Anonymous Posting for ClassiPress

Adds anonymous ad posting functionality to your ClassiPress site. Your users will no longer need to register on your site to post an ad.


  • Posting ads without creating account
  • Managing ads submitted from anonymous account (require ClassiPress 3.4+)
  • Automatic login to Anonymous user account when accessing ‘Post an Ad’ page
  • Automatic logout Anonymous user when he quit ‘Post an Ad’ page
  • Additional ‘Email’ field (required) in Ad submission form
  • reCaptcha anti-spam verification in Ad submission form
  • Delivering emails from Ad contact form to email address specified while posting an ad
  • Delivering other emails like: Ad awaiting review, Ad approved, Ad expired, Receipt for order

Note: reCaptcha will be added to Ad submission form when it’s enabled in “ClassiPress->Settings->Security tab”.

9 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

The Anonymous Posting plugin will work only with ClassiPress theme.

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, logout, and test anonymous ad posting functionality.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.6

  • Fixed issue with reCaptcha v2 support added in ClassiPress 3.5.2

Version 1.5

  • Fixed issue where plugin deactivates itself when using multisite and different theme
  • Fixed issue with sharing draft posts between multiple users logged in as anonymous

Version 1.4

  • Fixed issue with anonymous user not being auto logout when accessing wp-admin
  • Added compatibility with ClassiPress 3.4
  • Added ability to manage ad listings submitted from anonymous account (require ClassiPress 3.4+)

Version 1.3

  • Added ability to override email field in submission form for anonymous user by using ‘APP_APC_ANONYMOUS_EMAIL’ constant
  • Fixed potential issue with auto logout of anonymous user when page contain references to not existent files

Version 1.2

  • Fixed uploading images by anonymous user
  • Fixed possible issue with anonymous user logout when browser prefetch other pages

Version 1.1

  • Added reCaptcha anti-spam into submission form for anonymous user
  • Fixed issue where email field was displayed for non anonymous user
  • Fixed detecting updates by AppThemes Updater plugin

Version 1.0

  • Initial release

11 reviews of “Anonymous Posting for ClassiPress

5 stars
Wrong email saving
By -

Hi, can you tell me why the user’s email saved in my dashboard is not the one previously filled in in the submit form ? It is always Do I need to use the email confirmation plugin ?

Used on Classipress 4.1.5

Thanks for your feed-back,

5 stars
Repeat the Form
By -

This plugin completes the form for the notices twice and also allows a single photo. Please, I need the solutions.

Este plugin hace completar 2 veces el formulario para los avisos y tambien permite una solo foto.

0.5 stars
absolutely SHIT
By -

please give me back my money… it doesn’t work, I can’t see it in my dashboard I have the latest version of classipress theme.

pachtakor likes this.
5 stars
By -

recaptcha ne fonctionne plus, does not work anymore

By meloniq - December 16, 2015

@vivakodo Issue with reCaptcha has been fixed, please update plugin.

0.5 stars
He responds after 6 months
By -

He responds after 6 months

3 stars
Work needs to be done to fix the following
By -

1. Let every poster have their like ‘own account’, in the current version, only one poster can post at a given time, otherwise records filled in mix.
2. let the user at least give just the name

its a nice plugin thou

By meloniq - November 21, 2015

Issue has been fixed in 1.5 version. Please update plugin on your site.

5 stars
Problem with "Anonymous Posting for ClassiPress".
By -

Hi all, i have a problem with this plugin.
I’m using this plugin in my ClassiPress website, but it works well when only one user is posting an ad. When more than one user are posting ads in the same time, it seems that everyone is writing on the same ad.
If me and other users are writing ads as anonymous user in the same time, i can see titles, description and photos that other users are writing in that moment.
Does someone know solutions?
Thank you!!

reptile83 likes this.
By meloniq - November 21, 2015

Issue has been fixed in 1.5 version. Please update plugin on your site.

5 stars
Anonymous Posting for ClassiPress
By -

Photo loaded for a long time, how to fix it?!

5 stars
5 Star: Must for websites using ClassiPress Theme
By -

I’m using it with Jibo Child theme (ClassiPress Parent Theme). I highly recommend everyone to use it, if willing to populate records to your classifieds website. Easier for outside users also. I have use it at – and I’m very happy with it.

5 stars
I have problems with this plugin in flatpress
By -

The plugin do not run in child theme flatpress?. Any help is welcome…

2 people like this.
1 star
Misleading descriptions of the Anonymous Plugin
By -

The user “Anonymous” can not delete their own ads after the item is sold . . .

Anonymous likes this.
By meloniq - November 21, 2015

Feature has been added in 1.4 version

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (92)

  • marcellino

    Do you have a demo?

    Anonymous likes this.
    • author

      No demo, that’s why bunch of screenshots is above.

      • troiko

        Hi meloniq,
        Your plugin is amazing and it works fine on my Classipress multisite apart from two minor issues that I need your help please.
        In my root domain everything works fine because is the website in English, but on my subdomains that are in three diferent languages( I´m having translation issues in the first email send to the poster like the eg bellow:

        Thank you for your recent submission! Your ad listing has been submitted for review and will not appear live on our site until it has been approved.
        Your Classificados grátis Team

        On ‘wp-content/plugins/anonymous-posting-for-classipress/languages’ I already edited the language file and upload it again to the same place but nothing happents, also how can I do to add another two languages( Spanish and French)

        The second issue is with the admin email after posting and ad, and it is only happening on subdomains.
        I got the admin email translated like it should be but the link to edit the ad is missing, it´s just there the link to see the ad.
        this is a copy of the email:[/B]

        Caro Administrador,

        Anúncio aguardando aprovação no Classificados grátis.

        Detalhes do Anúncio
        Título: teste de anúncio
        Categorias: Carros
        Autor: anonymous


        Visualizar Anúncio:
        Editar Anúncio:



        Can you please give me some help?

  • marcellino

    What about preventing spam? A demo should be available to see how your plugin works and to take necessary measures against spam, a very serious problem.

  • sefaak

    Thanks for plugin.Very nice plugin

    Anonymous likes this.
  • anilkumarkanneboina

    how ad poster can manage his ads ?

    • author

      In current version of plugin anonymous user can’t manage his ads (edit,renew,delete) after posting, this is planned for future release.

  • vikas

    Hi, i have classipress 3.3 . so will it work with it? and if the plugin doesnt work with my site will you refund ?

    • author

      On ClassiPress 3.3, plugin will be missing ’emails filtering’ functionality as filters to emails in CP has been added later. Yes, you can ask AppThemes about refund.

  • marymatha

    Version 1.2 is not working for me. it stays on the catogory selection page and not moving to the next page for ad submission when Anonymous login. (updated to WP 3.9)

  • Sal

    Does this plugin work for paid ads or for free ads only? Thanks.

    • author

      Works with both, free & paid.

      • Sal

        ok great. So what I’m looking to do is reduce the number of steps it takes for visitors to create an ad. Bypassing the registration does help. I’m sure there is a way to capture at least the user’s email during the ad posting process? I have Advanced Custom Fields. Thanks.

        • author

          Yes, when anonymous user posting an ad, he need to fill additional email field, and if reCaptcha is enabled in CP, it is also displayed for him.

  • Sal

    Cool. Is there a demo site where we can see the plugin in action? Thanks.

  • xillent23

    If i install this plugin, is it possible for users to still make a users account or are all the ads going to be posted anonymous?

  • ivisionweb

    Hello: We will buy this. Just 2 points.

    1. Its easy translate message to customers? Are they pre made by you?
    2. Any issue with other plugins like Shareaholic or ShareThis or Captcha?

    Thank you,

    • author

      1. Yes, plugin support translations by WP native way with POT files
      2. No known conflicts

      Anonymous likes this.
  • bader

    Hi, I have download the plugin but there is email address field in posting steps for anonymous user?

    • author

      Yes, while posting an ad, anonymous user is asked to enter email address (so site owner, or some person interested in ad posted by him can contact owner)

      • bader

        Thanks for prompt respond. My question was Hi, I have download the plugin but there is NO email address field in posting steps for anonymous user? what can i do to activate this feature?

  • tritaya

    It is a pity 🙁 developer has disapeared.

  • amarjeetmalik

    Does this plugin ‘Anonymous Posting for ClassiPress’ works fine with Jibo Child Theme (ClassiPress).

    Amar (

    • author

      I haven’t tested it with the Jibo Child Theme, but it should works just fine.

      Anonymous likes this.
  • bdecko

    I would suggest putting a checkbox under email field, so user has to click it, so he knows he is posting as an anonymous user.

  • jasongeek

    Is there a way to make a screen (after pressing the Post an Ad button) that asks them if they want to register or post an ad anonymously. Also, clicking the Dashboard link give you a 404 page.

  • loststudios

    Any word on when you will be adding the ability for an anonymous user to manage (edit or delete) their listing? I see you mentioned adding that functionality back in April.

    This is standard for sites like craigslist. And it seems like a must have for anyone wanting to post an anonymous ad, or classifieds sites that don’t require users the hassle of registration and offer anonymous only ad posting.

    Any info is much appreciated!

  • kullawat

    I already have email field in my custom form .

    Anonymous Posting add to other email.

    For login user I got one email.
    but Anonymous user I got two email .

    Can I get rid of email field in Anonymous please.

  • raksmey

    Dear Developer,

    I would like to ask you one question and so need help.

    When the user visit site the click on Post an Ad. Then they select category for their product, but nothing happen more. How can I solve it?

    This is the website url :

    Thanks you so much.

    I am waiting to your replying.

    Best Regards,


  • mione

    Does this make *all* Ad Posters anonymous, or only give them the *option* to be anonymous?

    • author


      Anonymous likes this.
      • mione

        Sorry, one more question –Can the admin set it so that all ad posters are anonymous, rather than giving the user the option?

        • author

          You can disable registration on your site, so the only one option to post an ad will be as anonymous user.

          Anonymous likes this.
  • loststudios


    I’m having a problem with the Anonymous Posting plugin. After a user posts an ad, the email they receive has “Edit Ad:” but no link to the ad with the auth key.

    I’ll give you a rundown of my setup along with what I’ve tried as far as troubleshooting.

    I’m running ClassiPress v3.4 on WordPresss 4.1. I’ve disabled my child theme. Disabled all my plugins except Anonymous Posting. And I’m testing with a separate browser not logged in with a cleared cache.

    I have downloaded a fresh copy of Anonymous Posting from the AppThemes website and re-uploaded and activated it.

    In ClassiPress Settings > Listings, I have “Allow Ad Editing” checked and “Allow Ad Relisting” checked.

    In ClassiPress Pricing > General, I have “Charge for Listing Ads” unchecked. And for Pricing Model I have “Only Charge for Featured Ads” selected.

    In ClassiPress System Info > Advanced, I’ve Flushed the Entire ClassiPress Cache.

    I should mention, there is no problem submitting ads anonymously. The user is receiving an email but the “Edit Ad” field in the email is blank.

    One thing that’s probably important to mention… After a user completes the ad submission process, there is the message on last page stating the ad has been posted successfully (with a link to it). But up in the toolbar at the top shows that the user is now logged in. Cicking on the dashboard link next to “Log Out” DOES IN FACT bring the user to a page where they can edit or delete the listing. I just can’t seem to get the system to email the user a proper email with an ad management link.

    What I could be missing here? Any insight is very much appreciated!!!

  • ro24tv

    I think that is a lost if “anonymous plugin” does not create an effective account.
    I believe will be a good idea to create an account ending with a number and every time the person ads an ad with that email address, to be assigned automatically to the same account number. for exacmple: anonymous 007 (email: johnsmith@blabla.bla) and whenever johnsmith@blabla.bla will post an add will be automatically assigned to anonymous 007. Later, the anonymous 007 can edit his account whenever we would like to, and will able to change his username from anonymous 007 to any other (eg. johnsmith_thedaddy 😛 )

    In this way we are not loosing the contact with our possible customers.

    Sometimes is not about the new users, is about how you can keep the old ones.

    If you manage to do it, you will increase your sell for this plugin, and of course… you own me a beer. 😉 😛

  • loststudios

    This plugin appears to not have support. I’ve been waiting for a month after repeated requests in my thread in the support forum. :/

  • sreenubfa

    How to change Anonymous User name ?

  • sreenubfa

    How to Edit “Anonymous User Post” after Approved add ?

    • author

      After posting an Ad by anonymous user, to email address he provided is sent unique url by which he can manage his Ad.

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