Ads Auto Re-Lister

Set your ClassiPress website to auto pilot mode! This plugin will re-list a random ad on home page every 5 minutes as a default value with an option to adjust how often you want that re-listing to accrue, you can also filter the re-listed ads by including/excluding usernames , including/excluding ads (by ID) or limiting the plugin to “featured ads” only.

This plugin is a perfect solution for low activity websites and it’s also a good thing to have for high activity websites as it will keep rolling your ads content by posting a random ad on the top of your home page as if it was just added now with no action required from you, your returned visitors will have a good impression about your website and I have also noticed a better SEO ranking after enabling this plugin.

Please don’t set the timer to less than “1 minute” even when you are just testing the plugin as some WordPress installations may prevent the plugin functionalities if the schedule is too short.

6 people like this.

Does this plugin re-list expired Ads

No, It won’t re-list the expired ads.

Does this plugin re-list ads marked as “Sold”

No, It won’t re-list the sold ads.

Does this plugin renew the expiry date of the re-listed ads?

No, It will just re-list the ad without touching the expiry date value.

Is this plugin compatible with child themes?

Yes, it’s supporting all child themes.

Is it only working with ClassiPress?

Yes, at the moment, it’s only supporting all versions of ClassiPress theme installed on any version of WordPress.

  • Download the Plugin zip file.
  • Open WP Admin dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload.
  • Upload and activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
  • You can find the plugin “Settings Page” under the main “Settings” menu inside your WP dashboard.

Product support will be provided via this email address:

1.1.4 – 03/Nov/2017

  • Compatibilities Fixes.

1.1.3 – 13/Feb/2016

  • 1 Bug fixed for some sensitive web hosting configurations.

1.1.2 – 08/Feb/2016

  • New intervals options added (seconds,minutes and hours).
  • New option added to filter the re-listed Ads by including/excluding usernames.
  • New option added to filter the re-listed Ads by including/excluding Ads (ID’s).
  • Minor bug fixed to clean the previous schedules after saving the new setting – no need to disable/enable the plugin anymore :).

1.1.1 – 05/Feb/2016

  • Minor bug fixed to prevent re-listing sold items.

1.1.0 – 09/Dec/2015

  • New option added to limit re-listed Ads for certain users only.
  • New option added to re-list featured Ads only.
  • New option added to Activate/Deactivate the plugin from inside the plugin setting page (deactivated by default) so you can set the necessary setting before you start it.

1.0.0 – 20/Nov/2015

  • First version released.

4 reviews of “Ads Auto Re-Lister

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 Comments (107)

  • weiching


    Please add: re-list by date.

    Only random does not meet my needs.

  • author


    This option will affect the web hosting resources, so it needs some more extensive research.

  • weiching

    Please find the best of both worlds approach, I have been waiting for this.

  • davidwoolf

    I upgraded to Classiperss 3.5.6 and the Auto Re-Lister has stopped working. It may be caused by something else, not sure. Can you help? I need it urgently. Can’t survive without it.

  • author


    Can you please email me the error_log file located under Public_HTML to investigate the issue.

  • davidwoolf

    sorry, I cannot file the error_log nor can I find the Public_HTML.

    Can you give me some instructions where to find this?

    Your plugin was working well until the last few days I wonder what happened.

    I installed new Classipress version on 2 sites, on one of them the plugin is still working.

    On that site, the setting under “customize, site, JS” has been disabled.

    Do you think this can be related?

    I don’t want to do it because I am afraid it may impact other things…


    have you tested your plugin on the newest Classipress release?

  • davidwoolf

    Hi Zaidrix, any news please?

  • author

    Hi David,

    Do you have the latest “Ads Auto Re-Lister 1.1.3” installed? The plugin should work on the latest ClassiPress version, also it won’t be affected with JS settings.

    Can I know your web hosting provider? I guess they are using Cpanel ? if you can go to “File Manager” then public_html -> error_log .. this is the file I will need.

  • davidwoolf

    Hi Zaidrix,

    Yes, I am using version 1.1.3
    My sites are hosted with Godaddy. On a special hosting plan called “managed wordpress”.
    They do NOT have error logs.

    Your plugin is installed on 3 of my sites. Several days ago, one of the sites stopped working.
    Other 2 were still working fine.
    Today I upgraded all sites to the latest Classipress and Childthemes.
    Another one stopped working.
    Left with one working site.

    So, I said, it has to be a plugin conflict.

    Just spend a long time activating and deactivating plugins, to make the 2 sites that are NOT working, make them have the EXACT same plugins of the site that IS working.

    No success.

    I currently have 3 sites running on the same Classipress, same Childtheme, same VERSIONS, with the SAME plugins.

    1 is working, the other 2 are not.

    Let me know if you have any more suggestions.

    Many thanks.

  • author

    Hi David,

    This is really weird issue, but just to make sure can you double check the settings inside the plugin page?

    Also another thing to check if the plugin is working or not… please go to

    ClassiPress -> System Info -> Cron

    Do you see this “auto_relister” in the list?

  • davidwoolf

    Hi Zaidrix,

    Yes, I can see the “auto_relister” in the cron tab in info system.

    Settings are good. “activate”, then “exclude”(empty fields) and featured ads un-checked.

    I also deleted the plugin and re-installed.

    Stopped working.

    All 3 sites are hosted on the same set of servers at Godaddy, so I doubt it is a server issue.

    In addition, it was working, then stopped suddenly.

    Now that I got used to this FANTASTIC plugin, it is hard without it!

  • author

    Hi David,

    There must be a way to get the PHP error_log file on Godaddy, I really need this file to see why this issue is happening while the plugin is on.

    Does this link help?

  • davidwoolf

    that link does not help because I think hosting is on Apache.

    I called Godaddy support yesterday as I was not able to find an error_log, and they told me they do NOT have error logs.

    They did email me a link that is supposed to help me create an error _log in the dashboard, but it is too complicated for me:

    Can you offer your email address or private message me, maybe you can take a look?

  • davidwoolf

    Good news! Good news! Problem solved!

    This FANTASTIC plugin is working again!

    It has a conflict with one of my other plugins, because upon turning off all other plugins, it started working again.

    So happy to have this thing working again!!!!

    If you haven’t purchased this plugin yet….what are you waiting for? It is a MUST!

    Thank you Zaidrix for your TRUE loyal support and all our email communications, I really appreciate it!

  • author


    Glad to hear that … I really appreciate your comment here!

    You’re welcome anytime.

    Anonymous likes this.
  • fabiocaroli

    hi i bough now auto relister but impossible to upload,,which kind of file i have to choose? is just for mac?

  • fabiocaroli

    Il pacchetto non può essere installato. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

  • author

    Hi fabiocaroli,

    You should be able to upload the ZIP file directly to your wordpress … can you please send me the file you have got to this email please

  • Alexis

    I’m using this plugin and it works Rea good for me by it self, I’m using an extra plugin to automatically post my ads on the website Facebook page, the only problem is that it doesn’t post the ads that are being relisted, is there a way around this, I would love to repost those ads on Facebook too

  • author

    Hi Alexis,

    Yes there is, you don’t need a plugin to post to facebook, you can use for free and use this recipe (rss -> facebook page) … and all the relisted ads will be posted on your facebook page automatically.

  • madness

    hello zaidrix,

    i like your plugin, thank you, it´s works perfect on single wordpress sites.

    In WordPressMU (Multiblogs) Ads Auto Re-Lister doesn´t work. Can you help me, please?

    Best regards

  • author


    Please contact me on my support email to see how I can help you.

    • aj2703

      Do you plan to do this for any other themes..? Vantage and Jobroller would benefit well as I use a similar plugin but it’s not well supported.

  • author

    Hello aj,

    Unfortunately this is not planned at the moment.

  • badmaash

    Do the ads still expire?

    So if an ad is suppose to expire in 30 days and everyday it is re-listed by your add-on will it ever expire?

  • author

    Hi badmaash

    The plugin won’t touch the ads expiry date value and it will not re-list the expired ads.

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