
AppStats is the easiest way to get a birds eye view of what’s happening on your site. With AppStats, it is easy and simple to see all sorts of sales information. Never wonder where your income came from! AppStats knows it all.

  • Quick view of last 7, 30, 90, 180 and 365 days
  • Calculated statistics to quickly grasp how your site is doing
  • Filter through orders by status, currency, and gateway

Note: We’re always looking for new ways to let you visualize your data. If you would like to see more statistics added to the plugin, leave a comment with your idea and we’ll put it in.

7 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

AppStats will work with any theme that supports AppThemes Payments. This includes ClassiPress, Clipper, JobRoller, and Vantage.

How does AppStats store statistics?

AppStats doesn’t store any statistics at this time. All of the data AppStats uses is simply retrieved from the data already existing in orders. Because of this, you can activate AppStats and immediately start benefiting from it. In the future AppStats will track data that isn’t usually available.

Where are the page view counts?

AppStats is not a replacement for products like Google Analytics. AppStats focuses on providing analysis of data that Google can’t access, like your order data. In the future AppStats will also provide analytic data of Users, Posts, Comments and more.

Why does it require PHP 5.3?

Dates and times are complicated and annoying things. Some months have 30 days, some have 29. Some years have 365 days, some 366. Its a lot to deal with. PHP 5.3 introduced a DateTime library that makes it simple to deal with dates and times. This library lets us focus less on a intricacies of the calendar, and more on providing you with an awesome product.

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, you can access the statistics through the Payments menu.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

1.2.2 – 2021.03.26


  • Fixed some PHP warnings and PHP8 errors

1.2.1 – 2018.10.11


  • Added Spanish translation

1.2.0 – 2017.07.14


  • Added missing translation strings
  • Added languages folder with .pot file
  • Switched from load_textdomain() to load_plugin_textdomain()
  • Upgraded d3.js lib from v2 to v4.9.1
  • Cleaned up dashboard so it’s easier to read
  • General code clean up

1.1.0 – 2015.08.11


  • Fatal PHP error caused by using undeclared class properties.

1.0.0 – 2012.11.12

* initial release

One review of “AppStats

4.5 stars
By -

It is a good product, damage it missing the translation, I had to do the translation myself by modifying utis.php and orders-graph-list.php files and add color in style.css.

Message to the author : A similar product for ad statistics will be perfect.

Author Response
Thanks for the feedback. As of version 1.2.0, all text strings are setup for translation and the .pot file is included.

Anonymous likes this.
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 Comments (18)

  • customer

    Very good plugin of a brilliant idea. Data Analytics is a must for every successful website.
    Well done guys.

    2 people like this.
  • Tom

    Even more of a necessity I think that would be pertinent to every single customer right now is data analytics pertaining to traffic, site navigation etc. Not sure why this plugin took precedence, but the person to provide these functions is going to be a winner.

  • parfum

    Great idea!
    And we want it now!!
    The question is when the version for classipress 3.2+ will be available?


  • razil

    Bought and unable to use. PHP version issue.

  • staff

    @razil, If you could please start a thread here in the relevant section of the support forums, our team will be more than happy to assist further with this. Thanks.

  • far33z

    Will this work on Clipper/Discounty Theme?

  • multieconomico

    Hi, this plugin works under multi-site installation?, because i installed on my network and always show up a message that need an upgrade, i made the upgrade thorough the appthemes updates plugin and always show up that message…

    Anonymous likes this.
  • Sal

    Hi there, I’ve been using the appstats plugin for the past few months but I am not seeing any income information showing up. I am using Paypal and Stripe and the quantities show up but no revenue / sales. Please help!

    • Yumiko

      @sal, I just wanted to update these comments, I see you’re already using the forums (where all support is provided) but couldn’t locate the thread specifically for what you mention here. If you didn’t find the AppStats support forum and still need help, you can post here and our team will be happy to assist. Thanks.

  • tammamkoujan

    does this plugin support Taskerr?

  • S.

    I just downloaded version v1.2.0, it is very well.

    Thank you

    David likes this.

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