ClassiPress Sorted Ads

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With the ClassiPress Sorted Ads Plugin, users can sort ads on category listing and search result pages with various preferences. The plugin comes with a set of default sort alternatives for ads listing pages as well as search result pages.

Significant Features:

Site user can sort ads :

  1. Alphabetically Ascending (A to Z)
  2. Descending (Z to A)
  3. Featured First
  4. Price Lowest
  5. Price Highest
  6. Newest
  7. Oldest
  8. Popular

Admin Option :

  • Admin can Turn On / Off dropdown sort option.
  • Admin can amendment dropdown option label.
  • Admin can set sort dropdown option display order.
  • Admin can set a default sort option in first time visit.
  • Admin can disable dropdown and set default sort option for ads listing pages as well as search result pages.
4 people like this.

Installation Guide:

  • Extract zip file on path /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • Open ClassiPress –> Ads Sorting Option page to setup the plugin.

Support Policy

However it is important to us to make sure that every customer is satisfied with our products. Therefore we have a dedicated Support Team helping you to solve any products-related issues in timely and efficient manner.We are also very active on twitter or facebook where you can certainly catch our attention.

Before you reach us upon a problem?

    1. Read the documentation guide for your theme and plugin.
    2. Search the Support Forums for an answer.
    3. Submit a new thread inside the forums or Email Us on in case the issue requires us to connect to your site this may happen those times when we feel more individual attention to your issue may be required. When we do direct you to our Email support system, we may ask you for your login details.

Support Hours

We don’t have exact support hours, generally we can provide feedback on any support request within 12 or 24 hours. But note, that depending on the issue complexity and our workload. If we are online and able to provide you with support during the officially “holidays” period we will certainly not ignore you.

Support Offered

We only cover support for the Reload Web, add-ons,child themes and basic WordPress help. We cannot provide support on third-party plugins. we will try to help you with any type of requests including customization that requires only a couple lines of code changing, you must understand that we cannot provide extensive help in terms of modifications.

Moreover, technical support will always take priority over modification/customization requests.

Modification support

If your request for modification or customization help only requires us to publish a couple lines of code, we will be glad to assist you. If however you request requires more an that amount of code to be published, we can only provide guidance OR you can hire us if you don’t have the skins to implement it yourself.

Bug Fixing

It is our commitment to fix all theme bugs as quickly as possible after they are brought to our attention. We will also try provide a solution via the forum for smaller bug fixes, after which we will update the core theme or plugin.

1.3 – 12/02/2019

  • Compatible – ClassiPress 4+

1.2 – 07/02/2017

  • Compatible with WordPress 4.7 and ClassiPress 3.5.8

1.1 – 12/02/2015

  • Fixed – Pagination Issue

1.0 – 20/09/2012

  • Initial release
  • Compatible with WordPress 3.3 and ClassiPress 3.1.8

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 Comments (100)

  • Pipo

    Hi, the mark with featured_post is inclued ? Featured ribbon !

  • coastline

    Will this work with Classipress 3.3

    with UltraClassifides Child Theme Installed?

  • petfive

    Hi how can i make your plugin work with jobroller? i just need sort by Newest,oldest, and salary, thanks

  • lars

    The SortedAds plugin is available to CP3.3.1?

    I sent the SortedAds plugin to my CP3.3.1, but I can not see the “Ads Sorting Option” on the CP3.3.1 menu!

  • Harvey

    Can you set it to sort by custom fields – eg can it sort by ‘Location’ for example?

  • mikeef1

    Is this compatible with 3.3.1?

    reloadweb likes this.
  • jatun2

    Would this work with ver

    Anonymous likes this.
  • petfive

    the sorting is not showing up on my search results page but is showing on category pages, i am using the advanced search plugin why arent they showing?

    bobyrou likes this.
    • petfive

      had to edit some code, got it sorted now (literally) lol

      petfive likes this.
    • bobyrou

      I tried this too and doesn’t work for me either. Can someone advise how to fix this?

      reloadweb likes this.
  • Renato

    Olá, tem filtro de … Bairros, Cidades, Estados e País?
    Tem outro que possa fazer isso?


  • goboard

    Any chance I can add this code to the user/author page to sort all ads listed there by the user?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • glassman786

    Hello Sir,
    With this plugin what would happen to classipress original Catagory and sub category set up. Also Can the plugin organize sub-categories as well or just Categories.

    reloadweb likes this.
  • lars

    Any chance I can add this code on the author page to sort all ads listed by the user?

  • snorkl

    Will this work with the child Theme Mydentity? (I am using with it with Classipress)


    reloadweb likes this.
  • mckolt

    It possible to translate this plugin by wpml? I bought this plugin but I cant translate strings from front page eg: Sort by: , Select, Alphabetical (A to Z), Alphabetical (Z to A) etc.

    Only strings from backoffice I can translate.

  • lars

    The CP Sorted Ads, version 1.0, is compatible with WP 3.9.1 + CP3.3.3?

    In the past it was visible a link to edit the CP Sorted Ads in my WP dashboard, but now I can not find a way to edit it. How to translate this plugin?

  • petfive

    my price low/ price high filters are not working but the rest are,
    when i remove refine_search=yes from the url string the price filter works though, any help? cheers

  • Ismael

    Hello, is this plugin compatible with Flatron child theme?

    Thank you!

    reloadweb likes this.
    • author


      Thanks for your interest.

      It should work with it if you face any problem I am here 🙂 I will fixed it for you.


  • anthonygrey

    Hey, looks like a great little plugin. Will it work with the Flatpress classipress theme though? If so, I’ll get it as I need it 🙂 Thanks.

    reloadweb likes this.
    • author


      Thanks for your interest.

      Yes Please purchase it it should work with it if you face any problem I am here 🙂 I will fixed it for you.


  • armanyousefi

    Hi, in demo page at the right side navigation there is “Refine Results” Box. This option is comes with this plugin or not? how can get this option?


  • lance100

    is this compatible with classipress child theme rondell?

    Anonymous likes this.
  • author


    I am not tested it with rondell child theme let me know if you have any question or any issue


    lreyes likes this.
  • lreyes

    Hello, is this plugin compatible with Classipress 3.4?

    Thank you!

    reloadweb likes this.
  • Gino

    is this plugin compatible with TwinPress Classifieds Thème ?

    reloadweb likes this.
  • author


    I’ll take a look at it.and will contact the author and see what we can do to make something out of it so you can leave the same question at the Twinpress’s comments, perhaps the developer will have better idea, or maybe he tested before but i have not tested it with your requested theme.


  • gino

    But twinpress’s développer desn’t answer i live many messages about the thème no answer, hope you’ll find the solution i’m trying to display only featured ads in a New tab (5 weeks looking for) i think your plugin Will be my solution if it can work with twinpress thanks

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