Daddy Like

Daddy Like is a fast, lightweight, and elegant “like” system. It works with any WordPress site and is a breeze to setup. Your visitors can then “Like” a comment, post, page, or activity (BuddyPress) with a click of the link. Anyone can easily view who’s liked it so far via a small lightbox window.

It’s a great way to engage with your visitors and see which comments/posts are most popular. Then take action based on overall data collected. We use it on and even below in our comments. Test it out for yourself!

Feature Highlights

  • Instant AJAX “Like” feature (no page reload)
  • Works with any WordPress theme
  • Customize colors with color picker
  • Easily change text to any language or phrase
  • Option to require user login before liking
  • Supports pages, posts, comments
  • No code or theme template files to edit
  • Uses WordPress Gravatars for user likes
  • Allows anonymous and logged in user likes
  • Adds a “Likes” column to wp-admin comments, pages, and posts screens
  • Supports any language (text translation and .pot file required only for admin text)

Advanced Features

  • Supports custom post types
  • Works with WordPress Multisite
  • Works with BuddyPress (new!)
  • Works great with the popular P2 theme
  • Works on
  • Works with nested comments
  • Supports both http and https websites
  • Portability. WordPress export includes all data
  • Clean, professional, well commented code
  • Very lightweight footprint for fast page loading (entire plugin only 45kb)
  • Uses the WordPress API for quick processing
  • No hardcoded select statements or custom database tables
  • Uses WordPress post, comment, and user meta tables

Please note – this plugin is not associated with Facebook nor does it connect to their system. It’s a completely independent plugin that enables “Likes” just for your website.

91 people like this.

After you download the .zip file, just go to your wp-admin plugins area and upload the .zip. Once activated, you can visit the configuration page under the settings menu.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

== Changelog ==

= 3.0.2 = Apr 8, 2021

  • Fixed The “like” link has no styling

= 3.0.1 = Oct 11, 2018

  • Added Spanish translation

= 3.0 = Jun 26, 2013

  • added support for BuddyPress activities
  • added four new action hooks “daddy_like_updated_unlike”, “daddy_like_updated_like”, “daddy_like_updated_unlike_user”, “daddy_like_updated_like_user” for likes & dislikes (props: mohsinoffline)
  • added a new admin options page hook “daddy_like_add_settings”
  • added a new filter, “daddy_like_content_class” to override or add new content classes
  • added a new filter, “daddy_like_icon_url” to change the default thumbs up icon
  • added an animated gif which displays when like/dislike is clicked
  • added a new filter, “daddy_like_loading_icon_url” to change the default ajax loading image
  • changed like links from “span” to “a href” to accomodate BuddyPress support
  • changed to jQuery “on” so ajax show more/pagination results work
  • moved modal window code into it’s own file
  • minor bug fixes and enhancements

= 2.0 = Dec 24, 2012

  • added option to require user login before liking
  • text strings can be edited from options page
  • save like data for logged in users in usermeta table
  • added date/time field to show when visitor “liked” it
  • replaced colorbox with light-weight leanModal for popup window
  • fixed issue where https wasn’t working with admin-ajax.php
  • separated non-dynamic css into styles.css to enqueue
  • refactored & improved overall code
  • fixed spacing on p2 theme comments
  • added db upgrade check and handling
  • fixed double serialization meta data
  • removed debugging option. now automatically logs to console if errors
  • renamed content hooks to match plugin name (i.e. cmt_like_before_link to daddy_like_before_link)

= 1.0.1 = Oct 19 2012

  • added index.php to prevent dir browsing
  • renamed generic enable_objects_callback() function
  • changed daddy_like_data meta key to _daddy_like_data to hide from custom field section
  • added new meta_key _daddy_like_total so you can sort posts/comments by likes. Developers need to code using query_posts() orderby meta_value_num

= 1.0 = Sep 3 2012

  • initial release

3 reviews of “Daddy Like

5 stars
Nice App
By -

This is a nice little app, I give it 4 1/2 stars. I would have given it 5 stars if it showed up on the front page of the ads in adsplash instead of having to click on the ad to see it.

Anonymous likes this.
2.5 stars
Not appropriate for E-Commerce
By -

This “Like button” doesn’t work to Like items in a Marketplace.
I suggest that it is the next development to be done !

3 people like this.
5 stars
Appthemes got it right
By -

Works as promised. Light-weight and without a ton of options which would have made the plugin clunky – only those needed to make a really good like feature.

Appthemes got this completely right: The plugin lets you restrict liking to logged-in users if you want, lets you unlike something you like, it has a nice modal which displays who liked this and in the settings you can translate anything the plugin outputs front-end to your preferred language.

Anything missing? The option to have the like comments feature automatically turned off when the comments are turned off for a post.

11 people like this.
You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (74)

  • staff

    @gabriel, there is no specific integration with buddypress as such, just the general functionality as outlined above in the description. Thanks.

    11 people like this.
  • mighty

    Is it possible to “unlike” posts with this plugin?


    10 people like this.
    • mighty

      Obviously that question has already been asked, sorry for that.

      6 people like this.
  • Johnny

    cool looking plugin. i might have to buy this one!

    5 people like this.
  • perspective

    is this works with Vantage theme 1.2 ?

    2 people like this.
    • staff

      @perspective, yes it will work with the latest version of Vantage. Thanks.

      3 people like this.
  • Tim

    Few questions before purchase. (1) Does this plugin store user’s liked posts so a list can be displayed on their profile page? (2) Does it add an activity type to Buddypress activity stream (ie: “John Doe liked Some Post”)?

    4 people like this.
    • staff

      @Tim, (1) It shows overall likes for a page/post, but not specifically for the user. (2) Yes, you can see a screenshot of this from the main plugin description page. Thanks.

      2 people like this.
  • chris

    Looks like a great plugin.
    I have a couple of questions.
    I noticed that as anonymous user I can switch browser and like the same comment twice – is it also possible for a logged-in user to switch browser and like the same comment twice? Can the plugin be used to only allow logged-in/registered users to like/unlike comments? When I close the comments on a post, is it possible to stop the possibilty to further like comments on that post as well or will it always be possible?

    I plan to use the plugin only for registered users, much like facebook does it.

    • staff
      David Cowgill

      No, logged in users can only vote once. Yes, it can be restricted to only logged in users. Once comments are closed, people can still “like” existing comments.

      2 people like this.
  • silverpress

    Hi there,

    Does it adds a “Likes” column to wp-admin classipress ad-listing? And possible to trace or check which user who likes the ad?


    Anonymous likes this.
    • staff
      David Cowgill

      Yes, a column is added to CP listings. You can view all logged in users who “liked” each item.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • silverpress

    Oh ok cool. Is it possible to change the thumb up logo with other graphic for example ‘will attend’ custom image since I want to list event so user can pre-register using the like button. Tq.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • shan0518

    Suggestion: A plugin that allows the registered Classipress user to save/like a posting that will save in their back-end/admin for the user to go back to when they would like. Would your plugin be able to do this or is their one out there for this function for Classipress?

  • tolgaria

    I’m very disappointed that this is not working for me. I installed it, on settings I selected which items should the like button option appear on (ads, comments, posts etc) and after saving and refreshing my website… nothing. It does not appear.

    • staff
      David Cowgill

      @tolgaria, which theme are you using it with? Did you try another one? Sometimes certain themes don’t have the correct “hooks” for plugins to use.

      Anonymous likes this.
      • Tolgaria

        Hey, it’s eclassify child theme for classipress. It works when you click on a product or on any page. Just says ‘like’ with no thumb. On the main page there is no like button on the listings.

        2 people like this.
  • Tolga

    Hey, eclassifieds child theme for classipress. It works when you click on a product or on any page. Just says ‘like’ with no thumb. On the main page there is no like button on the listings.

    kotamabbs likes this.
    • pepsi

      @Tolga, I’m just checking on this with our team all will advise once I have further information. Thanks.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • Chris

    Are there any plans to make a report comments (report link after every comment) plugin modyfying the code slightly from the Daddy like plugin? There aren’t any working report comments plugins in the official WordPress plugins repository, only a couple which are no longer maintained and don’t work with threded comments whereas Daddy Like finds all comments, no matter what level they are. I would purchase such a plugin and I am sure many others would too.

    • Yumiko

      Thank you for your input, there are no specific plans for it at this time. You may wish to note that you are welcome to submit your idea in the AppThemes ideas exchange where our team can consider this for future development and community can vote/provide feedback. Thanks.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • Xander


    Does this work for woocommerce product pages? When is shows a list of the users who liked the post, is it possible to link to their profile page?



    Anonymous likes this.
  • kohlisj

    Can this be used to put a like button on Store of Clipper theme ?

  • Filipe Pires


    Is possible to put this just in ads?



  • Jillco

    I’m thinking about purchasing this app will it work with the adsplash theme?

  • jillco

    Hello, is there a way to make the like button show up on the ads in adsplash?

  • mllerena

    Hi there, does this plugin works with Vantage 4.xx?

  • Tim

    Can this plugin support dislikes as well? If so, are there options to re-order or hide comments if there are X-number of dislikes? And if not, do you have plans to do this?

  • manishkhullar

    I hope it works fine with classipress ads.
    Just wanted to know are these facebook likes or our own website generated likes ?
    Also, I would like to know how would the plugin detect annonymous person (not logged in) is not creating multiple likes on the same ad ?
    I am looking for a solution where there is cookie and IP detection in place so that people do not create fake likes. Am planning to reward the most liked ads so it’s important.

  • dutchman

    Does this work on BBpress as well?

  • manishkhullar

    Is it still being developed/maintained ?
    I need an option to Like and Dislike – Thumbs-up and Thumbs-down. Is that possible ?

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