ClassiPress Rich Category Description
Create rich descriptions for ads categories and tags
Start Editing the top of your Categories and Tag like a normal page or post
with the Power of WordPress Editor!
1. Many WordPress site owners don’t utilize the potential of category and tag pages.
That’s because the proper tool has not been available. Our plugin gives you the full power of the WordPress page editor to make the best of your category pages or tag pages.
2. Well written, rich category descriptions will help you communicate with your customers and tell them about your site’s content.
A category or tag name alone is often not enough to represent category or tag content. Give your customers more, detailed information about your site’s content!!!
3. Rich category descriptions will also help you monetize your site.
You can place slider, tab, banners, ads, featured and other useful stuff in the rich category descriptions.
4. SEO benefits.
Everybody who wants sales cares about SEO! Great text is a key for a good SEO performance. So why not use the potential of category and tags pages to improve you site ranking?! Don’t waste time.
HOW to earn more money with your ClassiPress
Buy our plugin to tell the world about your categories.
How to earn more money with my ClassiPress
1°) Just create in Ad Packs eg:/wp-admin/admin.php?page=packages
a new forn eg: featured in the respective slider of your category (your description…and price…..)
2°) In ClassiPress Pricing eg: wp-admin/admin.php?page=app-pricing
Charge for Listing Ads need to be ON
Done !
If you don’t charge for a simple listing
set for example: 60 days 0$
so now let in final users have to choose in drop down The new formula you have created
60 days for free 0$
60 days + Featured slider in top of category :10$
Then the user will be redirect to PayPal with the cost of 10$
Hope that will help INTELLIGENT user(s) to make more money
Suggest slider to use : smooth slider by Internet Techies
you can have a different slider for each categories.
1. Follow standard WordPress plugin installation procedure
2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
3. Go to plugin settings page (Admin Menu -> Ads -> Cats & Tags Pages)
4. Create a new page.
5. Assign page to the category or tag. Use standard WordPress categories and tags selectors!
== Changelog ==
= 1.0.2 =
* Added permalink filter. Now get_permalink() function used inside description page loop will return URL of the taxonomy term.
= 1.0 =
* First release.
Comments (26)
Hi Mr Green,
This is great news. Will you be making Rich Category Description available for Vantage ?
Could this plugin be used to place featured ads in a slider at the top of a category? In other words if I have 3 users that paid for a featured ad in category Advertising and 3 users that have free ads, could I have the 3 featured ads in a slider at the top of category advertising and the 3 free ads below the slider on the same category page?
yes you can charge for featured slider at top of categories.
eg: assuming unlimited slider building like Smooth Slider & Meta Slider you can build different slider for each or some categories.and Charge for the space top categories slider
You have understand one of this purpose.
but ClassiPress Rich Category can do many more
mr green
If I wanted to charge people to have their advert featured on a slider in a particular category, how would I implement this please? So for example one set of people want their ads featured in category A, another set in category B, etc.?
how would I implement this please
Intelligent question ….waiting that since long time…..
1°) Just create in Ad Packs eg:/wp-admin/admin.php?page=packages
a new forn eg: featured in the respective slider of your category (your description…and price…..)
2°) In ClassiPress Pricing eg: wp-admin/admin.php?page=app-pricing
Charge for Listing Ads need to be ON
hey …. finish that all !
If you don’t charge for a simple listing
set for example: 60 days 0$
so now let in final users have to choose in drop down The new formula you have created
60 days for free 0$
60 days + Featured slider in top of category :10$
Then the user will be redirect to PayPal with the cost of 10$
=> Hope that will help INTELLIGENT user(s) to make more money
Thank you Mr Green. Now I’ve done that, what is the next step to get the user to show up on the slider of a particular category? So say the user wants to be top of categories A & C, what do I do to implement that? And do I have to do this manually each time, or can it be done automatically as soon as the user has purchased the package?
Hi mr green,
will you be doing one for Vantage ?
I will buy it too if it worked for vantage as well. It is a essential plugin for SEO. Can’t wait to get and update!!
I bought he plugin and it is great……
I noticed that if using sharethis social plugin it tries to share the dynamic page created by your plugin eg: instead of say
However if you share or click on the url then it says that the page no longer exists?
Do you know how I can create redirects for the above url to the html category page?
Try to change sharing method from Multi-Post to Direct-Post
That did not make any difference, it just cloaks the url but it still points to the dynamic category link instead of the normal category url.
This needs a fix………..
Contact me privately here:
I’ll send you new version
I am a bit confused, shouldn’t MR_Green be sending me a newer version or are you the coder?
Thanks for help…………
I am a bit confused, shouldn’t MR_Green be sending me a newer version or are you the coder?
Max is my partner. Of course you can trust him if he provide solution for you
mr green
I sent you message…….
Okay, all works now – thanks
1.) Can I create multiple categories with different prices? My set up is charging ads by category. In the CP theme, a customer selects a category. Therefore, If I understand your plugin, this is an additional charge to be featured within the category itself. I get that.
What I want to know is can I create multiple prices, one for each category. And if so, will this plugin first check to see which category the ad is being submitted to. And then display the respective drop down price for that same category of the ad, to display the ad in the featured slider.
i.e. Cat A $10, Cat B $15, Cat C $20. Ad is placed in Cat C in CP theme, so will your plugin display $20 only for adding to category featured slider?
Or is this a one size fits all addon? I just need to know, so I can price it accordingly. Then after your answer I will buy.
2.) Is it compatible with CP 3.3.1? And WP 3.6?
1.) Can I create multiple categories with different prices? My set up is charging ads by category. In the CP theme, a customer selects a category. Therefore, If I understand your plugin, this is an additional charge to be featured within the category itself. I get that.
The purpose fundamentally is money increasing! yes!.You get that.
In another way this plugin add the possibility to work with categories.
is a new income according the form price you create “and the way you use it”
Like you i prefer the money way
– 60 days 0$
– 3650 days 10€
– Featured slider at top of categories 15$
– 3650 days + Top of categories 20$
in case of user check featured ads (and the price for featured ad is 10$)
the total price for: 3650 days + Top of categories is = 30$ 🙂
Or is this a one size fits all addon
Regarding the way using the plugin i cannot said that
to fully understand “you add a editor in your categories” exactly like the editor from the page or the the post.
WordPress insertion are permit
you can insert :
– code
– html
– [shortcode]
– text
then attach to a individual or merged categories.
same for Tag or for tag + categories
Monetization is up to you, it can be do by ads like Google Adsense also

Thank you for your reply. I bought your plugin.
Thank you Robert!
Please, does this plugin come with the ‘Refine Search’ option which i saw in the demo… I’m asking because it wasn’t mentioned in the description ..
the Refine Search is already include in classipress
it wasn’t mentioned in the description ..
No worry about…
Make a nice choice !
I’ve just bought your plugin Mr Green, how can I get the Featured Gallery (same as on homepage) to appear at the top of each category or tag page which I choose?
Mike thanks for you for purchase!
Pls search the menu.
is added into ads (Cats & Tags Pages)
create(Add new) form
add your content then choose in wish categories you want it to appear
by checking one or more categories under the publish button into Ad categories box part
See now the categorie assigned
in front end you will see your content before the listing of the categories
you can do the same for tag or the combo tag + categories
if you cannot setup just pm me or create a thread in forum i will help you
mr green
Hi Mr Green, is there a Vantage Rich Category Description plugin available?
Do you know if this will support [short codes]. I am trying to insert a map (via short code) from my map press plugin, below my category description, but my current plugin (CategoryTinymce) does not support this.
Thank you!