Anonymous Posting for ClassiPress

Adds anonymous ad posting functionality to your ClassiPress site. Your users will no longer need to register on your site to post an ad.


  • Posting ads without creating account
  • Managing ads submitted from anonymous account (require ClassiPress 3.4+)
  • Automatic login to Anonymous user account when accessing ‘Post an Ad’ page
  • Automatic logout Anonymous user when he quit ‘Post an Ad’ page
  • Additional ‘Email’ field (required) in Ad submission form
  • reCaptcha anti-spam verification in Ad submission form
  • Delivering emails from Ad contact form to email address specified while posting an ad
  • Delivering other emails like: Ad awaiting review, Ad approved, Ad expired, Receipt for order

Note: reCaptcha will be added to Ad submission form when it’s enabled in “ClassiPress->Settings->Security tab”.

9 people like this.

What themes does this work with?

The Anonymous Posting plugin will work only with ClassiPress theme.

To install, simply upload the plugin via the WordPress Administrator Panel. Or extract the plugin’s files and manually upload via FTP.

Once activated, logout, and test anonymous ad posting functionality.

Note: This plugin will automatically error and deactivate itself if the current theme is not supported. Simply reactivate the plugin through the Manage Plugins page once a support theme has been selected.

Please visit the dedicated support forum.

Version 1.6

  • Fixed issue with reCaptcha v2 support added in ClassiPress 3.5.2

Version 1.5

  • Fixed issue where plugin deactivates itself when using multisite and different theme
  • Fixed issue with sharing draft posts between multiple users logged in as anonymous

Version 1.4

  • Fixed issue with anonymous user not being auto logout when accessing wp-admin
  • Added compatibility with ClassiPress 3.4
  • Added ability to manage ad listings submitted from anonymous account (require ClassiPress 3.4+)

Version 1.3

  • Added ability to override email field in submission form for anonymous user by using ‘APP_APC_ANONYMOUS_EMAIL’ constant
  • Fixed potential issue with auto logout of anonymous user when page contain references to not existent files

Version 1.2

  • Fixed uploading images by anonymous user
  • Fixed possible issue with anonymous user logout when browser prefetch other pages

Version 1.1

  • Added reCaptcha anti-spam into submission form for anonymous user
  • Fixed issue where email field was displayed for non anonymous user
  • Fixed detecting updates by AppThemes Updater plugin

Version 1.0

  • Initial release

11 reviews of “Anonymous Posting for ClassiPress

5 stars
Wrong email saving
By -

Hi, can you tell me why the user’s email saved in my dashboard is not the one previously filled in in the submit form ? It is always Do I need to use the email confirmation plugin ?

Used on Classipress 4.1.5

Thanks for your feed-back,

5 stars
Repeat the Form
By -

This plugin completes the form for the notices twice and also allows a single photo. Please, I need the solutions.

Este plugin hace completar 2 veces el formulario para los avisos y tambien permite una solo foto.

0.5 stars
absolutely SHIT
By -

please give me back my money… it doesn’t work, I can’t see it in my dashboard I have the latest version of classipress theme.

pachtakor likes this.
5 stars
By -

recaptcha ne fonctionne plus, does not work anymore

By meloniq - December 16, 2015

@vivakodo Issue with reCaptcha has been fixed, please update plugin.

0.5 stars
He responds after 6 months
By -

He responds after 6 months

3 stars
Work needs to be done to fix the following
By -

1. Let every poster have their like ‘own account’, in the current version, only one poster can post at a given time, otherwise records filled in mix.
2. let the user at least give just the name

its a nice plugin thou

By meloniq - November 21, 2015

Issue has been fixed in 1.5 version. Please update plugin on your site.

5 stars
Problem with "Anonymous Posting for ClassiPress".
By -

Hi all, i have a problem with this plugin.
I’m using this plugin in my ClassiPress website, but it works well when only one user is posting an ad. When more than one user are posting ads in the same time, it seems that everyone is writing on the same ad.
If me and other users are writing ads as anonymous user in the same time, i can see titles, description and photos that other users are writing in that moment.
Does someone know solutions?
Thank you!!

reptile83 likes this.
By meloniq - November 21, 2015

Issue has been fixed in 1.5 version. Please update plugin on your site.

5 stars
Anonymous Posting for ClassiPress
By -

Photo loaded for a long time, how to fix it?!

5 stars
5 Star: Must for websites using ClassiPress Theme
By -

I’m using it with Jibo Child theme (ClassiPress Parent Theme). I highly recommend everyone to use it, if willing to populate records to your classifieds website. Easier for outside users also. I have use it at – and I’m very happy with it.

5 stars
I have problems with this plugin in flatpress
By -

The plugin do not run in child theme flatpress?. Any help is welcome…

2 people like this.
1 star
Misleading descriptions of the Anonymous Plugin
By -

The user “Anonymous” can not delete their own ads after the item is sold . . .

Anonymous likes this.
By meloniq - November 21, 2015

Feature has been added in 1.4 version

You need to purchase this item before reviewing it.
(Just bought it? Log out and back in to enable reviews.)

 Comments (92)

  • Andrea

    Hi all, i have a problem with this plugin.

    I’m using this plugin in my ClassiPress website, but it works well when only one user is posting an ad. When more than one user are posting ads in the same time, it seems that everyone is writing on the same ad.

    If me and other users are writing ads as anonymous user in the same time, i can see titles, description and photos that other users are writing in that moment.

    Does someone know solutions?

    Thank you!!!

  • franco

    Anonimus plugin: allows you to place ads without registration: (fine) But problem:
      you can make an announcement including making a false, E-mail, and the ad is inserted without problems.
    You could solve by sending an email to put where Ciccare to confirm the announcement
    As for user registration.
    Or create a recording during insertion ad, where it can be
    Enter your user name, E mail, pasword (the pasword will remain tied to the mail)
    everything will have to be confirmed (by clicking inside the ink confirmation) in the e mail address. That comes at entered during ad placement.

    Plugin anonimus:permette di inserire annunci senza registrarsi: (va bene) Ma problema:
    si può fare un annuncio anche mettendo una falsa,E-mail, e l’annuncio viene inserito senza problemi.
    Si potrebbe risolvere,inviando una mail all’indirizzo messo dove ciccare per confermare l’annuncio
    Come per la registrazione utente.
    Oppure creare una registrazione in fase di inserimento annuncio, dove si possa
    Inserire nome utente, E mail, pasword (la pasword rimarrà legata alla mail,)
    il tutto dovrà essere confermato (ciccando dentro al ink di conferma ) contenuto nella e mail. Che arriva all’indirizzo inserito in fase inserimento annuncio.

    Anonymous likes this.
    • author

      Please note that ClassiPress has built-in moderation feature. Please enable it to review each Ad posted by users.

  • author

    @andrewpisanu please visit “Purchases” page and download it if it do not update automatically:

  • sreenubfa

    Hi After updated WordPress 4.4 & Classipress 5.2 Your Plugin Recaptcha not displaying please update…Asap

  • sreenubfa

    Hi meloniq, Currently this is working fine. But i suggestion can u add this features ?

    This plugin Minus Points.
    1) This woks 1 single user account “Anonymous ” user. All ads posted this account only. unexpected Anonymous lost account.

    Eg. : One user First time posted his ads Anonymous account. After how to change general account ? this feature is not available in this plugin. So i am a site owner i lost 1 user account.

    My Suggestion (Next update):
    Please add Username & Email mandatory. With using email, username when user post new ad automatically create new user account. Then also ads live.

    Anonymous plugin just usages without registration ad posting this is useful. Then Every user automatically created different accounts. With using Email & User name based personal account.

    My Problem is i recently using classionline plugin installed. Then any 1 single user Anonymous posting time All Anonymous ads showing online blinking. But there is 1 user online not all ? this is main pont.

    So Please can u update Next Asap very important & useful all classipress users. I have used others classifieds websites works posting time username & email based account automatically created after adposting. then successfully ad post & account creation at one time.


  • mckolt

    I would like to buy this plugin. I have one question before. It’s important for me to show user before choose posting ads as Anonymous that later he will have no feature like renew ads or more feature like registered account.

    For example after choose post an ad there will be page with two big square buttons (this page will show only when user is not logged in)
    1 – post as Anonymous – under is explanation what does it mean
    2 – post as registered user – under is explanation what does it mean after click registration for will appear

    Is it possible to do with this plugin? If not Is it hart to add feature like this to this plugin?

    Thank you!

    • author

      Yes, that splash screen is possible to add (please note this feature is not planned for plugin), probably the easiest would be to use additional cookie to recognize if it was already shown to the user, the hardest part probably is creating a page (or popup) with side by side compare, where are pointed all benefits and disadvantages.

      P.S. Edit, Delete, and Renew actions are available for ads that has been created from anonymous account – user just have to use unique URLs that has been sent to him in email.

      • mckolt

        Thank you for answer.
        So it’s not possible with current version of this plugin and it’s not planned. It’s a pity. My goal is to have as much as possible registered users, in the last resort let them post as Anonymous.

  • aggeliaki

    hi.i bought your plugin but i have an issue.
    whenever i try to post an ad,it doesnt go to next step when i click the button.
    if i am already registered,them there is no problem.but if not,then i cannot post an ad……
    can you help me?

  • jimotte

    I like your plug in as many users do not have an email to be registered- but I have 2 questions:
    1. Why is an email field put in the create ad page and is obligatory- as often they may not have an email address (instead a mobile phone number)- can that field be made as optional (and how, if so)?
    2. Can the text ‘Email Address’ be changed to other language- as rest of site is in pt_BR but this string shows up in English- the ClassiPress and WP lang packs do not catch that text?


  • fyutk707

    1. Can I make anonymous user or anonymous user 1, anonymous user 2, anonymous user 3 and so on, to avoid all the ads from all anonymous user .
    2. How and where to rename or translate the anonymous user in Russian, I translated everything but anonymous user is not translated and is displayed always in English. Thank you!

    • author

      re.1. No, this plugin works with single Anonymous account.

      re.2. Please go to “wp-admin” area, “Users” page, find Anonymous user, and edit his name.

  • elmahdi


    I’ve just bought this pluging and i would like to know how i have to proceed to translate from english to french for example? Which file i have to modified.


  • elmahdi

    ok, thank you. It’s ok now.


  • elmahdi

    Sorry, i’ve just noticed a problem and hope there is a solution.

    With this plugin, if there are 2 (or more) different users which they enter ads..and if i click of one of their ads and go on the right sidbar at ‘Poster’ to get information about this user, i see all the ads of the differents users (and not the only ads of this specific user).


  • awaismirza83

    Is it possible for guest user to post AD from front end and after AD submit admin will approve this AD then it will be displayed in front end.????
    using this plugin
    this is my website

    • author

      Hi @awaismirza83,
      Yes, that’s the intention of this plugin, to allow guests posting an ads without having account on your website. If you have the option “Moderate Ads” enabled (ClassiPress –> Settings –> Listings tab), then all ads will need to be approved by the administrator before publishing.

  • altaens


    Currently, whenever someone wants to publish an ad, they are asked to log in first (if not already logged in). The plugin allows the user to enter the details of the ad first and only when he tries to publish the ad at the last step he / she is asked to register (email + password ).

    The plugin is up to date with the latest version of wordpress and classipress?


  • shopcenter

    recaptcha not showing on the latest classipress. Please help

  • tassonfl

    Hi, work with the last version of wordpress and Classipress? I see the last update for this plugin is dec 16 2005 (!) Thank you

  • adexpo_it

    Hello Meloniq,
    this plugin is compatible with the latest versions of WordPress 4.9.1 and ClassiPress 3.6.1 ?

    I also wanted to ask if there is a demo of the plugin (or an example site of someone who bought it) to see it running.

    Many thanks.

  • clasificados

    Repeat the Form

    This plugin completes the form for the notices twice and also allows a single photo. Please, I need the solutions.


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