Daddy Like

Daddy Like is a fast, lightweight, and elegant “like” system. It works with any WordPress site and is a breeze to setup. Your visitors can then “Like” a comment, post, page, or activity (BuddyPress) with a click of the link. Anyone can easily view who’s liked it so far via a small lightbox window.

It’s a great way to engage with your visitors and see which comments/posts are most popular. Then take action based on overall data collected. We use it on and even below in our comments. Test it out for yourself!

Feature Highlights

  • Instant AJAX “Like” feature (no page reload)
  • Works with any WordPress theme
  • Customize colors with color picker
  • Easily change text to any language or phrase
  • Option to require user login before liking
  • Supports pages, posts, comments
  • No code or theme template files to edit
  • Uses WordPress Gravatars for user likes
  • Allows anonymous and logged in user likes
  • Adds a “Likes” column to wp-admin comments, pages, and posts screens
  • Supports any language (text translation and .pot file required only for admin text)

Advanced Features

  • Supports custom post types
  • Works with WordPress Multisite
  • Works with BuddyPress (new!)
  • Works great with the popular P2 theme
  • Works on
  • Works with nested comments
  • Supports both http and https websites
  • Portability. WordPress export includes all data
  • Clean, professional, well commented code
  • Very lightweight footprint for fast page loading (entire plugin only 45kb)
  • Uses the WordPress API for quick processing
  • No hardcoded select statements or custom database tables
  • Uses WordPress post, comment, and user meta tables

Please note – this plugin is not associated with Facebook nor does it connect to their system. It’s a completely independent plugin that enables “Likes” just for your website.

91 people like this.

After you download the .zip file, just go to your wp-admin plugins area and upload the .zip. Once activated, you can visit the configuration page under the settings menu.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

== Changelog ==

= 3.0.2 = Apr 8, 2021

  • Fixed The “like” link has no styling

= 3.0.1 = Oct 11, 2018

  • Added Spanish translation

= 3.0 = Jun 26, 2013

  • added support for BuddyPress activities
  • added four new action hooks “daddy_like_updated_unlike”, “daddy_like_updated_like”, “daddy_like_updated_unlike_user”, “daddy_like_updated_like_user” for likes & dislikes (props: mohsinoffline)
  • added a new admin options page hook “daddy_like_add_settings”
  • added a new filter, “daddy_like_content_class” to override or add new content classes
  • added a new filter, “daddy_like_icon_url” to change the default thumbs up icon
  • added an animated gif which displays when like/dislike is clicked
  • added a new filter, “daddy_like_loading_icon_url” to change the default ajax loading image
  • changed like links from “span” to “a href” to accomodate BuddyPress support
  • changed to jQuery “on” so ajax show more/pagination results work
  • moved modal window code into it’s own file
  • minor bug fixes and enhancements

= 2.0 = Dec 24, 2012

  • added option to require user login before liking
  • text strings can be edited from options page
  • save like data for logged in users in usermeta table
  • added date/time field to show when visitor “liked” it
  • replaced colorbox with light-weight leanModal for popup window
  • fixed issue where https wasn’t working with admin-ajax.php
  • separated non-dynamic css into styles.css to enqueue
  • refactored & improved overall code
  • fixed spacing on p2 theme comments
  • added db upgrade check and handling
  • fixed double serialization meta data
  • removed debugging option. now automatically logs to console if errors
  • renamed content hooks to match plugin name (i.e. cmt_like_before_link to daddy_like_before_link)

= 1.0.1 = Oct 19 2012

  • added index.php to prevent dir browsing
  • renamed generic enable_objects_callback() function
  • changed daddy_like_data meta key to _daddy_like_data to hide from custom field section
  • added new meta_key _daddy_like_total so you can sort posts/comments by likes. Developers need to code using query_posts() orderby meta_value_num

= 1.0 = Sep 3 2012

  • initial release

3 reviews of “Daddy Like

5 stars
Nice App
By -

This is a nice little app, I give it 4 1/2 stars. I would have given it 5 stars if it showed up on the front page of the ads in adsplash instead of having to click on the ad to see it.

Anonymous likes this.
2.5 stars
Not appropriate for E-Commerce
By -

This “Like button” doesn’t work to Like items in a Marketplace.
I suggest that it is the next development to be done !

3 people like this.
5 stars
Appthemes got it right
By -

Works as promised. Light-weight and without a ton of options which would have made the plugin clunky – only those needed to make a really good like feature.

Appthemes got this completely right: The plugin lets you restrict liking to logged-in users if you want, lets you unlike something you like, it has a nice modal which displays who liked this and in the settings you can translate anything the plugin outputs front-end to your preferred language.

Anything missing? The option to have the like comments feature automatically turned off when the comments are turned off for a post.

11 people like this.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (74)

  • staff

    Here’s the first comment so you can see the “Like” link appear.

    32 people like this.
    • john

      hi david,

      Is there any bank wire gateway .how about credit card or debit card that are not allowed by paypal. id like customer to choose bank wire and paypal . where is google adsense

      8 people like this.
      • staff
        David Cowgill

        Hi John, this plugin isn’t designed for gateways. If you’ve got a general AppThemes support question, please post it in our forums.

        2 people like this.
  • Brian K

    Have you tested this with Vantage? I’d like to potentially use this on each of the business listings. How easy is it to change the language and icons?


    4 people like this.
    • staff

      @Brian, yes it works with Vantage just fine. Currently the language can only be changed by creating a new .pot file in the languages folder. If you aren’t comfortable doing that, it’s best to wait for a future version as we’ll be making the text editable from the options page.

      Right now, the thumbs up icon is the only one you can use. We hope to make that changeable in a future version as well.

      2 people like this.
  • Kylie

    Any chance this works on BuddyPress Group Comments? Is there a widget to display top liked comments?

    3 people like this.
    • staff
      David Cowgill

      @Kylie, we haven’t actually tested it with BuddyPress Group Comments.

      Tell you what. Go ahead and purchase the plugin and test it on BuddyPress. Let us know if it works. If not, we’ll refund you the money.

      There’s no widget yet but that’s a good idea for a future version.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • Tester

    testing the comments.

    6 people like this.
  • seoagent

    Buy Button: “502 Bad Gateway” Can’t even buy it. Check Forum Support Comments for further information please. Write me at “Robert Lang” and advise, thank you. P.S. Your instant email notifications have never worked on this forum, so I never know when anyone has responded. Please advise and yes, I have this set in my settings in Account on forum, thank you.

    Anonymous likes this.
    • staff
      David Cowgill

      @seoagent, thanks for letting us know. It should be fixed now.

      3 people like this.
  • Paul

    Can this plugin also be used to “like”

    Users and Ads?

    Anonymous likes this.
    • staff
      David Cowgill

      @Paul, yes it works with ads, job listings, coupons, etc but not users. There really isn’t a good way to “like” users. We instead plan on building a user rating system plugin which allows star votes and comments.

      Look for this plugin later this year.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • christophe

    Is it possible to arrange posts by their likes? I mean is it possible to get the posts, ads, jobs that are liked most, on top?


    zeekzeek likes this.
    • staff
      David Cowgill

      @christophe, yes it’s certainly possible but some custom code will need to be added to your theme.

      Your developer would need to run a query_posts() statement before the post loop and set the orderby by meta_key.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • Dennis Nyameca Onyama

    Can help to install the plugin to my WordPress website?

  • adriansr

    Is it possible to disable anonymous likes? Is it possible to allow only registered users to “like”?

    • staff
      David Cowgill

      @adriansr, yes. Version 2.0 (which we just released yesterday) adds an option to allow only logged in user likes.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • Adam

    Can the plugin be used on multiple web sites with a single purchase or do I need to purchase for each site?

  • Thomas

    Any news about bbPress replies support?


  • staff

    @Thomas, I don’t believe we had feedback about this so it’s not clear if the plugin has been purchased and tested with bbPress to date. I imagine we would extend the same refund status as mentioned by David above if you wanted to test this also. Thanks.

  • dave123

    Is there a short code to get this on the post snippet in the loop? So far, I see that it’s only on the single page.

  • staff

    @dave123, as per the Daddy Like settings screenshots, you can select “Pages”, with also an advanced setting “Show on front page: Show “Like” link on front page and other non-singular pages (useful for themes like P2 that support this).” Thanks.

  • dave123

    I have those settings as you show, no changes have been made to any of the php/html code and still nothing on the front page or category pages

  • staff

    @dave123, if you could please create a new thread in the relevant section of our support forums here, our support team will be more than happy to assist further. Thanks.

  • Ungars

    Before buying this plugin, I’d like to know if it works with citrus night classipress and if I can translate it in french witout difficulties ! Thanks.

  • staff

    @ungars, we haven’t tested it with Citrus Night but it should work just fine.

    Also, the text can be easily translated via the plugin options page. See the product screenshot above. 😉

  • staff

    @Ungars, just to update, I checked with the Citrus Night child theme developer and he has advised that this Daddy Like plugin works fine with it. Thanks.

  • ungarsunefille

    Thank you for your answer ! I’ll test it !

  • zeekzeek

    would it be possible to add a dislike or unlike it option?

  • staff

    @zeekzeek, it’s not a default feature of the plugin to “dislike” an item, but you can “unlike” something you have previously liked. Thanks,

  • zeekzeek

    thanks for the response Yumiko, maybe it can be considered as an option for a future version. we all don’t like sometimes 🙂

  • staff

    @zeekzeek, that’s true 😉 Of note, you’d be more than welcome to submit your feature suggestion in the AppThemes Ideas Exchange for consideration in a future release of the plugin. Our development team reviews these ideas and community feedback for an indication of whether or not this is something people want to see 🙂 Thanks.

  • gabriel

    Hi, the plugin has integration with buddypress. I would like use it to know what articles likes my buddypress-friends.


    Anonymous likes this.

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