress where users can relist their ads….but relisting or editing creates formatting problem…because we manually edit each new ads and we use H2 and H3 and other HTML formatting in ads. In this case when user tries to relist or edit the ads, they see these HTML formatting which they can’t edit ( we dont allow users to use html in their ads- no tiny editor….so at the time when the users try to edit the ads they see these HTML formatting codes ( the formatting made by us in the time of ad submission review/modification process. We edit almost every ad before publishing it. And we use HTML or tiny editor for ourselves )

    And, classipress, by default, does not allow users to relist their ad in one go. They offer the same form (alongwith HTM codes, if any)

    I hope you understand my point.

  • author

    yes you can. extend ad will ask for price based percentage of the original ad price.
    if the original ad price was 0 or the discount is 100% then no payment will be asked.

    • vjlamba

      Thanks , but then i have 2 more queries in that case-

      What will the ad poster have to do it to extend. Only click a link or go through the relisting process?

      Will the ad still show as expired in the ad listing page??

  • author

    when the poster clicks extend ad link, just need to go through the short review page which is just showing price for relisting and clicking continue. if price is 0 then the ad will be extended right away without going through payment gateway. the ad will not be marked expired anymore.

  • Boldman

    I’m looking for an Classipress App that sellers can send there Add to the Top again ( for a small fee )
    Sellers must get automatic a reminder that there add is not anymore within the first 5 pages and they have the possibility to send there Add to the top.

  • recoveryexpertguru

    Does the user get any automated email asking them to extend their ad?

  • author

    yes. an email is sent to the user to remind them to extend the ad.

  • author

    hi Boldman,

    what you want is bump ad. as for being on the first pages depends if it’s index page or other page.
    for example on a specific category they can be first.
    i’ll add the email part as a feature request to the bump ad plugin.

  • lucasatkins


    Have bought plugin, very happy with it. However, I have an issue.

    I have one FREE option for users to publish an ad listing. I do not want them to be able to re-publish for free again with this plugin, I need it to make it so to re-list any ad, even if free, to charge a small fee. How can this be changed?


  • author

    hi lucasatkins,
    please open a thread in the support forum and i’ll show you how.

  • lucasatkins

    Hi, which support forum? Thanks

  • author

    the link is in the tab support at the top of this page (where you also clicked comments)

  • fabiocaroli

    sorry how to set the text to remind user? i italian

  • author

    you need to edit the php file. please use the dedicated support forum for the plugin.

  • André


    Hi. Is plugin extend-ad compatible with WP Email Styler?


  • author

    Hi Adnre,
    wp email styler is styling any email by changing it to html, adding header and footer.
    So the answer is yes. it will also do this to the email sent by this plugin and should do it to any email send by other plugins.

  • author

    was not planned. i’ll check it out.

  • fleasus

    Will this plugin work with wp multisite setup?

  • author

    hi fleasus, you should check first if classipress works for multisite setup. this plugin should be ok. if you encounter an issue with related to this plugin+multi site setup then there is a support forum and I’ll help.

  • apnardeal

    I just purchased your plugin and start using it right a way. But i have 3 questions and appreciate if you please response as early as possible:
    i) In the Extend Ad Details page, Could you please add a “Cancel” button besides the ‘Continue’ button ?
    ii) In the same page how can i change the currency type sign ? Like for your country currency sign is ‘BDT’ not $
    iii) Page title is showing ‘Page not found’ In the same page. How can i change the page title ?

  • beacheddesigns

    Pre-Purchase question.
    If the advert doesn’t have an Expiry date set, will this plugin recognise this and set a new date?
    Also is there a bulk edit option with this plugin, so if I wanted to extend a number of adverts at the same time, can I do this as admin?

    I do not want users to have access to extend their advert, but want to use it as admin only (can use css to remove the extend option for users as needed)


  • hzmhzm

    Hi, Is it compatible with classipress 4+? The description on the top right shows that its compatibility up to classipress 3. Thank you in advance for your time.

  • author

    no. not tested with classipress4

  • zingyixiu

    When do you plan to finish testing or updating some of those plugins? Many 4+ Love to have them

    danielhoffmann likes this.
  • author

    i wasn’t aware of any demand. i’ll need to take a look at classipress 4 changes and see.

  • hzmhzm

    I want this one of yours for (classipress +4) also.

    danielhoffmann likes this.

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