ClassiPress 4 Infinite Scroll

Add infinite ads scrolling for ClassiPress 4.

Works onĀ ads page blog page, search results.

Users can now scroll through the page and more ads will be loaded from the next page without actually leaving the current page or clicking the next page link.


This plugin is designed to work with the original theme.
This plugin will not work with all child themes.
Custom theme modifications may break compatibility.


3 people like this.

= Modes =

Edit cp-infiniscroll.php and look for “infiscroll_vars”

1. Tracking end of page instead

Set autoscroll to 1.

2. Track the paging link instead of end of document

Set autoscroll to 2.

4. Showing link to load more results instead of auto loading

Set autoscroll to 3.

1. Extract the folder into your Wordpress plugins directory.
2. Enable the plugin.

Please visit the dedicatedĀ support forum.


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 Comments (4)

  • filip1996

    Hello, i want to buy your plugin ClassiPress 4 Infinite Scroll but i want to ask you before i can use it for Home page ?
    I want to list more ads on homepage but after i have to much content and you need 22mb for load only first page.
    Now i can use your plugin for listing only half for my ads on home page ???? and i want to ask you if i have this plugin the dimension from home page will be reduced ???

  • author

    the plugin works by binding to the next page button and not waiting for the user to click it and load next page into current page.
    because of how the plugin works it doesn’t work for the front page but for the ads page (after clicking view more ads in front page).
    I am not sure about your second question. the plugin doesn’t reduce size of your pages.

  • martin

    if you are in a category with 60+ adverts , if a user uses the refine search will this plugin allow all 60+ adverts to be refined??
    many thanks

  • author

    the plugin basically just “click” the next page for you when you scroll to the bottom of the page

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